Class MessageFasteningManager


public final class MessageFasteningManager extends Manager
Smacks API for XEP-0422: Message Fastening. The API is still very bare bones, as the XEP intends Message Fastening to be used as a tool by other protocols. To enable / disable auto-announcing support for this feature, call setEnabledByDefault(boolean) (default true). To fasten a payload to a previous message, create an FasteningElement using the builder provided by FasteningElement.builder(). You need to provide the OriginIdElement of the message you want to reference. Then add wrapped payloads using FasteningElement.Builder.addWrappedPayloads(List) and external payloads using FasteningElement.Builder.addExternalPayloads(List). If you fastened some payloads onto the message previously and now want to replace the previous fastening, call FasteningElement.isRemovingElement(). Once you are finished, build the FasteningElement using and add it to a stanza by calling FasteningElement.applyTo(MessageBuilder).
See Also: