All Classes and Interfaces
An ad-hoc command is responsible for executing the provided service and
storing the result of the execution.
A convenience class which implements those methods of BufferedImageOp which are rarely changed.
Abstract parent for Req and Resp IQ packets.
Representation of Base64 element.
AbstractHttpOverXmpp.Builder<B extends AbstractHttpOverXmpp.Builder<B,C>,C extends AbstractHttpOverXmpp>
A builder for XMPP connection configurations.
Representation of ChunkedBase64 element.
Representation of Data element.
Representation of Ibb element.
Representation of Text element.
Representation of Xml element.
Abstract parent for Req and Resp stanza providers.
An exception class to provide additional information in case of exceptions during file uploading.
Exception thrown when http response returned after upload is not 200.
Exception thrown when an unexpected exception occurred during the upload.
Convenience class to create IQ requests handlers.
Base class for XMPP address type filters.
Provides empty implementations for
.AbstractSingleStringValueFormField.Builder<F extends SingleValueFormField,B extends SingleValueFormField.Builder<F,B>>
AbstractStreamOpen is actually a
, however we
implement Nonza
here.This abstract class is commonly used as super class for XMPP connection mechanisms like TCP and BOSH.
A wrapper class to associate a stanza filter with a listener.
This enumeration represents the access models for the PubSub node
as defined in the PubSub specification section 16.4.3.
Allows creation and management of accounts on an XMPP server.
Acknowledged extension provider class (XEP-0333).
Represents a ad-hoc command invoked on a remote entity.
Represents the state and the request of the execution of an adhoc command.
The status of the stage in the adhoc command.
The AdHocCommandDataProvider parses AdHocCommandData packets.
Represents a command that can be executed locally from a remote location.
A factory for creating ad-hoc command handlers.
An AdHocCommandManager is responsible for keeping the list of available
commands offered by a service and for processing commands requests.
Notes can be added to a command execution response.
Represents a note type.
Represents an affiliation of a user to a given room.
Represents a affiliation between a user and a node, where the
the type of affiliation.Parses the affiliation element out of the reply stanza from the server
as specified in the affiliation schema.
Represents the affiliations element of the reply to a request for affiliations.
Parses the affiliations element out of the reply stanza from the server
as specified in the affiliation schema.
Interface that marks elements that may be used as affix elements inside a
.Affix element that is identified by element name and namespace.
Abstract class that needs to be extended by provider classes that parse out affix extension elements.
class is used to represent one agent in a Workgroup Queue.IQ provider used to retrieve individual agent information.
Stanza extension provider for AgentHistory packets.
Represents one chat session for an agent.
IQ stanza for retrieving and changing the Agent personal information.
An IQProvider for AgentInfo packets.
Manges information about the agents in a workgroup and their presence.
Agent roster listener.
This class embodies the agent's active presence within a given workgroup.
Agent status packet.
Represents information about a Chat where this Agent is participating.
Stanza extension provider for AgentStatus packets.
Agent status request packet.
Stanza extension provider for AgentStatusRequest packets.
Represents a request for getting the jid of the workgroups where an agent can work or could
represent the result of such request which will contain the list of workgroups JIDs where the
agent can work.
An IQProvider for AgentWorkgroups packets.
Value for amp deliver condition as defined by XEP-0079.
amp action attribute.
Interface for defining XEP-0079 Conditions and their values.
XEP-0079 Rule element.
amp notification status as defined by XEP-0079.
Manages AMP stanzas within messages.
match-resource amp condition value as defined by XEP-0079.
Implements the logical AND operation over two or more stanza filters.
A Base 64 encoding implementation based on android.util.Base64.
An URL-safe Base64 encoder.
Very simple debugger that prints to the android log the sent and received stanzas.
This class initialized Smack for you on Android.
Like ArrayBlockingQueue but with additional
and ArrayBlockingQueueWithShutdown.start()
, but allows the runOrThrow()
method to throw an exception.Helper class to perform an operation asynchronous but keeping the order in respect to a given key.
A PacketExtension that implements XEP-0224: Attention
This extension is expected to be added to message stanzas of type 'headline.'
Please refer to the XEP for more implementation guidelines.
for the AttentionExtension
.An Easy to use Audio Channel implemented using JMF.
Audio Format Utils.
This Class implements a complete JingleMediaSession.
This Class implements a complete JingleMediaSession.
This class implements receive methods and listeners to be used in AudioChannel.
Base32 string encoding is useful for when filenames case-insensitive filesystems are encoded.
Stanza extension for base64 binary chunks.
Stanza provider for base64 binary chunks.
Basic Resolver takes all IP addresses of the interfaces and uses the
first non-loopback address.
A Basic Jingle Transport Manager implementation.
IQ stanza used by Smack to bind a resource and to obtain the jid assigned by the server.
Block contact IQ class.
Block contact IQ provider class.
Blocked error extension class.
Blocked error extension class.
Block communications with contacts and other entities using XEP-0191.
Block list IQ class.
Block list IQ provider class.
Bits of Binary data class.
Bits of Binary data extension element.
Bits of Binary IQ class.
Bits of Binary IQ provider class.
Bits of Binary manager class.
Represents a Conference Room bookmarked on the server using XEP-0048 Bookmark Storage XEP.
Represents one instance of a URL defined using XEP-0048 Bookmark Storage XEP.
Provides methods to manage bookmarks in accordance with XEP-0048.
Bookmarks is used for storing and retrieving URLS and Conference rooms.
The IQ Provider for BookmarkStorage.
Configuration to use while establishing the connection to the XMPP server via
HTTP binding.
Bridged Resolver use a RTPBridge Service to add a relayed candidate.
A Jingle Transport Manager implementation to be used for NAT Networks.
This callback is used to get the current value of the period in which Smack does bundle and defer
outgoing stanzas.
A stanza representing part of a SOCKS5 Bytestream negotiation.
The stanza sent by the stream initiator to the stream proxy to activate the connection.
The stream can be either a TCP stream or a UDP stream.
Stanza extension that represents a potential SOCKS5 proxy for the file transfer.
After selected a SOCKS5 stream host and successfully connecting, the target of the file
transfer returns a byte stream stanza with the stream host used extension.
BytestreamListener are notified if a remote user wants to initiate a bytestream.
