Openfire 3.8.2 Javadoc

Package org.jivesoftware.openfire.clearspace

Class Summary
ClearspaceAdminProvider Handles retrieving list of admins from Clearspace.
ClearspaceAuthProvider The ClearspaceAuthProvider uses the PermissionService web service inside of Clearspace to retrieve authenticate users.
ClearspaceLockOutProvider The ClearspaceLockOutProvider uses the UserService web service inside of Clearspace to retrieve user properties from Clearspace.
ClearspaceManager Centralized administration of Clearspace connections.
ClearspaceMUCEventDelegate Handles checking with Clearspace regarding whether a user can join a particular MUC room (based on their permissions with the Clearspace JiveObject (eg.
ClearspaceMUCTranscriptEvent A MUC event that is intended to be recorded in a transcript for a group chat room in Clearspace.
ClearspaceMUCTranscriptManager Stores MUC events that are intended to be recorded as a transcript for a group chat room in Clearspace.
ClearspaceSaslServer Implements the CLEARSPACE server-side SASL mechanism.
ClearspaceSecurityAuditProvider The ClearspaceSecurityAuditProvider uses the AuditService web service inside of Clearspace to send audit logs into Clearspace's own audit handler.
ClearspaceUserProvider The ClearspaceUserProvider uses the UserService and ProfileSearchService web service inside of Clearspace to retrieve user information and to search for users from Clearspace.
ClearspaceVCardProvider The ClearspaceLockOutProvider uses the UserService web service inside of Clearspace to retrieve, edit and delete user information from Clearspace.
ClearspaceX509TrustManager Trust manager that validates Clearspace certificates.
SSLProtocolSocketFactory Implementation of SecureProtocolSocketFactory that will use a custom trust manager for certification validation.
URLUTF8Encoder Provides a method to encode any string into a URL-safe form.
WSUtils Several utilities to handle REST webservices.

Enum Summary
ClearspaceManager.HttpType Different kind of HTTP request types

Exception Summary
ConnectionException Thrown when an exception occurs connecting to CS.

Openfire 3.8.2 Javadoc

Copyright © 2003-2008 Jive Software.