Openfire 3.7.1 Javadoc

Interface Cacheable

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public interface Cacheable
extends Serializable

Interface that defines the necessary behavior for objects added to a Cache. Objects only need to know how big they are (in bytes). That size should be considered to be a best estimate of how much memory the Object occupies and may be based on empirical trials or dynamic calculations.

While the accuracy of the size calculation is important, care should be taken to minimize the computation time so that cache operations are speedy.

Jive Software
See Also:

Method Summary
 int getCachedSize()
          Returns the approximate size of the Object in bytes.

Method Detail


int getCachedSize()
Returns the approximate size of the Object in bytes. The size should be considered to be a best estimate of how much memory the Object occupies and may be based on empirical trials or dynamic calculations.

the size of the Object in bytes.

Openfire 3.7.1 Javadoc

Copyright © 2003-2008 Jive Software.