BytestreamManager provides a generic interface for bytestream managers.
BytestreamRequest provides an interface to handle incoming bytestream requests.
BytestreamSession provides an interface for established bytestream sessions.
Parses a bytestream packet.
This class implements the Proxy Pattern in order to wrap an OmemoStore with a caching layer.
Exception gets thrown when we are unable to establish a session with a device for some reason.
A XEP-0115 Entity Capabilities extension.
Carbon IQs.
Stanza extension for XEP-0280: Message Carbons.
Defines the direction of a
message.Stanza extension indicating that a message may not be carbon-copied.
Manager for XEP-0280: Message Carbons.
This class implements the
to parse
carbon copied messages from a packet.Deprecated.
from smack-extensions
instead.A chat manager for 1:1 XMPP instant messaging chats.
Defines the different modes under which a match will be attempted with an existing chat when
the incoming message does not have a thread id.
A listener for chat related events.
Chat Markers elements (XEP-0333).
Acknowledged extension class.
Displayed extension class.
Markable extension class.
Received extension class.
Chat Markers Manager class (XEP-0333).
Chat Markers Manager class (XEP-0333).
Chat Markers Manager class (XEP-0333).
Chat Markers elements (XEP-0333).
An IQProvider for Metadata packets.
IQ stanza for retrieving and adding Chat Notes.
An IQProvider for ChatNotes packets.
Stanza extension provider for AgentStatusRequest packets.
Represents the current state of a users interaction with another user.
Represents a chat state which is an extension to message packets which is used to indicate
the current status of a chat participant.
Events for when the state of a user in a chat changes.
Handles chat state for all chats on a particular XMPPConnection.
Checksum element.
Provider for the Checksum element.
This enumeration represents the children association policy for associating leaf nodes
with collection nodes as defined in the PubSub specification section 16.4.3.
Encapsulate Cipher and AuthTag.
Bundles a decrypted ciphertext together with information about the message type.
Extends a
with WeakReference
values, so that
weak references which have been cleared are periodically removed from
the map.Client State Indication.
Manager for Client State Indication.
Represents a request to close an In-Band Bytestream.
Parses a close In-Band Bytestream packet.
Parses the node configuration element out of the message event stanza from
the server as specified in the configuration schema.
Represents the configuration element of a PubSub message event which
associates a configuration form to the node which was configured.
This enumeration represents all the fields of a node configuration form.
The connection configuration used for XMPP client-to-server connections.
ConnectionConfiguration.Builder<B extends ConnectionConfiguration.Builder<B,C>,C extends ConnectionConfiguration>
A builder for XMPP connection configurations.
Determines the requested DNSSEC security mode.
An enumeration for TLS security modes that are available when making a connection
to the XMPP server.
Implementors of this interface will be notified when a new
has been created.Interface that allows for implementing classes to listen for connection closing
and reconnection events.
Smack API for Consistent Color Generation (XEP-0392).
Very simple debugger that prints to the console (stdout) the sent and received stanzas.
Extension element that holds the payload element, as well as a list of affix elements.
Content-ID class.
Content info.
Audio content info messages.
Content negotiator.
Exception gets thrown, when an invalid key is encountered.
Interface used to dispatch an event when a Jingle session is created.
This class describes an OpenPGP content element which is encrypted, but not signed.
implementation for the CryptElement
.Exception gets thrown when some cryptographic function failed.
Represents a chunk of data sent over an In-Band Bytestream encapsulated in an
IQ stanza.
Represents a form that could be use for gathering data as well as for reporting data
returned from a search.
Represents items of reported data.
Represents the fields that will be returned from a search.
The DataFormProvider parses DataForm packets.
Listener for datagram packets received.
DataLayout Extension according to XEP-0141: Data Forms Layout.
Extension Provider for Page layout of forms.
Represents a chunk of data of an In-Band Bytestream within an IQ stanza or a
message stanza.
Parses an In-Band Bytestream data stanza which can be a stanza extension of
either an IQ stanza or a message stanza.
Extension Provider for Data validation of forms.
Implements a default PNG decoder.
Implements a default PNG Encoder.
Default implementation of the MessageEventRequestListener interface.
Default implementation of the PrivateData interface.
Filters stanza with delay information, i.e.
Represents timestamp information about data stored for later delivery.
Delayed Delivery (XEP-203).
The DelayInformationProvider parses DelayInformation packets.
Represents a message delivery receipt entry as specified by
Message Delivery Receipts.
This Provider parses and returns DeliveryReceipt packets.
Manager for XEP-0184: Message Delivery Receipts.
Specifies when incoming message delivery receipt requests should be automatically
acknowledged with an receipt.
Represents a message delivery receipt request entry as specified by
Message Delivery Receipts.
This Provider parses and returns DeliveryReceiptRequest packets.
A IQ stanza used to depart a workgroup queue.
Represents a request to the server to destroy a room.
Smacks API for XEP-0249: Direct MUC Invitations.
Stores roster entries as specified by RFC 6121 for roster versioning
in a set of files.
Disable Push Notifications IQ.
A DiscoverInfo IQ packet, which is used by XMPP clients to request and receive information
to/from other XMPP entities.
Represents the features offered by the item.
Represents the identity of a given XMPP entity.
The DiscoverInfoProvider parses Service Discovery information packets.
A DiscoverItems IQ packet, which is used by XMPP clients to request and receive items
associated with XMPP entities.
An item is associated with an XMPP Entity, usually thought of a children of the parent
entity and normally are addressable as a JID.
The DiscoverInfoProvider parses Service Discovery items packets.
instead.Displayed extension provider class (XEP-0333).
This implementation uses the dnsjava implementation for resolving DNS addresses.
Implementations of this interface define a class that is capable of resolving DNS addresses.
Utility class to perform DNS lookups for XMPP services.
Interface to represent a XML element.
Chat Markers Manager class (XEP-0333).
This class simplifies parsing of embedded elements by using the
Template Method Pattern.
This interface defines
implementations that contain other
extensions.Enable Push Notifications IQ.
Abstract class that bundles functionality of encrypted OpenPGP content elements (
) together.The EnhancedDebugger is a debugger that allows to debug sent, received and interpreted messages
but also provides the ability to send ad-hoc messages composed by the user.
