Class ValidateElement.ListRange

All Implemented Interfaces:
Element, NamedElement, XmlElement, XmlLangElement
Enclosing class:

public static class ValidateElement.ListRange extends Object implements XmlElement
This element indicates for "list-multi", that a minimum and maximum number of options should be selected and/or entered.
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • ListRange

      public ListRange(Long min, Long max)
    • ListRange

      public ListRange(UInt32 min, UInt32 max)
      The 'max' attribute specifies the maximum allowable number of selected/entered values. The 'min' attribute specifies the minimum allowable number of selected/entered values. Both attributes are optional, but at least one must bet set, and the value must be within the range of a unsigned 32-bit integer.
      min - TODO javadoc me please
      max - TODO javadoc me please
  • Method Details