Class AgentSession

  • public class AgentSession
    extends java.lang.Object
    This class embodies the agent's active presence within a given workgroup. The application should have N instances of this class, where N is the number of workgroups to which the owning agent of the application belongs. This class provides all functionality that a session within a given workgroup is expected to have from an agent's perspective -- setting the status, tracking the status of queues to which the agent belongs within the workgroup, and dequeuing customers.
    • Constructor Detail

      • AgentSession

        public AgentSession​(EntityBareJid workgroupJID,
                            XMPPConnection connection)
        Constructs a new agent session instance. Note, the setOnline(boolean) method must be called with an argument of true to mark the agent as available to accept chat requests.
        connection - a connection instance which must have already gone through authentication.
        workgroupJID - the fully qualified JID of the workgroup.
    • Method Detail

      • close

        public void close()
        Close the agent session. The underlying connection will remain opened but the stanza listeners that were added by this agent session will be removed.
      • getPresenceMode

        public Presence.Mode getPresenceMode()
        Returns the agent's current presence mode.
        the agent's current presence mode.
      • getMaxChats

        public int getMaxChats()
        Returns the maximum number of chats the agent can participate in.
        the maximum number of chats the agent can participate in.
      • isOnline

        public boolean isOnline()
        Returns true if the agent is online with the workgroup.
        true if the agent is online with the workgroup.
      • setMetaData

        public void setMetaData​(java.lang.String key,
                                java.lang.String val)
                         throws XMPPException,
        Allows the addition of a new key-value pair to the agent's meta data, if the value is new data, the revised meta data will be rebroadcast in an agent's presence broadcast.
        key - the meta data key
        val - the non-null meta data value
        XMPPException - if an exception occurs.
        SmackException - if Smack detected an exceptional situation.
        java.lang.InterruptedException - if the calling thread was interrupted.
      • removeMetaData

        public void removeMetaData​(java.lang.String key)
                            throws XMPPException,
        Allows the removal of data from the agent's meta data, if the key represents existing data, the revised meta data will be rebroadcast in an agent's presence broadcast.
        key - the meta data key.
        XMPPException - if an exception occurs.
        SmackException - if Smack detected an exceptional situation.
        java.lang.InterruptedException - if the calling thread was interrupted.
      • getMetaData

        public java.util.List<java.lang.String> getMetaData​(java.lang.String key)
        Allows the retrieval of meta data for a specified key.
        key - the meta data key
        the meta data value associated with the key or null if the meta-data doesn't exist..
      • setOnline

        public void setOnline​(boolean online)
                       throws XMPPException,
        Sets whether the agent is online with the workgroup. If the user tries to go online with the workgroup but is not allowed to be an agent, an XMPPError with error code 401 will be thrown.
        online - true to set the agent as online with the workgroup.
        XMPPException - if an error occurs setting the online status.
        SmackException - assertEquals(SmackException.Type.NO_RESPONSE_FROM_SERVER, e.getType()); return;
        java.lang.InterruptedException - if the calling thread was interrupted.
      • setStatus

        public void setStatus​(Presence.Mode presenceMode,
                              int maxChats)
                       throws XMPPException,
        Sets the agent's current status with the workgroup. The presence mode affects how offers are routed to the agent. The possible presence modes with their meanings are as follows:
        • Presence.Mode.AVAILABLE -- (Default) the agent is available for more chats (equivalent to Presence.Mode.CHAT).
        • Presence.Mode.DO_NOT_DISTURB -- the agent is busy and should not be disturbed. However, special case, or extreme urgency chats may still be offered to the agent.
        • Presence.Mode.AWAY -- the agent is not available and should not have a chat routed to them (equivalent to Presence.Mode.EXTENDED_AWAY).
        The max chats value is the maximum number of chats the agent is willing to have routed to them at once. Some servers may be configured to only accept max chat values in a certain range; for example, between two and five. In that case, the maxChats value the agent sends may be adjusted by the server to a value within that range.
        presenceMode - the presence mode of the agent.
        maxChats - the maximum number of chats the agent is willing to accept.
        XMPPException - if an error occurs setting the agent status.
        SmackException - if Smack detected an exceptional situation.
        java.lang.InterruptedException - if the calling thread was interrupted.
        java.lang.IllegalStateException - if the agent is not online with the workgroup.
      • setStatus