The EnhancedDebuggerWindow is the main debug window that will show all the EnhancedDebuggers.
Manages own and others Entity Capabilities (XEP-0115).
An XMPP error IQ.
Represents the top level element of a PubSub event extension.
This enumeration defines the possible event types that are supported within PubSub
event messages.
Filter for stanzas with the PubSub 'event' extension.
The event manager class is used to perform actions and wait for an event, which is usually caused by the action (or maybe never occurs).
Parses the event element out of the message stanza from
the server as specified in the event schema.
instead.Simple parsing exception callback that only logs the encountered parsing exception to java util logging.
Parsing exception callback class that simply throws the encountered parsing exception.
but additionally logs a warning message.Initializes the providers in the experimental code stream.
Interface to represent XMPP extension elements.
An abstract class for parsing custom extensions elements.
Defines the information required to register a stanza extension Provider with the
when using the
.Initializes the providers in the experimental code stream.
Child element of
.Smacks API for XEP-0428: Fallback Indication.
Message Fastening container element.
Utility class for Features.
Like a rocket!
Implementation of the
class that uses plain files for storage.This class represents the directory structure of the FileBasedOmemoStore.
This class is an implementation of the
, which stores keys in a file structure.Implementation of the
, which stores metadata information in a file structure.Implementation of the
which stores all information in a directory structure.Implementation of the
which stores information in a directory structure.File metadata element as defined in XEP-0446: File Metadata Element.
File Too Large error extension.
Provider for File Too Large error extension.
Contains the generic file information and progress related to a particular
file transfer.
A class to represent the current status of the file transfer.
File transfers can cause several events to be raised.
The file transfer manager class handles the sending and receiving of files.
Manages the negotiation of file transfers according to XEP-0096.
A request to send a file received from another user.
The FixedResolver is a resolver where
the external address and port are previously known when the object is
A Fixed Jingle Transport Manager implementation.
Filters for stanzas of a particular type and allows a custom method to further filter the packets.
Represents a field of a form.
Represents the available options of a
and ListMultiFormField
.Form Field Types as defined in XEP-4 § 3.3.
Generic stanza extension which represents any PubSub form that is
parsed from the incoming stream or being sent out to the server.
Parses one of several elements used in PubSub that contain a form of some kind as a child element.
The types of forms supported by the PubSub specification.
Stanza extension for XEP-0297: Stanza Forwarding.
This class implements the
to parse
forwarded messages from a packet.Filter based on the 'from' XMPP address type.
Filter for packets where the "from" field exactly matches a specified JID.
Pair of jid and sessionId.
XMPP extension elements as used by Google's GCM Cloud Connection Server (XMPP).
Stanza extension provider for SoundSetting Packets.
A GeoLocation Extension packet, which is used by the XMPP clients to exchange their respective geographic locations.
This class defines a builder class for
.Entry point for Smacks API for XEP-0080: User Location.
Represents a request to subscribe to a node.
A group chat invitation stanza extension, which is used to invite other
users to a group chat room.
Represent a hash element.
Provider for HashElements.
Manager that can be used to determine support for hash functions.
Represents a Header entry as specified by the Stanza Headers and Internet Metadata (SHIM).
Parses the header element as defined in Stanza Headers and Internet Metadata (SHIM).
Extension representing a list of headers as specified in Stanza Headers and Internet Metadata (SHIM).
Parses the headers element as defined in Stanza Headers and Internet Metadata (SHIM).
Hosted rooms by a chat service may be discovered if they are configured to appear in the room
directory .
Manager for HTTP ove XMPP transport (XEP-0332) extension.
A manager for XEP-0363: HTTP File Upload.
The HTTP lookup method uses web host metadata to list the URIs of alternative connection methods.
Specifies a link relation for the selected type of connection.
Enum containing HTTP methods.
Represents Req IQ packet.
A configuration builder for HttpOverXmppReq.
Req stanza provider.
Represents Resp IQ packet.
A configuration builder for HttpOverXmppReq.
Resp stanza provider.
A very Simple HTTP Server.
The In-Band Bytestream file transfer method, or IBB for short, transfers the
file over the same XML Stream used by XMPP.
ICE Transport candidate.
ICE Resolver for Jingle transport method that results in sending data between two entities using the Interactive Connectivity Establishment (ICE) methodology.
Image Decoder Interface use this interface if you want to change the default decoder.
Image Encoder Interface use this interface if you want to change the default encoder.
UDP Image Receiver.
UDP Image Receiver.
InBandBytestreamListener are informed if a remote user wants to initiate an In-Band Bytestream.
The InBandBytestreamManager class handles establishing In-Band Bytestreams as specified in the XEP-0047.
Stanzas that can be used to encapsulate In-Band Bytestream data packets.
InBandBytestreamRequest class handles incoming In-Band Bytestream requests.
InBandBytestreamSession class represents an In-Band Bytestream session.
An incoming file transfer is created when the
method is invoked.An internet address, can be given as IP or as DNS name.
use a proper parser.
use a proper parser.
use a proper parser.
Exception that gets thrown if the backup code entered by the user is invalid.
A listener that is fired anytime an invitation to join a MUC room is received.
A listener that is fired anytime an invitee declines or rejects an invitation.
Request sent by an agent to invite another agent or user.
A manger for XEP-0325: Internet of Things - Control.
A manager for XEP-0323: Internet of Things - Sensor Data.
A manager for XEP-0347: Internet of Things - Discovery.
A manager for XEP-0324: Internet of Things - Provisioning.
The base IQ (Info/Query) packet.
A enum to represent the type of the IQ stanza.
An abstract class for parsing custom
packets.Defines the information required to register an IQ Provider with the
when using the
.Filters for packets which are a valid reply to an IQ request.
IQ request handler are responsible for handling incoming IQ requests.
A filter for IQ stanza types.
This class represents an item that has been, or will be published to a
PubSub node.
Represents an event in which items have been deleted from the node.
Defines the listener for item deletion events from a node.
Defines the listener for items being published to a node.
Parses an item element as is defined in both the
namespaces.Represents an event generated by an item(s) being published to a node.
These are the options for the node configuration setting
which defines who should receive replies to items.This class is used for multiple purposes.
Parses the items element out of the message event stanza from
the server as specified in the items schema.
A Base 64 encoding implementation.
A Base 64 encoding implementation that generates filename and Url safe encodings.
This class provides XMPP "zlib" compression with the help of the Deflater class of the Java API.
A DNS resolver (mostly for SRV records), which makes use of the API provided in the javax.* namespace.
The Jingle element.
An Jingle sub-packet, which is used by XMPP clients to exchange info like
descriptions and transports.
The "action" in the jingle packet, as an enum.
The "action" in the jingle packet, as an enum.
Jingle content element.
Jingle content.
Jingle content description.
Jingle content description.
Jingle audio description.
A payload type, contained in a descriptor.
Audio payload type element.
An element found usually in 'description' elements.
Parser for a Jingle description.
Jingle audio.
Jingle content info.
Transport part of a Jingle packet.
Busy jmf info.
Hold jmf info.
Mute jmf info.
Queued jmf info.
Ringing jmf info.
Jingle Audio jmf-info provider.
JingleDescription.Audio info provider.
Jingle <content> provider.
A jingle transport extension.
An element found usually in Jingle 'transport' elements.
Abstract JingleContentTransportInfo element.
Jingle content description.
Jingle audio description.
Parser for a Jingle description.
Jingle audio.
A Jingle exception.
File element.
Content of type File.
Manager for JingleFileTransfer (XEP-0234).
Provider for JingleContentDescriptionFileTransfer elements.
Transport Element for JingleInBandBytestream transports.
Manager for Jingle InBandBytestream transports (XEP-0261).
Parse JingleByteStreamTransport elements.
Jingle listeners interface.
Jingle is a session establishment protocol defined in (XEP-0166).
Interface for listening to jmf info events.
Interface for listening to jmf events.
This class provides necessary Jingle Session jmf methods and behavior.
Public Abstract Class provides a clear interface between Media Session and Jingle API.
Basic Jingle negotiator.
Jingle negotiator state.
The JingleProvider parses Jingle packets.
The Jingle 'reason' element.
Socks5Bytestream transport element.
TransportCandidate for Jingle Socks5Bytestream transports.
Class representing possible SOCKS5 TransportInfo elements.
Manager for Jingle SOCKS5 Bytestream transports (XEP-0261).
Provider for JingleSocks5BytestreamTransport elements.
Handler that handles Jingle Socks5Bytestream transports (XEP-0260).
An abstract Jingle session.
Interface for listening for session events.
A Jingle session request.
Interface to listener Jingle session requests.
Implement the Jingle Session state using the State Behavioral pattern.
A jingle transport extension.
RTP-ICE profile.
Candidate element in the transport.
Raw UDP profile.
Raw-udp transport candidate.
Callback for bytestream session creation of TransportManagers.
Interface for listening to transport events.
Manager for a JingleTransport method.
Transport manager for Jingle.
Manager where TransportMethods are registered.
Provider for a Jingle transport element.
RTP-ICE profile.
Raw UDP profile.
Util to quickly create and send jingle stanzas.
Properties provide an easy mechanism for clients to share data.
Implements a jingleMediaManager using JMF based API.
XMPP JSON Containers as defined in XEP-0335.
Very simple debugger that prints to the console (stdout) the sent and received stanzas.
A last activity IQ for retrieving information about the last activity associated with a Jabber ID.
The IQ Provider for LastActivity.
A last activity manager for handling information about the last activity
associated with a Jabber ID.
The main class for the majority of PubSub functionality.
The DelayInformationProvider parses DelayInformation packets.
insteadThis class is a very flexible event dispatcher which implements Runnable so that it can
dispatch easily from a newly created thread.
A handle of a listener, typically added to a connection.
The LiteDebugger is a very simple debugger that allows to debug sent, received and
interpreted messages.
Macro datamodel.
MacroGroup datamodel.
Macros iq is responsible for handling global and personal macros in the a Live Assistant
An IQProvider for Macro packets.
Factory that creates MAM objects.
MAM elements.
Always JID list element class for the MamPrefsIQ.
MAM result extension class.
Never JID list element class for the MamPrefsIQ.
MAM fin IQ class.
MAM Fin IQ Provider class.
A Manager for Message Archive Management (MAM, XEP-0313).
MAM preferences result class.
MAM Preferences IQ class.
MAM Preferences IQ Provider class.
MAM Query IQ class.
MAM Query IQ Provider class.
MAM result filter class.
MAM Result Provider class.
MAM versions supported by Smack.
Managers provide the high-level API of certain functionality (often standardized by XMPP Extension Protocols).
Markable extension provider class (XEP-0333).
Interface for block level child elements.
Interface for child elements.
Manager for jmf descriptor negotiation.
Listener for new Incoming Media Streams.
Represents XMPP message packets.
Represents a message body, its language and the content of the message.
Represents a message subject, its language and the content of the subject.
Represents the type of a message.
An Extension that implements XEP-0308: Last Message Correction
This extension is expected to be added to message stanzas.
A ExtensionElementProvider for the MessageCorrectExtension.
Represents message events relating to the delivery, display, composition and cancellation of
Manages message events requests and notifications.
A listener that is fired anytime a message event notification is received.
The MessageEventProvider parses Message Event packets.
A listener that is fired anytime a message event request is received.
Smacks API for XEP-0422: Message Fastening.
MessageOrPresenceBuilder<MP extends MessageOrPresence<? extends MessageOrPresenceBuilder<MP,SB>>,SB extends StanzaBuilder<SB>>
Smacks API for XEP-0424: Message Retraction.
Filters for packets of a specific type of Message (e.g.
Filters message stanzas which have at least one body.
Filters message stanzas which have at least one body.
Filters message stanzas which have at least one body.
MetaData stanza extension.
This provider parses meta data if it's not contained already in a larger extension provider.
Utility class for meta-data parsing and writing.
This implementation uses the MiniDNS implementation for
resolving DNS addresses.
Exception that gets thrown when an operation is missing an OpenPGP key.
This exception gets thrown, if the user tries to import a key of a user which is lacking a user-id with the users
The superclass of Smack's Modular Connection Architecture.
ModularXmppClientToServerConnectionModule<MD extends ModularXmppClientToServerConnectionModuleDescriptor>
Stanza extension provider for Monitor Packets.
Moods specified by XEP-0107: User Mood.
XEP-0107 can be extended with additional custom mood concretisations.
that contains the users mood.NamedElement
which represents the mood.Entry point for Smacks API for XEP-0107: User Mood.
IQ stanza that serves for kicking users, granting and revoking voice, banning users,
modifying the ban list, granting and revoking membership and granting and revoking
moderator privileges.
The MUCAdminProvider parses MUCAdmin packets.
XEP-0045: Multi-User-Chat - 5.2 Affiliations.
Autojoin bookmarked Multi-User Chat conferences.
Multi-User Chat configuration form manager is used to fill out and submit a
used to
configure rooms.The configuration used to enter a MUC room.
Represents extended presence information whose sole purpose is to signal the ability of
the occupant to speak the MUC protocol when joining a room.
The History class controls the number of characters or messages to receive
when entering a room.
Item child that holds information about roles, affiliation, jids and nicks.
MUCLight affiliations enum.
MUC Light Affiliations Change Provider class.
MUC Light affiliations response IQ class.
MUC Light affiliations IQ provider class.
MUC Light blocking IQ class.
MUC Light blocking IQ provider class.
MUCLight change affiliations IQ class.
MUC Light configuration response IQ class.
MUC Light configuration IQ provider class.
MUC Light configurations change provider class.
MUCLight create IQ class.
MUC Light destroy IQ class.
Affiliations change extension element class.
Blocking element class.
Configuration element class.
Configurations change extension element class.
Occupants element class.
User with affiliation element class.
MUC Light get affiliations IQ class.
MUC Light get configurations IQ class.
MUC Light get info IQ class.
MUC Light info response IQ class.
MUC Light info IQ provider class.
MUC Light room configuration class.
MUC Light room info class.
MUC Light set configurations IQ class.
IQ stanza that serves for granting and revoking ownership privileges, granting
and revoking administrative privileges and destroying a room.
The MUCOwnerProvider parses MUCOwner packets.
XEP-0045: Multi User Chat - 5.1 Roles.
Represents extended presence information about roles, affiliations, full JIDs,
or status codes scoped by the '' namespace.
Represents a rejection to an invitation from another user to a room.
Represents an invitation for another user to a room.
Status code assists in presenting notification messages.
The MUCUserProvider parses packets with extended presence information about
roles and affiliations.
A lightweight implementation of a MultiMap, that is a Map that is able to hold multiple values for every key.
Implements a MultiMediaManager using other JingleMediaManager implementations.
Stanza extension that contains the list of addresses that a stanza should be sent or was sent.
The MultipleAddressesProvider parses
packets.MultipleRecipientInfo keeps information about the multiple recipients extension included
in a received packet.
A MultipleRecipientManager allows to send packets to multiple recipients by making use of
XEP-33: Extended Stanza Addressing.
A MultiUserChat room (XEP-45), created with
.Thrown if the MUC room does not support the requested configuration option.
Thrown if the requested operation required the MUC to be joined by the
client, while the client is currently joined.
Thrown when trying to enter a MUC room that is not hosted a domain providing a MUC service.
MUCLight class.
Multi-User Chat Light manager class.
A manager for Multi-User Chat rooms.
Interface to represent a XML element.
A minimalistic implementation of a
for nicknames.This exception gets thrown in case the user tries to restore a secret key backup from PubSub, but no backup has been
A "no copy" hint.
This class translates low level item deletion events into api level objects for
user consumption.
This class translates low level item publication events into api level objects for
user consumption.
This class translates low level node configuration events into api level objects for
user consumption.
Defines the listener for a node being configured.
A class which represents a common element within the pubsub defined
The NodeInformationProvider is responsible for providing supported identities, features
and hosted items (i.e.
Defines the available types of nodes.
Utility for extracting information from packets.
A Nonza, i.e.
Exception that indicates, that a MUC does not support OMEMO.
A "no permanent store" hint.
Exception that gets thrown whenever a OmemoMessage arrives that no OmemoSession was found for to decrypt it.
A "no store" hint.
Implements the logical NOT operation on a stanza filter.
Specify the delivery style for event notifications.
An ObservableReader is a wrapper on a Reader that notifies to its listeners when
reading character streams.
An ObservableWriter is a wrapper on a Writer that notifies to its listeners when
writing to character streams.
Represents the information about an occupant in a given room.
Stanza used for requesting information about occupants of a room or for retrieving information
such information.
Stanza extension provider for AgentStatusRequest packets.
An image Quantizer based on the Octree algorithm.
A class embodying the semantic agent chat offer; specific instances allow the acceptance or
rejecting of the offer.
Type of content being included in the offer.
An interface which all classes interested in hearing about chat offers associated to a particular
AgentSession instance should implement.
An IQProvider for agent offer requests.
An IQProvider class which has savvy about the offer-revoke tag.
The OfflineMessageHeader holds header information of an offline message.
OfflineMessageInfo is an extension included in the retrieved offline messages requested by
.The OfflineMessageManager helps manage offline messages even before the user has sent an
available presence.
Represents a request to get some or all the offline messages of a user.
Item child that holds information about offline messages to view or delete.
Stanza extension provider for AgentStatusRequest packets.
Class that represents an OMEMO Bundle element.
OMEMO device bundle as described by the protocol.
Smack ExtensionProvider that parses OMEMO bundle element into OmemoBundleElement objects.
This class is used to represent device lists of contacts.
Internal listener for OMEMO encrypted carbon copies.
Contains OMEMO related configuration options.
Some constants related to OMEMO.
Information about the keys used for message encryption.
Class that combines a BareJid and a deviceId.
A OMEMO device list update containing the IDs of all active devices of a contact.
The OMEMO device list element with the legacy Axolotl namespace.
Smack ExtensionProvider that parses OMEMO device list element into OmemoDeviceListElement objects.
Class that represents an OmemoElement.
An OMEMO (PreKey)WhisperMessage element.
Header element of the message.
Initializer class that registers OMEMO providers.
Small class to collect key (byte[]), its id and whether its a preKey or not.
Class that is used to convert bytes to keys and vice versa.
Manager that allows sending messages encrypted with OMEMO.
Callback which can be used to get notified, when the OmemoManager finished initializing.
