Openfire 3.8.2 Javadoc

Class ClearspaceManager

  extended by org.jivesoftware.openfire.container.BasicModule
      extended by org.jivesoftware.openfire.clearspace.ClearspaceManager
All Implemented Interfaces:
ComponentEventListener, ExternalComponentManagerListener, Module, CertificateEventListener, PropertyEventListener

public class ClearspaceManager
extends BasicModule
implements ExternalComponentManagerListener, ComponentEventListener, PropertyEventListener, CertificateEventListener

Centralized administration of Clearspace connections. The getInstance() method should be used to get an instance. The following properties configure this manager:

Daniel Henninger

Nested Class Summary
static class ClearspaceManager.HttpType
          Different kind of HTTP request types
Field Summary
protected static String CHAT_URL_PREFIX
protected static String IM_URL_PREFIX
static String MUC_SUBDOMAIN
Constructor Summary
          Constructs a new ClearspaceManager instance.
ClearspaceManager(Map<String,String> properties)
          Constructs a new ClearspaceManager instance.
Method Summary
 void certificateCreated(KeyStore keyStore, String alias, X509Certificate cert)
          Event triggered when a new certificate is created.
 void certificateDeleted(KeyStore keyStore, String alias)
          Event triggered when a certificate is being deleted from the keystore.
 void certificateSigned(KeyStore keyStore, String alias, List<X509Certificate> certificates)
          Event triggered when a certificate has been signed by a Certificate Authority.
 Boolean checkAuthentication(String username, String password)
          Check a username/password pair for valid authentication.
 void componentAllowed(String subdomain, ExternalComponentConfiguration configuration)
          Notification indicating that a new component was allowed to connect using a given configuration.
 void componentBlocked(String subdomain)
          Notification indicating that a component was blocked to connect to the server.
 void componentConfigurationDeleted(String subdomain)
          Notification indicating that the configuration of a component, that was either blocked or allowed to connect, is being deleted.
 void componentInfoReceived(org.xmpp.packet.IQ iq)
          The server has received a disco#info response from the component.
 void componentRegistered(org.xmpp.packet.JID componentJID)
          A component was registered with the Component Manager.
 void componentSecretUpdated(String subdomain, String newSecret)
          Notification indicating that the configuration of a component, that was either blocked or allowed to connect, is being deleted.
 void componentUnregistered(org.xmpp.packet.JID componentJID)
          A component was removed.
 boolean configClearspace()
 void defaultSecretChanged(String newSecret)
          Notification indicating that the default secret is being modified.
 org.dom4j.Element executeRequest(ClearspaceManager.HttpType type, String urlSuffix)
          Makes a rest request of either type GET or DELETE at the specified urlSuffix.
 org.dom4j.Element executeRequest(ClearspaceManager.HttpType type, String urlSuffix, String xmlParams)
          Makes a rest request of any type at the specified urlSuffix.
 String generateNonce()
          Generates a new nonce.
 String getConnectionURI()
          Returns the Clearspace service URI; e.g.
protected  long getGroupID(String groupname)
          Returns the Clearspace group id of the group.
static ClearspaceManager getInstance()
          Provides singleton access to an instance of the ClearspaceManager class.
 String getNonce()
          Returns a nonce generated by Clearspace to be used in a SSO login.
 Map<String,String> getProperties()
 String getSharedSecret()
          Returns the password, configured in Clearspace, that Openfire will use to authenticate with Clearspace to perform it's integration.
protected  long getUserID(org.xmpp.packet.JID user)
          Returns the Clearspace user id the user by JID.
protected  long getUserID(String username)
          Returns the Clearspace user id the user by username.
protected  String getUsernameByID(Long id)
          Returns the Clearspace username of the user by id.
 boolean isClearspaceConfigured()
          Returns true if Clerspace was configured at least one time since Openfire startup.
 Boolean isClearspaceConnected()
          Returns true if Clearspce is connected to Openfire.
static boolean isEnabled()
          Returns true if Clearspace is being used as the backend of Openfire.
 boolean isFromClearspace(org.xmpp.packet.JID address)
          Returns true if a given JID belongs to a known Clearspace component domain.
 Boolean isOpenfireConnected()
          Returns true if Openfire is connected to Clearspace.
 boolean isValidNonce(String nonce)
          Returns true if the nonce was generated usig generateNonce and if this is the first check for that nonce.
 void permissionPolicyChanged(ExternalComponentManager.PermissionPolicy newPolicy)
          Notification indicating that the permission policy is being modified.
 void portChanged(int newPort)
          Notification indicating that the port used by external components is being modified.
 void propertyDeleted(String property, Map params)
          A property was deleted.
 void propertySet(String property, Map params)
          A property was set.
 org.xmpp.packet.IQ query(org.xmpp.packet.IQ packet, int timeout)
          Sends an IQ packet to the Clearspace external component and returns the IQ packet returned by CS or null if no answer was received before the specified timeout.
 void serviceEnabled(boolean enabled)
          Notification indicating whether the service is being enabled or disabled.
 void setConnectionURI(String uri)
          Sets the URI of the Clearspace service; e.g., https://localhost:80/clearspace.
 void setSharedSecret(String sharedSecret)
          Sets the shared secret for the Clearspace service we're connecting to.
 void start()
          Starts the basic module.
 void stop()
          Stops the basic module.
 Throwable testConnection()
          Tests the web services connection with Clearspace given the manager's current configuration.
 void xmlPropertyDeleted(String property, Map params)
          An XML property was deleted.
 void xmlPropertySet(String property, Map params)
          An XML property was set.
Methods inherited from class org.jivesoftware.openfire.container.BasicModule
destroy, getName, initialize
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected static final String IM_URL_PREFIX
See Also:
Constant Field Values


protected static final String CHAT_URL_PREFIX
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String MUC_SUBDOMAIN
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String CLEARSPACE_COMPONENT
See Also:
Constant Field Values
Constructor Detail


public ClearspaceManager(Map<String,String> properties)
Constructs a new ClearspaceManager instance. Typically, getInstance() should be called instead of this method. ClearspaceManager instances should only be created directly for testing purposes.

properties - the Map that contains properties used by the Clearspace manager, such as Clearspace host and shared secret.


public ClearspaceManager()
Constructs a new ClearspaceManager instance. Typically, getInstance() should be called instead of this method. ClearspaceManager instances should only be created directly for testing purposes.

Method Detail


public static ClearspaceManager getInstance()
Provides singleton access to an instance of the ClearspaceManager class.

an ClearspaceManager instance.


public Boolean checkAuthentication(String username,
                                   String password)
Check a username/password pair for valid authentication.

username - Username to authenticate against.
password - Password to use for authentication.
True or false of the authentication succeeded.


public Throwable testConnection()
Tests the web services connection with Clearspace given the manager's current configuration.

The exception or null if connection test was successful.


public Boolean isOpenfireConnected()
Returns true if Openfire is connected to Clearspace. This method may delay some time since it has to ping Clearspace to know if Openfire is able to connect to it.

true if Openfire is connected to Clearspace.


public Boolean isClearspaceConnected()
Returns true if Clearspce is connected to Openfire.

true if Clearspce is connected to Openfire.


public Map<String,String> getProperties()


public String getConnectionURI()
Returns the Clearspace service URI; e.g. https://localhost:80/clearspace. This value is stored as the Jive Property clearspace.uri.

the Clearspace service URI.


public void setConnectionURI(String uri)
Sets the URI of the Clearspace service; e.g., https://localhost:80/clearspace. This value is stored as the Jive Property clearspace.uri.

uri - the Clearspace service URI.


public String getSharedSecret()
Returns the password, configured in Clearspace, that Openfire will use to authenticate with Clearspace to perform it's integration.

the password Openfire will use to authenticate with Clearspace.


public void setSharedSecret(String sharedSecret)
Sets the shared secret for the Clearspace service we're connecting to.

sharedSecret - the password configured in Clearspace to authenticate Openfire.


public static boolean isEnabled()
Returns true if Clearspace is being used as the backend of Openfire. When integrated with Clearspace then users and groups will be pulled out from Clearspace. User authentication will also rely on Clearspace.

true if Clearspace is being used as the backend of Openfire.


public void start()
           throws IllegalStateException
Description copied from class: BasicModule

Starts the basic module.

Inheriting classes that choose to override this method MUST call this start() method before accessing BasicModule resources.

Specified by:
start in interface Module
start in class BasicModule
IllegalStateException - If start is called before initialize successfully returns


public void stop()
Description copied from class: BasicModule

Stops the basic module.

Inheriting classes that choose to override this method MUST call this stop() method before accessing BasicModule resources.

Specified by:
stop in interface Module
stop in class BasicModule


public boolean configClearspace()


public boolean isClearspaceConfigured()
Returns true if Clerspace was configured at least one time since Openfire startup.

true if Clerspace was configured at least one time since Openfire startup.


public void serviceEnabled(boolean enabled)
                    throws ModificationNotAllowedException
Description copied from interface: ExternalComponentManagerListener
Notification indicating whether the service is being enabled or disabled. The listener may throw an exception to not allow the change from taking place.

Specified by:
serviceEnabled in interface ExternalComponentManagerListener
enabled - true if the service is being enabled.
ModificationNotAllowedException - if the operation was denied.


public void portChanged(int newPort)
                 throws ModificationNotAllowedException
Description copied from interface: ExternalComponentManagerListener
Notification indicating that the port used by external components is being modified. The listener may throw an exception to not allow the change from taking place.

Specified by:
portChanged in interface ExternalComponentManagerListener
newPort - new default secret being set.
ModificationNotAllowedException - if the operation was denied.


public void defaultSecretChanged(String newSecret)
                          throws ModificationNotAllowedException
Description copied from interface: ExternalComponentManagerListener
Notification indicating that the default secret is being modified. The listener may throw an exception to not allow the change from taking place.

Specified by:
defaultSecretChanged in interface ExternalComponentManagerListener
newSecret - new default secret being set.
ModificationNotAllowedException - if the operation was denied.


public void permissionPolicyChanged(ExternalComponentManager.PermissionPolicy newPolicy)
                             throws ModificationNotAllowedException
Description copied from interface: ExternalComponentManagerListener
Notification indicating that the permission policy is being modified. See ExternalComponentManager.PermissionPolicy for more information. The listener may throw an exception to not allow the change from taking place.

Specified by:
permissionPolicyChanged in interface ExternalComponentManagerListener
newPolicy - new permission policy being set.
ModificationNotAllowedException - if the operation was denied.


public void componentAllowed(String subdomain,
                             ExternalComponentConfiguration configuration)
                      throws ModificationNotAllowedException
Description copied from interface: ExternalComponentManagerListener
Notification indicating that a new component was allowed to connect using a given configuration. The listener may throw an exception to not allow the change from taking place.

Specified by:
componentAllowed in interface ExternalComponentManagerListener
subdomain - subdomain of the added component.
configuration - configuration for the external component.
ModificationNotAllowedException - if the operation was denied.


public void componentBlocked(String subdomain)
                      throws ModificationNotAllowedException
Description copied from interface: ExternalComponentManagerListener
Notification indicating that a component was blocked to connect to the server. The listener may throw an exception to not allow the change from taking place.

Specified by:
componentBlocked in interface ExternalComponentManagerListener
subdomain - subdomain of the blocked component.
ModificationNotAllowedException - if the operation was denied.


public void componentSecretUpdated(String subdomain,
                                   String newSecret)
                            throws ModificationNotAllowedException
Description copied from interface: ExternalComponentManagerListener
Notification indicating that the configuration of a component, that was either blocked or allowed to connect, is being deleted. The listener may throw an exception to not allow the change from taking place.

Specified by:
componentSecretUpdated in interface ExternalComponentManagerListener
subdomain - subdomain of the component.
newSecret - new secret being set for the component.
ModificationNotAllowedException - if the operation was denied.


public void componentConfigurationDeleted(String subdomain)
                                   throws ModificationNotAllowedException
Description copied from interface: ExternalComponentManagerListener
Notification indicating that the configuration of a component, that was either blocked or allowed to connect, is being deleted. The listener may throw an exception to not allow the change from taking place.

Specified by:
componentConfigurationDeleted in interface ExternalComponentManagerListener
subdomain - subdomain of the component.
ModificationNotAllowedException - if the operation was denied.


public org.dom4j.Element executeRequest(ClearspaceManager.HttpType type,
                                        String urlSuffix)
                                 throws ConnectionException,
Makes a rest request of either type GET or DELETE at the specified urlSuffix. The urlSuffix should be of the form /userService/users. If CS throws an exception it handled and transalated to a Openfire exception if possible. This is done using the check fault method that has an exception mapping from CS to OF. If no mapping is found then it throws a Exception with the message of the CS exception.

type - Must be GET or DELETE
urlSuffix - The url suffix of the rest request
The response as a xml doc.
ConnectionException - Thrown if there are issues perfoming the request.
Exception - Thrown if the response from Clearspace contains an exception.


public org.dom4j.Element executeRequest(ClearspaceManager.HttpType type,
                                        String urlSuffix,
                                        String xmlParams)
                                 throws ConnectionException,
Makes a rest request of any type at the specified urlSuffix. The urlSuffix should be of the form /userService/users. If CS throws an exception it handled and transalated to a Openfire exception if possible. This is done using the check fault method that tries to throw the best maching exception.

type - Must be GET or DELETE
urlSuffix - The url suffix of the rest request
xmlParams - The xml with the request params, must be null if type is GET or DELETE only
The response as a xml doc.
ConnectionException - Thrown if there are issues perfoming the request.
Exception - Thrown if the response from Clearspace contains an exception.


protected long getUserID(String username)
                  throws UserNotFoundException
Returns the Clearspace user id the user by username.

username - Username to retrieve ID of.
The ID number of the user in Clearspace.
UserNotFoundException - If the user was not found.


protected long getUserID(org.xmpp.packet.JID user)
                  throws UserNotFoundException
Returns the Clearspace user id the user by JID.

user - JID of user to retrieve ID of.
The ID number of the user in Clearspace.
UserNotFoundException - If the user was not found.


protected String getUsernameByID(Long id)
                          throws UserNotFoundException
Returns the Clearspace username of the user by id.

id - ID to retrieve Username of.
The username of the user in Clearspace.
UserNotFoundException - If the user was not found.


protected long getGroupID(String groupname)
                   throws GroupNotFoundException
Returns the Clearspace group id of the group.

groupname - Name of the group to retrieve ID of.
The ID number of the group in Clearspace.
GroupNotFoundException - If the group was not found.


public boolean isFromClearspace(org.xmpp.packet.JID address)
Returns true if a given JID belongs to a known Clearspace component domain.

address - Address to check.
True if the specified address is a Clearspace component.


public org.xmpp.packet.IQ query(org.xmpp.packet.IQ packet,
                                int timeout)
Sends an IQ packet to the Clearspace external component and returns the IQ packet returned by CS or null if no answer was received before the specified timeout.

packet - IQ packet to send.
timeout - milliseconds to wait before timing out.
IQ packet returned by Clearspace responsing the packet we sent.


public void componentRegistered(org.xmpp.packet.JID componentJID)
Description copied from interface: ComponentEventListener
A component was registered with the Component Manager. At this point the component has been intialized and started. XMPP entities can exchange packets with the component. However, the component is still not listed as a disco#items of the server since the component has not answered the disco#info request sent by the server.

Specified by:
componentRegistered in interface ComponentEventListener
componentJID - address where the component can be located (e.g.


public void componentUnregistered(org.xmpp.packet.JID componentJID)
Description copied from interface: ComponentEventListener
A component was removed. This means that no other cluster node has this component and this was the last connection of the component.

Specified by:
componentUnregistered in interface ComponentEventListener
componentJID - address where the component was located (e.g.


public void componentInfoReceived(org.xmpp.packet.IQ iq)
Description copied from interface: ComponentEventListener
The server has received a disco#info response from the component. Once a component is registered with the server, the server will send a disco#info request to the component to discover if service discover is supported by the component. This event is triggered when the server received the response of the component.

Specified by:
componentInfoReceived in interface ComponentEventListener
iq - the IQ packet with the disco#info sent by the component.


public String getNonce()
Returns a nonce generated by Clearspace to be used in a SSO login.

a unique nonce.


public String generateNonce()
Generates a new nonce. The isValidNonce method will return true when using nonces generated by this method.

a unique nonce


public boolean isValidNonce(String nonce)
Returns true if the nonce was generated usig generateNonce and if this is the first check for that nonce.

nonce - the nonce to be checked
true if the nonce if the nonce was generated and this is the first check for that nonce


public void propertySet(String property,
                        Map params)
Description copied from interface: PropertyEventListener
A property was set. The parameter map params will contain the the value of the property under the key value.

Specified by:
propertySet in interface PropertyEventListener
property - the name of the property.
params - event parameters.


public void propertyDeleted(String property,
                            Map params)
Description copied from interface: PropertyEventListener
A property was deleted.

Specified by:
propertyDeleted in interface PropertyEventListener
property - the name of the property deleted.
params - event parameters.


public void xmlPropertySet(String property,
                           Map params)
Description copied from interface: PropertyEventListener
An XML property was set. The parameter map params will contain the the value of the property under the key value.

Specified by:
xmlPropertySet in interface PropertyEventListener
property - the name of the property.
params - event parameters.


public void xmlPropertyDeleted(String property,
                               Map params)
Description copied from interface: PropertyEventListener
An XML property was deleted.

Specified by:
xmlPropertyDeleted in interface PropertyEventListener
property - the name of the property.
params - event parameters.


public void certificateCreated(KeyStore keyStore,
                               String alias,
                               X509Certificate cert)
Description copied from interface: CertificateEventListener
Event triggered when a new certificate is created.

Specified by:
certificateCreated in interface CertificateEventListener
keyStore - key store where the certificate has been added.
alias - the alias of the certificate in the keystore.
cert - the new certificate created.


public void certificateDeleted(KeyStore keyStore,
                               String alias)
Description copied from interface: CertificateEventListener
Event triggered when a certificate is being deleted from the keystore.

Specified by:
certificateDeleted in interface CertificateEventListener
keyStore - key store where the certificate is being deleted.
alias - the alias of the certificate in the keystore.


public void certificateSigned(KeyStore keyStore,
                              String alias,
                              List<X509Certificate> certificates)
Description copied from interface: CertificateEventListener
Event triggered when a certificate has been signed by a Certificate Authority.

Specified by:
certificateSigned in interface CertificateEventListener
keyStore - key store where the certificate is stored.
alias - the alias of the certificate in the keystore.
certificates - chain of certificates. First certificate in the list is the certificate being signed and last certificate in the list is the root certificate.

Openfire 3.8.2 Javadoc

Copyright © 2003-2008 Jive Software.