Interface NodeInformationProvider

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface NodeInformationProvider
The NodeInformationProvider is responsible for providing supported identities, features and hosted items (i.e. DiscoverItems.Item) about a given node. This information will be requested each time this XMPP client receives a disco info or items requests on the given node.
  • Method Details

    • getNodeItems

      Returns a list of the Items DiscoverItems.Item defined in the node. For example, the MUC protocol specifies that an XMPP client should answer an Item for each joined room when asked for the rooms where the use has joined.
      a list of the Items defined in the node.
    • getNodeFeatures

      Returns a list of the features defined in the node. For example, the entity caps protocol specifies that an XMPP client should answer with each feature supported by the client version or extension.
      a list of the feature strings defined in the node.
    • getNodeIdentities

      Returns a list of the identities defined in the node. For example, the x-command protocol must provide an identity of category automation and type command-node for each command.
      a list of the Identities defined in the node.
    • getNodePacketExtensions

      Returns a list of the stanza extensions defined in the node.
      a list of the stanza extensions defined in the node.