Guard class which ensures that the wrapped OmemoManager knows its BareJid.
Incoming OMEMO message.
Outgoing OMEMO message.
Class used to build OMEMO messages.
Listener interface that allows implementations to receive decrypted OMEMO messages.
Listener interface that allows implementations to receive decrypted OMEMO MUC messages.
This class contains OMEMO related logic and registers listeners etc.
Class that presents some methods that are used to load/generate/store keys and session data needed for OMEMO.
Smack ExtensionProvider that parses incoming OMEMO Message element into OmemoMessageElement objects.
Represents a request to open an In-Band Bytestream.
Parses an In-Band Bytestream open packet.
The OpenPgpContact is sort of a specialized view on the OpenPgpStore, which gives you access to the information
about the user.
This class describes an OpenPGP content element.
implementation for the also abstract OpenPgpContentElement
.Class that represents an OpenPGP message.
Bundle together an
and OpenPgpMetadata
implementation for the OpenPgpElement
.Initializer class which registers ExtensionElementProviders on startup.
Entry point for Smacks API for OpenPGP for XMPP.
This class embodies a decrypted and/or verified
.Represents a secret key backup passphrase whose format is described in XEP-0373 §5.3.
This class acts as our own OpenPGP identity.
A stanza extension representing the options element.
Implements the logical OR operation over two or more stanza filters.
Handles the sending of a file to another user.
A callback class to retrieve the status of an outgoing transfer
negotiation process.
Entry point of Smacks API for XEP-0374: OpenPGP for XMPP: Instant Messaging.
insteadUtility class that helps to parse packets.
Interface to receive parsing exceptions.
A listener that is fired anytime a participant's status in a room is changed, such as the
user being kicked, banned, or granted admin permissions.
This class represents an item that has been, or will be published to a
pubsub node.
Represents a payload type.
Audio payload type.
A listener that is fired anytime a PEP event message is received.
Manages Personal Event Publishing (XEP-163).
Defines the callback used whenever the server ping fails.
Implements the XMPP Ping as defined by XEP-0199.
Some more useful math functions for image processing.
Represents XMPP presence stanzas.
An enum to represent the presence mode.
An enum to represent the presence type.
Defines the possible valid presence states for node subscription via
.A filter for Presence types.
A Privacy IQ Packet, is used by the
and PrivacyProvider
to allow and block
communications from other users.A privacy item acts a rule that when matched defines if a stanza should be blocked or not.
Type defines if the rule is based on JIDs, roster groups or presence subscription types.
A privacy list represents a list of contacts that is a read only class used to represent a set of allowed or blocked communications.
Interface to implement classes to listen for server events about privacy communication.
A PrivacyListManager is used by XMPP clients to block or allow communications from other
The PrivacyProvider parses
packets.Interface to represent private data.
Manages private data, which is a mechanism to allow users to store arbitrary XML
data on an XMPP server.
An IQ provider to parse IQ results containing private data.
An interface for parsing custom private data.
Smack provider are the parsers used to deserialize raw XMPP into the according Java
s.Loads the
and ExtensionElementProvider
information from a standard provider file in preparation
for loading into the ProviderManager
.Used to load providers into the
.Manages providers for parsing custom XML sub-documents of XMPP packets.
An exception class to handle exceptions caused by proxy.
Class which stores proxy information such as proxy type, host, port,
authentication etc.
Class representing a pubkey element which is used to transport OpenPGP public keys.
Element that contains the base64 encoded public key.
implementation for the PubkeyElement
.Class that represents a public key list which was announced to a users metadata node.
Represents a request to publish an item(s) to a specific node.
Determines who may publish to a node.
The standard PubSub extension of an
packet.Defines all the possible element types as defined for all the pubsub
schemas in all 3 namespaces.
The features a PubSub service may provides.
This is the starting point for access to the pubsub service.
Defines all the valid namespaces that are used with the
as defined by the specification.Push Notifications elements.
Push Notifications manager class.
A filter which quantizes an image to a set number of colors - useful for producing
images which are to be encoded using an index color model.
The interface for an image quantizer.
Queue details stanza extension, which contains details about the users
currently in a queue.
Provider class for QueueDetails stanza extensions.
Listener interface for those that wish to be notified of workgroup queue events.
An IQ stanza that encapsulates both types of workgroup queue
status notifications -- position updates, and estimated time
left in the queue updates.
An immutable class which wraps up customer-in-queue data return from the server; depending on
the type of information dispatched from the server, not all information will be available in
any given instance.
RangeElement which specifies, which range of a file shall be transferred.
Interface that allows for implementing classes to listen for string reading
Exception that signals, that a device is considered read-only.
Interface for received receipt notifications.
Received extension provider class (XEP-0333).
A listener for the
.Handles the automatic reconnection process.
Reconnection Policy, where
is the default policy used by smack and ReconnectionManager.ReconnectionPolicy.FIXED_DELAY
a fixed amount of time between reconnection attempts.Represents registration packets.
Push Notifications Remote Disabling Provider class.
Represents a roster item, which consists of a JID and , their name and
the groups the roster item belongs to.
Represents a set of data results returned as part of a search.
Represents the columns definition of the reported data.
Listener for ECHO Test Results.
Parses the retract element out of the message event stanza from
the server as specified in the retract schema.
Represents and item that has been deleted from a node.
An immutable simple class to embody the information concerning a revoked offer, this is namely
the reason, the workgroup, the userJID, and the timestamp which the message was received.
Represents the room information that was discovered using Service Discovery.
Stanza extension for
.Type of entity being invited to a groupchat support session.
Stanza extension for
.Type of entity being invited to a groupchat support session.
The roster lets you keep track of the availability ("presence") of other
An enumeration for the subscription mode options.
Each user in your roster is represented by a roster entry, which contains the user's
JID and a name or nickname you assign.
Represents XMPP Roster Item Exchange packets.
A listener that is fired anytime a roster exchange is received.
Manages Roster exchanges.
The RosterExchangeProvider parses RosterExchange packets.
A group of roster entries.
A listener that is fired any time a roster is changed or the presence of
a user in the roster is changed.
Roster loaded listeners are invoked once the
was successfully loaded.Represents XMPP roster packets.
