Class PayloadType.Audio

    • Constructor Detail

      • Audio

        public Audio​(int id,
                     String name,
                     int channels,
                     int rate)
        Constructor with all the attributes of an Audio payload type.
        id - The identifier
        name - The name assigned to this payload type
        channels - The number of channels
        rate - The clock rate
      • Audio

        public Audio​(int id,
                     String name,
                     int rate)
        Constructor with all the attributes of an Audio payload type.
        id - The identifier
        name - The name assigned to this payload type
        rate - The clock rate
      • Audio

        public Audio()
        Empty constructor.
      • Audio

        public Audio​(int id,
                     String name)
        Constructor with Id and name.
        id - the Id for the payload type
        name - the name of the payload type
      • Audio

        public Audio​(PayloadType pt)
        Copy constructor.
        pt - the other payload type
    • Method Detail

      • getClockRate

        public int getClockRate()
        Get the sampling clockRate for a payload type.
        The sampling clockRate
      • setClockRate

        public void setClockRate​(int rate)
        Set tha sampling clockRate for a playload type.
        rate - The sampling clockRate