Package org.jivesoftware.smack.filter

package org.jivesoftware.smack.filter
Allows StanzaCollector and StanzaListener instances to filter for stanzas with particular attributes.

Selected Filter Types

  • StanzaTypeFilter: filters for stanzas that are a stanza type (Message, Presence, or IQ)
  • StanzaIdFilter: filters for stanzas with a particular stanza ID
  • ToMatchesFilter: filters for stanzas that are sent to a particular address
  • FromMatchesFilter: filters for stanzas that are sent from a particular address
  • ExtensionElementFilter: filters for stanzas that have a particular stanza extension element
  • AndFilter: implements the logical AND operation over two or more filters
  • OrFilter: implements the logical OR operation over two or more filters
  • NotFilter: implements the logical NOT operation on a filter