A roster item, which consists of a JID, their name, the type of subscription, and
the groups the roster item belongs to.
This is an interface for persistent roster store needed to implement
roster versioning as per RFC 6121.
RTPBridge IQ Stanza used to request and retrieve a RTPBridge Candidates that can be used for a Jingle Media Transmission between two parties that are behind NAT.
IQProvider for RTP Bridge packets.
Implementation of the SASL ANONYMOUS mechanism.
This class is responsible authenticating the user using SASL, binding the resource
to the connection and establishing a session with the server.
Implementation of the SASL CRAM-MD5 mechanism.
Implementation of the SASL DIGEST-MD5 mechanism.
The SASL error condition.
Implementation of the SASL EXTERNAL mechanism.
Implementation of the SASL-EXTERNAL authentication mechanism.
Implementation of the SASL GSSAPI mechanism.
Base class for SASL mechanisms.
Initiating SASL authentication by select a mechanism.
A SASL challenge stream element.
A SASL response stream element.
A SASL failure stream element, also called "SASL Error".
A SASL success stream element.
Implementation of the SASL PLAIN mechanism.
The SASL X-OAUTH2 mechanism as described in
SCRAM-X-PLUS implementation.
Implements a JingleMediaManager for ScreenSharing.
This Class implements a complete JingleMediaSession.
Stanza extension provider for AgentStatusRequest packets.
Helper class which provides some functions needed for backup/restore of the users secret key to/from their private
PubSub node.
Callback to allow the user to decide, which locally available secret keys they want to include in a backup.
This class represents a secretkey element which contains a users OpenPGP secret key.
implementation for the SecretkeyElement
.Callback to let the user decide which key from a backup they want to restore.
Send automatic server pings with the help of
.Manages discovery of services in XMPP entities.
IQ stanza that will be sent to the server to establish a session.
Interface to indicate if a bookmark is shared across the server.
A SharedGroupManager provides services for discovering the shared groups where a user belongs.
IQ stanza used for discovering the user's shared groups and for getting the answer back
from the server.
Internal Search service Provider.
Implementation of the CachingOmemoStore for smack-omemo-signal.
Implementation of a FileBasedOmemoStore for the smack-omemo-signal module.
Concrete implementation of the KeyUtil for an implementation using the Signal library.
Concrete implementation of the OmemoService using the Signal library.
Implementation of the OmemoStore using the Signal library.
Class that adapts libsignal-protocol-java's Store classes to the OmemoStore class.
This class represents an OpenPGP content element which is encrypted and signed.
implementation for the SigncryptElement
.This class represents an OpenPGP content element which is not encrypted but signed.
implementation for the SignElement
.Simple implementation of an EntityCapsPersistentCache that uses a directory
to store the Caps information for every known node.
A simple IQ.
implementation, suitable for really simple MoodConcretisation
that only consist of name and namespace.Parses simple elements that only contain a node attribute.
The default payload representation for
.SingleValueFormField.Builder<F extends SingleValueFormField,B extends SingleValueFormField.Builder<F,B>>
Implementation of SmackDebuggerFactory which always creates instance of SLF4JSmackDebugger.
Implementation of SmackDebugger that writes log messages using SLF4J API.
Slot responded by upload service.
Provider for Slot.
Upload slot request.
Represents the configuration of Smack.
Implementations of this interface define a class that is capable of enabling DANE on a connection.
Implementations of this interface define a class that is capable of enabling DANE on a connection.
Interface that allows for implementing classes to debug XML traffic.
Smack uses SmackExceptions for errors that are not defined by any XMPP specification.
This exception is thrown if Smack is unable to connect to all hosts of a given XMPP
Exception thrown always when there was no response to an request within the stanza reply timeout of the used
connection instance.
A Smack exception wrapping a text message.
A Smack exception wrapping another exception.
This is just a dummy class, please head over to
for more information on Smack
extensions.A simple version of InternalSmackFuture which implements isNonFatalException(E) as always returning
method.Defines an initialization class that will be instantiated and invoked by the
class during initialization.Deprecated.
do not import.
The SmackReactor for non-blocking I/O.
Socket factory for socks4 proxy.
Socks5BytestreamListener are informed if a remote user wants to initiate a SOCKS5 Bytestream.
The Socks5BytestreamManager class handles establishing SOCKS5 Bytestreams as specified in the XEP-0065.
Socks5BytestreamRequest class handles incoming SOCKS5 Bytestream requests.
Socks5BytestreamSession class represents a SOCKS5 Bytestream session.
The SOCKS5 client class handles establishing a connection to a SOCKS5 proxy.
Implementation of a SOCKS5 client used on the initiators side.
The Socks5Proxy class represents a local SOCKS5 proxy server.
Socket factory for Socks5 proxy.
Negotiates a SOCKS5 Bytestream to be used for file transfers.
A collection of utility methods for SOcKS5 messages.
that contains the software information.Builder class for
.Entry point for Smack's API for XEP-0232: Software Information.
Stanza extension provider for SoundSetting Packets.
Implements a jingleMediaManager using JMF based API and JSpeex.
Manager class for Stable and Unique Stanza IDs.
modeling the often required and used XML features when using XMPP.The parser for
s.Base class for XMPP Stanzas, which are called Stanza in older versions of Smack (i.e.
Provides a mechanism to collect Stanzas into a result queue that pass a
specified filter/matcher.
Represents an XMPP error sub-packet.
A class to represent the type of the Error.
Filters for stanzas with a particular type of stanza extension.
Defines a way to filter stanzas for particular attributes.
Filters for Stanzas with a particular stanza ID.
Provides a mechanism to listen for packets that pass a specified filter.
Filters for Stanzas of a particular type.
Note that this is an non-static inner class of XmppClientToServerConnection so that states can inspect and modify
the connection.
Smack's utility API for Finite State Machines (FSM).
A "store" hint.
Represents a stream error packet.
The defined stream error conditions, see RFC 6120 § 4.9.3.
The process by which two entities initiate a stream.
The feature negotiation portion of the StreamInitiation packet.
size: The size, in bytes, of the data to be sent.
name: The name of the file that the Sender wishes to send.
date: The last modification time of the file.
The StreamInitiationProvider parses StreamInitiation packets.
A Stream Management 'enabled' element.
