Class StanzaIdFilter

    • Constructor Detail

      • StanzaIdFilter

        public StanzaIdFilter​(StanzaView stanza)
        Creates a new stanza ID filter using the specified stanza's ID.
        stanza - the stanza which the ID is taken from.
      • StanzaIdFilter

        public StanzaIdFilter​(String stanzaId)
        Creates a new stanza ID filter using the specified stanza ID.
        stanzaId - the stanza ID to filter for.
    • Method Detail

      • accept

        public boolean accept​(Stanza stanza)
        Description copied from interface: StanzaFilter
        Tests whether or not the specified stanza should pass the filter.
        Specified by:
        accept in interface StanzaFilter
        stanza - the stanza to test.
        true if and only if stanza passes the filter.