Openfire 3.7.1 Javadoc

Package org.jivesoftware.util.cache

Interface Summary
Cache<K,V> General purpose cache.
Cacheable Interface that defines the necessary behavior for objects added to a Cache.
CacheFactoryStrategy Implementation of CacheFactory that relies on the specific clustering solution.
ClusterTask An interface to mix in Serializable and Runnable, which are both required for sending invocable tasks across a cluster.
ExternalizableUtilStrategy Interface that allows to provide different ways for implementing serialization of objects.

Class Summary
CacheFactory Creates Cache objects.
CacheSizes Utility class for determining the sizes in bytes of commonly used objects.
CacheWrapper<K,V> Acts as a proxy for a Cache implementation.
DefaultCache<K,V> Default, non-distributed implementation of the Cache interface.
DefaultLocalCacheStrategy CacheFactoryStrategy for use in Openfire.
DummyExternalizableUtil Dummy implementation that does nothing.
ExternalizableUtil Utility methods to assist in working with the Externalizable interfaces.

Openfire 3.7.1 Javadoc

Copyright © 2003-2008 Jive Software.