After the file transfer negotiation process is completed according to
XEP-0096, the negotiation process is passed off to a particular stream
The stream open tag.
An interface for String encoder.
A collection of utility methods for String objects.
STUN IQ Stanza used to request and retrieve a STUN server and port to make p2p connections easier.
IQProvider for RTP Bridge packets.
Provides easy abstract to store STUN Server Addresses and Ports.
Transport resolver using the JSTUN library, to discover public IP and use it as a candidate.
STUN service definition.
A Jingle Transport Manager implementation to be used on NAT networks with STUN Service NOT Blocked.
A listener that is fired anytime a MUC room changes its subject.
Represents a request to subscribe to a node.
Handle incoming requests to subscribe to our presence.
Defines the possible field options for a subscribe options form as defined
by Section 16.4.2.
Represents a subscription to node for both requests and replies.
Base class to represents events that are associated to subscriptions.
Parses the subscription element out of the PubSub IQ message from
the server as specified in the subscription schema.
Represents the element holding the list of subscription elements.
Parses the subscriptions element out of the PubSub IQ message from
the server as specified in the subscriptions schema.
A Simple and Experimental Bridge.
A Simple and Experimental Bridge.
Implements a MediaManager for test purposes.
This Class implements a complete JingleMediaSession for unit testing.
Result of an ECHO Test.
Filters for message packets with a particular thread value.
A Time IQ packet, which is used by XMPP clients to exchange their respective local
that doesn't validate X.509 certificates.A XMPP top level stream element.
Represents the conversation transcript that occurred in a group chat room between an Agent
and a user that requested assistance.
A TranscriptManager helps to retrieve the full conversation transcript of a given session
TranscriptManager.getTranscript(EntityBareJid, String)
or to retrieve a list with the summary of all the
conversations that a user had TranscriptManager.getTranscripts(EntityBareJid, Jid)
.An IQProvider for transcripts.
Represents a list of conversation transcripts that a user had in all his history.
An AgentDetail contains information of an Agent that was involved in a conversation.
A TranscriptSummary contains some information about a conversation such as the ID of the
session or the date when the conversation started and finished.
IQ stanza for retrieving the transcript search form, submitting the completed search form
or retrieving the answer of a transcript search.
An IQProvider for TranscriptSearch packets.
A TranscriptSearchManager helps to retrieve the form to use for searching transcripts
or to submit a search form and return the results of
the search TranscriptSearchManager.submitSearch(DomainBareJid, FillableForm)
.An IQProvider for transcripts summaries.
Request sent by an agent to transfer a support session to another agent or user.
Transport candidate.
Type-safe enum for the transportElement channel.
Fixed transport candidate.
Type-safe enum for the transportElement protocol.
Transport negotiator.
Ice transport negotiator.
Raw-UDP transport negotiator.
A TransportResolver is used for obtaining a list of valid transport
Transport resolver Interface .
Resolver checker.
Resolver listener.
A number representing an unsigned 16-bit integer.
A number representing an unsigned 32-bit integer.
Unblock contact IQ class.
Unblock contact IQ provider class.
Exception that is thrown when the user tries to encrypt a message for a undecided device.
Representation of an unparsable stanza.
An IQ stanzas that could not be parsed because no provider was found.
Represents an unsubscribe element.
Exception that gets thrown when we try to en-/decrypt a message for an untrusted contact.
Callback interface to get upload progress.
The url-data element.
Loads the provider file defined by the URL returned by
and the generic
smack configuration file returned UrlInitializer.getConfigUri()
.Requests made by users to get support by some agent.
Implements the protocol currently used to search information repositories on the Jabber network.
Internal Search service Provider.
The UserSearchManager is a facade built upon Jabber Search Services (XEP-055) to allow for searching
repositories on a Jabber Server.
A listener that is fired anytime your participant's status in a room is changed, such as the user being kicked,
banned, or granted admin permissions or the room is destroyed.
that contains the UserTune.This class defines a Builder class for
.Entry point for Smacks API for XEP-0118: User Tune.
This is the Provider Class for
.DataValidation Extension according to XEP-0122: Data Forms Validation.
Validation only against the datatype itself.
This element indicates for "list-multi", that a minimum and maximum number of options should be selected and/or
For "list-single" or "list-multi", indicates that the user may enter a custom value (matching the datatype
constraints) or choose from the predefined values.
Indicate that the value should fall within a certain range.
Indicates that the value should be restricted to a regular expression.
Exception thrown when
is not consistent with the business rules in XEP=0122.A VCard class for use with the
SMACK jabber library.
vCard provider.
A Version IQ packet, which is used by XMPP clients to discover version information
about the software running at another entity's JID.
A Version Manager that automatically responds to version IQs with a predetermined reply.
Looks for a provider file location based on the VM argument smack.provider.file.
A filter which acts as a superclass for filters which need to have the whole image in memory
to do their stuff.
Provides workgroup services for users.
An IQProvider for WebForm packets.
A stanza extension that contains information about the user and agent in a
workgroup chat.
An immutable class wrapping up the basic information which comprises a group chat invitation.
An interface which all classes interested in hearing about group chat invitations should
Stanza extension provider for SoundSetting Packets.
A queue in a workgroup, which is a pool of agents that are routed a specific type of
chat request.
A class to represent the status of the workgroup.
Interface that allows for implementing classes to listen for string writing
An XHTML sub-packet, which is used by XMPP clients to exchange formatted text.
The XHTMLExtensionProvider parses XHTML packets.
Manages XHTML formatted texts within messages.
An XHTMLText represents formatted text.
Interface to represent XML elements.
Smack's interface for XML pull parsers.
Creates a connection to an XMPP server via HTTP binding.
The XMPPConnection interface provides an interface for connections from a client to an XMPP server and
implements shared methods which are used by the different types of connections (e.g.
A generic exception that is thrown when an error occurs performing an
XMPP operation.
An exception caused by an XMPP error stanza response on the protocol level.
HostnameVerifier implementation for XMPP.
Creates a socket connection to an XMPP server.
A connection configuration for XMPP connections over TCP (the common case).
A configuration builder for XMPP connections over TCP.
The websocket transport module that goes with Smack's modular architecture.
The descriptor class for
.Builder class for