        public void setStatus​(Presence.Mode presenceMode,
                              int maxChats,
                              java.lang.String status)
                       throws SmackException.NoResponseException,
        Sets the agent's current status with the workgroup. The presence mode affects how offers are routed to the agent. The possible presence modes with their meanings are as follows:
        • Presence.Mode.AVAILABLE -- (Default) the agent is available for more chats (equivalent to Presence.Mode.CHAT).
        • Presence.Mode.DO_NOT_DISTURB -- the agent is busy and should not be disturbed. However, special case, or extreme urgency chats may still be offered to the agent.
        • Presence.Mode.AWAY -- the agent is not available and should not have a chat routed to them (equivalent to Presence.Mode.EXTENDED_AWAY).
        The max chats value is the maximum number of chats the agent is willing to have routed to them at once. Some servers may be configured to only accept max chat values in a certain range; for example, between two and five. In that case, the maxChats value the agent sends may be adjusted by the server to a value within that range.
        presenceMode - the presence mode of the agent.
        maxChats - the maximum number of chats the agent is willing to accept.
        status - sets the status message of the presence update.
        XMPPException.XMPPErrorException - if there was an XMPP error returned.
        SmackException.NoResponseException - if there was no response from the remote entity.
        SmackException.NotConnectedException - if the XMPP connection is not connected.
        java.lang.InterruptedException - if the calling thread was interrupted.
        java.lang.IllegalStateException - if the agent is not online with the workgroup.
      • setStatus

        public void setStatus​(Presence.Mode presenceMode,
                              java.lang.String status)
                       throws SmackException.NoResponseException,
        Sets the agent's current status with the workgroup. The presence mode affects how offers are routed to the agent. The possible presence modes with their meanings are as follows:
        • Presence.Mode.AVAILABLE -- (Default) the agent is available for more chats (equivalent to Presence.Mode.CHAT).
        • Presence.Mode.DO_NOT_DISTURB -- the agent is busy and should not be disturbed. However, special case, or extreme urgency chats may still be offered to the agent.
        • Presence.Mode.AWAY -- the agent is not available and should not have a chat routed to them (equivalent to Presence.Mode.EXTENDED_AWAY).
        presenceMode - the presence mode of the agent.
        status - sets the status message of the presence update.
        XMPPException.XMPPErrorException - if there was an XMPP error returned.
        SmackException.NoResponseException - if there was no response from the remote entity.
        SmackException.NotConnectedException - if the XMPP connection is not connected.
        java.lang.InterruptedException - if the calling thread was interrupted.
        java.lang.IllegalStateException - if the agent is not online with the workgroup.
      • dequeueUser

        public void dequeueUser​(EntityJid userID)
                         throws XMPPException,
        Removes a user from the workgroup queue. This is an administrative action that the The agent is not guaranteed of having privileges to perform this action; an exception denying the request may be thrown.
        userID - the ID of the user to remove.
        XMPPException - if an exception occurs.
        SmackException.NotConnectedException - if the XMPP connection is not connected.
        java.lang.InterruptedException - if the calling thread was interrupted.
      • getTranscripts

        public Transcripts getTranscripts​(Jid userID)
                                   throws XMPPException,
        Returns the transcripts of a given user. The answer will contain the complete history of conversations that a user had.
        userID - the id of the user to get his conversations.
        the transcripts of a given user.
        XMPPException - if an error occurs while getting the information.
        SmackException - if Smack detected an exceptional situation.
        java.lang.InterruptedException - if the calling thread was interrupted.
      • getTranscript

        public Transcript getTranscript​(java.lang.String sessionID)
                                 throws XMPPException,
        Returns the full conversation transcript of a given session.
        sessionID - the id of the session to get the full transcript.
        the full conversation transcript of a given session.
        XMPPException - if an error occurs while getting the information.
        SmackException - if Smack detected an exceptional situation.
        java.lang.InterruptedException - if the calling thread was interrupted.
      • getTranscriptSearchForm

        public Form getTranscriptSearchForm()
                                     throws XMPPException,
        Returns the Form to use for searching transcripts. It is unlikely that the server will change the form (without a restart) so it is safe to keep the returned form for future submissions.
        the Form to use for searching transcripts.
        XMPPException - if an error occurs while sending the request to the server.
        SmackException - if Smack detected an exceptional situation.
        java.lang.InterruptedException - if the calling thread was interrupted.
      • searchTranscripts

        public ReportedData searchTranscripts​(FillableForm completedForm)
                                       throws XMPPException,
        Submits the completed form and returns the result of the transcript search. The result will include all the data returned from the server so be careful with the amount of data that the search may return.
        completedForm - the filled out search form.
        the result of the transcript search.
        SmackException - if Smack detected an exceptional situation.
        XMPPException - if an XMPP protocol error was received.
        java.lang.InterruptedException - if the calling thread was interrupted.
      • getWorkgroupJID

        public Jid getWorkgroupJID()
        Get workgroup JID.
        the fully-qualified name of the workgroup for which this session exists
      • getAgent

        public Agent getAgent()
        Returns the Agent associated to this session.
        the Agent associated to this session.
      • getQueue

        public WorkgroupQueue getQueue​(java.lang.String queueName)
        Get queue.
        queueName - the name of the queue
        an instance of WorkgroupQueue for the argument queue name, or null if none exists
      • getQueue

        public WorkgroupQueue getQueue​(Resourcepart queueName)
        Get queue.
        queueName - the name of the queue
        an instance of WorkgroupQueue for the argument queue name, or null if none exists
      • addOfferListener

        public void addOfferListener​(OfferListener offerListener)
        Adds an offer listener.
        offerListener - the offer listener.
      • removeOfferListener

        public void removeOfferListener​(OfferListener offerListener)
        Removes an offer listener.
        offerListener - the offer listener.
      • getAgentHistory

        public AgentChatHistory getAgentHistory​(EntityBareJid jid,
                                                int maxSessions,
                                                java.util.Date startDate)
                                         throws XMPPException,
        Retrieves the AgentChatHistory associated with a particular agent jid.
        jid - the jid of the agent.
        maxSessions - the max number of sessions to retrieve.
        startDate - point in time from which on history should get retrieved.
        the chat history associated with a given jid.
        XMPPException - if an error occurs while retrieving the AgentChatHistory.
        SmackException.NotConnectedException - if the XMPP connection is not connected.
        java.lang.InterruptedException - if the calling thread was interrupted.
      • getChatMetadata

        public java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.util.List<java.lang.String>> getChatMetadata​(java.lang.String sessionID)
                                                                                               throws XMPPException,
        Query for metadata associated with a session id.
        sessionID - the sessionID to query for.
        Map a map of all metadata associated with the sessionID.
        XMPPException - if an error occurs while getting information from the server.
        SmackException.NotConnectedException - if the XMPP connection is not connected.
        java.lang.InterruptedException - if the calling thread was interrupted.
      • sendRoomInvitation

        public void sendRoomInvitation​(RoomInvitation.Type type,
                                       Jid invitee,
                                       java.lang.String sessionID,
                                       java.lang.String reason)
                                throws SmackException.NoResponseException,
        Invites a user or agent to an existing session support. The provided invitee's JID can be of a user, an agent, a queue or a workgroup. In the case of a queue or a workgroup the workgroup service will decide the best agent to receive the invitation.

        This method will return either when the service returned an ACK of the request or if an error occurred while requesting the invitation. After sending the ACK the service will send the invitation to the target entity. When dealing with agents the common sequence of offer-response will be followed. However, when sending an invitation to a user a standard MUC invitation will be sent.

        The agent or user that accepted the offer MUST join the room. Failing to do so will make the invitation to fail. The inviter will eventually receive a message error indicating that the invitee accepted the offer but failed to join the room. Different situations may lead to a failed invitation. Possible cases are: 1) all agents rejected the offer and there are no agents available, 2) the agent that accepted the offer failed to join the room or 2) the user that received the MUC invitation never replied or joined the room. In any of these cases (or other failing cases) the inviter will get an error message with the failed notification.

        type - type of entity that will get the invitation.
        invitee - JID of entity that will get the invitation.
        sessionID - ID of the support session that the invitee is being invited.
        reason - the reason of the invitation.
        XMPPException.XMPPErrorException - if the sender of the invitation is not an agent or the service failed to process the request.
        SmackException.NoResponseException - if there was no response from the remote entity.
        SmackException.NotConnectedException - if the XMPP connection is not connected.
        java.lang.InterruptedException - if the calling thread was interrupted.
      • sendRoomTransfer

        public void sendRoomTransfer​(RoomTransfer.Type type,
                                     java.lang.String invitee,
                                     java.lang.String sessionID,
                                     java.lang.String reason)
                              throws SmackException.NoResponseException,
        Transfer an existing session support to another user or agent. The provided invitee's JID can be of a user, an agent, a queue or a workgroup. In the case of a queue or a workgroup the workgroup service will decide the best agent to receive the invitation.

        This method will return either when the service returned an ACK of the request or if an error occurred while requesting the transfer. After sending the ACK the service will send the invitation to the target entity. When dealing with agents the common sequence of offer-response will be followed. However, when sending an invitation to a user a standard MUC invitation will be sent.

        Once the invitee joins the support room the workgroup service will kick the inviter from the room.

        Different situations may lead to a failed transfers. Possible cases are: 1) all agents rejected the offer and there are no agents available, 2) the agent that accepted the offer failed to join the room or 2) the user that received the MUC invitation never replied or joined the room. In any of these cases (or other failing cases) the inviter will get an error message with the failed notification.

        type - type of entity that will get the invitation.
        invitee - JID of entity that will get the invitation.
        sessionID - ID of the support session that the invitee is being invited.
        reason - the reason of the invitation.
        XMPPException.XMPPErrorException - if the sender of the invitation is not an agent or the service failed to process the request.
        SmackException.NoResponseException - if there was no response from the remote entity.
        SmackException.NotConnectedException - if the XMPP connection is not connected.
        java.lang.InterruptedException - if the calling thread was interrupted.