Class MoodManager


public final class MoodManager extends Manager
Entry point for Smacks API for XEP-0107: User Mood. To set a mood, please use one of the setMood(Mood) methods. This will publish the users mood to a pubsub node.

In order to get updated about other users moods, register a PepEventListener at addMoodListener(PepEventListener). That listener will get updated about any incoming mood updates of contacts.

To stop publishing the users mood, refer to clearMood().

It is also possible to add MoodElements to Messages by using addMoodToMessage(Message, Mood).

The API can be extended with custom mood concretisations by extending MoodConcretisation and registering MoodConcretisationProviders using ProviderManager.addExtensionProvider(String, String, Object).
An example of how this can be done can be found in the MoodConcretisationTest in the test package.
See Also: