Uses of Class

Packages that use IQ

Uses of IQ in org.xmpp.component

Methods in org.xmpp.component that return IQ
protected  IQ AbstractComponent.handleDiscoInfo(IQ iq)
          Default handler of Service Discovery Info requests.
protected  IQ AbstractComponent.handleDiscoItems(IQ iq)
          Default handler of Service Discovery Info requests.
protected  IQ AbstractComponent.handleIQGet(IQ iq)
          Override this method to handle the IQ stanzas of type get that could not be processed by the AbstractComponent implementation.
protected  IQ AbstractComponent.handleIQSet(IQ iq)
          Override this method to handle the IQ stanzas of type set that could not be processed by the AbstractComponent implementation.
protected  IQ AbstractComponent.handlePing(IQ iq)
          Default handler of Ping requests (XEP-0199).
 IQ ComponentManager.query(Component component, IQ packet, long timeout)
          Sends an IQ packet to the XMPP server and waits to get an IQ of type result or error.

Methods in org.xmpp.component with parameters of type IQ
protected  IQ AbstractComponent.handleDiscoInfo(IQ iq)
          Default handler of Service Discovery Info requests.
protected  IQ AbstractComponent.handleDiscoItems(IQ iq)
          Default handler of Service Discovery Info requests.
protected  void AbstractComponent.handleIQError(IQ iq)
          Override this method to handle the IQ stanzas of type error that are received by the component.
protected  IQ AbstractComponent.handleIQGet(IQ iq)
          Override this method to handle the IQ stanzas of type get that could not be processed by the AbstractComponent implementation.
protected  void AbstractComponent.handleIQResult(IQ iq)
          Override this method to handle the IQ stanzas of type result that are received by the component.
protected  IQ AbstractComponent.handleIQSet(IQ iq)
          Override this method to handle the IQ stanzas of type set that could not be processed by the AbstractComponent implementation.
protected  IQ AbstractComponent.handlePing(IQ iq)
          Default handler of Ping requests (XEP-0199).
 void ComponentManager.query(Component component, IQ packet, IQResultListener listener)
          Sends an IQ packet to the server and returns immediately.
 IQ ComponentManager.query(Component component, IQ packet, long timeout)
          Sends an IQ packet to the XMPP server and waits to get an IQ of type result or error.
 void IQResultListener.receivedAnswer(IQ packet)
          Notification method indicating that a previously sent IQ packet has been answered.

Uses of IQ in org.xmpp.muc

Subclasses of IQ in org.xmpp.muc
 class DestroyRoom
          DestroyRoom is a packet that when sent will ask the server to destroy a given room.
 class RoomConfiguration
          RoomConfiguration is a packet that helps to set the configuration of MUC rooms.

Uses of IQ in org.xmpp.packet

Subclasses of IQ in org.xmpp.packet
 class Roster
          Roster packet.

Methods in org.xmpp.packet that return IQ
 IQ IQ.createCopy()
          Returns a deep copy of this IQ.
static IQ IQ.createResultIQ(IQ iq)
          Convenience method to create a new IQ.Type.result IQ based on a IQ.Type.get or IQ.Type.set IQ.

Methods in org.xmpp.packet with parameters of type IQ
static IQ IQ.createResultIQ(IQ iq)
          Convenience method to create a new IQ.Type.result IQ based on a IQ.Type.get or IQ.Type.set IQ.

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