Class JingleSessionState

Direct Known Subclasses:
JingleSessionStateActive, JingleSessionStateEnded, JingleSessionStatePending, JingleSessionStateUnknown

public abstract class JingleSessionState extends Object
Implement the Jingle Session state using the State Behavioral pattern. (From the book Design Patterns, AKA GoF.) These classes also employ the Flyweight and Singleton patterns as recommended for the State pattern by GoF. There seems to be three ways to go with the State pattern in Java: interface, abstract class and enums. Most of the accepted models use abstract classes. It wasn't clear to me that any of the three models was superior, so I went with the most common example.
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • getInstance

      Called when entering the state.
      the jingle session state.
    • enter

      public abstract void enter()
      Called when entering the state.
    • exit

      public abstract void exit()
      Called when exiting the state.
    • processJingle

      public abstract IQ processJingle(JingleSession session, Jingle jingle, JingleActionEnum action) throws SmackException, InterruptedException
      Process an incoming Jingle Packet. When you look at the GoF State pattern this method roughly corresponds to example on p310: ProcessOctet()
      session - the jingle session.
      jingle - the jingle stanza.
      action - the jingle action.
      the resulting IQ.
      SmackException - if Smack detected an exceptional situation.
      InterruptedException - if the calling thread was interrupted.
    • toString

      public String toString()
      For debugging just emit the short name of the class.
      toString in class Object