Class FillableSubscribeForm

All Implemented Interfaces:
SubscribeFormReader, FormReader

  • Method Details

    • setDeliverOn

      public void setDeliverOn(boolean deliverNotifications)
      Sets whether an entity wants to receive notifications.
      deliverNotifications - TODO javadoc me please
    • setDigestOn

      public void setDigestOn(boolean digestOn)
      Sets whether notifications should be delivered as aggregations or not.
      digestOn - true to aggregate, false otherwise
    • setDigestFrequency

      public void setDigestFrequency(int frequency)
      Sets the minimum number of milliseconds between sending notification digests.
      frequency - The frequency in milliseconds
    • setExpiry

      public void setExpiry(Date expire)
      Sets the time at which the leased subscription will expire, or has expired.
      expire - The expiry date
    • setIncludeBody

      public void setIncludeBody(boolean include)
      Sets whether the entity wants to receive an XMPP message body in addition to the payload format.
      include - true to receive the message body, false otherwise
    • setShowValues

      public void setShowValues(Collection<PresenceState> stateValues)
      Sets the list of PresenceState for which an entity wants to receive notifications.
      stateValues - The list of states