Class LastActivityManager


public final class LastActivityManager extends Manager
A last activity manager for handling information about the last activity associated with a Jabber ID. A manager handles incoming LastActivity requests of existing Connections. It also allows to request last activity information of other users. LastActivity (XEP-0012) based on the sending JID's type allows for retrieval of:
  1. How long a particular user has been idle
  2. How long a particular user has been logged-out and the message the specified when doing so.
  3. How long a host has been up.
For example to get the idle time of a user logged in a resource, simple send the LastActivity stanza to them, as in the following code:
 XMPPConnection con = new XMPPTCPConnection("");
 con.login("john", "doe");
 LastActivity activity = LastActivity.getLastActivity(con, "");
To get the lapsed time since the last user logout is the same as above but with out the resource:
 LastActivity activity = LastActivity.getLastActivity(con, "");
To get the uptime of a host, you simple send the LastActivity stanza to it, as in the following code example:
 LastActivity activity = LastActivity.getLastActivity(con, "");
See Also: