Class MultiUserChatServiceImpl

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    ClusterEventListener, DiscoInfoProvider, DiscoItemsProvider, ServerItemsProvider, MultiUserChatService, XMPPServerListener, org.xmpp.component.Component

    public class MultiUserChatServiceImpl
    extends Object
    implements org.xmpp.component.Component, MultiUserChatService, ServerItemsProvider, DiscoInfoProvider, DiscoItemsProvider, XMPPServerListener, ClusterEventListener
    Implements the chat server as a cached memory resident chat server. The server is also responsible for responding Multi-User Chat disco requests as well as removing inactive users from the rooms after a period of time and to maintain a log of the conversation in the rooms that require to log their conversations. The conversations log is saved to the database using a separate process.

    Temporary rooms are held in memory as long as they have occupants. They will be destroyed after the last occupant left the room. On the other hand, persistent rooms are always present in memory even after the last occupant left the room. In order to keep memory clean of persistent rooms that have been forgotten or abandoned this class includes a clean up process. The clean up process will remove from memory rooms that haven't had occupants for a while. Moreover, forgotten or abandoned rooms won't be loaded into memory when the Multi-User Chat service starts up.

    Gaston Dombiak, Guus der Kinderen,
    • Constructor Detail

      • MultiUserChatServiceImpl

        public MultiUserChatServiceImpl​(String subdomain,
                                        String description,
                                        Boolean isHidden)
        Create a new group chat server.
        subdomain - Subdomain portion of the conference services (for example, conference for
        description - Short description of service for disco and such. If null or empty, a default value will be used.
        isHidden - True if this service should be hidden from services views.
        IllegalArgumentException - if the provided subdomain is an invalid, according to the JID domain definition.
    • Method Detail

      • addIQHandler

        public void addIQHandler​(IQHandler iqHandler)
        Description copied from interface: MultiUserChatService
        Add a IQHandler to MUC rooms and services. If the IQHandler only supports one or other, it should quietly ignore it.
        Specified by:
        addIQHandler in interface MultiUserChatService
        iqHandler - the IQ handler to add
      • getDescription

        public String getDescription()
        Specified by:
        getDescription in interface org.xmpp.component.Component
      • setDescription

        public void setDescription​(String desc)
      • processPacket

        public void processPacket​(org.xmpp.packet.Packet packet)
        Specified by:
        processPacket in interface org.xmpp.component.Component
      • processVCardResponse

        public void processVCardResponse​(@Nonnull
                                         org.xmpp.packet.IQ response)
        Processes a VCard response stanza that is supposedly sent to an occupant of a room as a result of that occupant having requested the VCard of another occupant earlier. VCard processing in MUC rooms depends on a bit of a hack: most clients of requestees cannot process a request for a VCard themselves (see XEP-0054). Instead, the request is rerouted to the bare JID of the requestee, which is responded to by its home server. MUCRoom.sendPrivatePacket(Packet, MUCRole) implements this rerouting. The response from the home server is then processed by this method. It needs special care as its 'from' address is a bare JID (and thus not directly related to a single occupant).
        response - An IQ stanza that should be a response to an earlier VCard request.
      • processRegularStanza

        public void processRegularStanza​(org.xmpp.packet.Packet packet)
                                  throws UnauthorizedException,
        This method does all stanza routing in the chat server for 'regular' MUC stanzas. Packet routing is actually very simple:
        • Discover the room the user is talking to
        • If the room is not registered and this is a presence "available" packet, try to join the room
        • If the room is registered, and presence "unavailable" leave the room
        • Otherwise, rewrite the sender address and send to the room.
        packet - The stanza to route
      • isPendingPingResponse

        public boolean isPendingPingResponse​(@Nonnull
                                             org.xmpp.packet.Packet stanza)
        Determines if a stanza is a client-generated response to an IQ Ping request sent by this server. A 'true' result of this method indicates that the client sending the IQ response is currently reachable.
        stanza - The stanza to check
        true if the stanza is a response to an IQ Ping request sent by the server, otherwise false.
      • isDeliveryRelatedErrorResponse

        public boolean isDeliveryRelatedErrorResponse​(@Nonnull
                                                      org.xmpp.packet.Packet stanza)
        Determines if a stanza is sent by (on behalf of) an entity that MUC room believes to be an occupant when they've left: a 'ghost' occupant For message and presence stanzas, the delivery errors as defined in section 18.1.2 of XEP-0045 are used. For IQ stanzas, these errors may be due to lack of client support rather than a vanished occupant. Therefore, IQ stanzas will only return 'true' when they are an error response to an IQ Ping request sent by this server.
        stanza - The stanza to check
        true if the stanza is a delivery related error response (from a 'ghost user'), otherwise false.
        See Also:
        XEP-0045, section 'ghost users'
      • initialize

        public void initialize​(org.xmpp.packet.JID jid,
                               org.xmpp.component.ComponentManager componentManager)
        Specified by:
        initialize in interface org.xmpp.component.Component
      • shutdown

        public void shutdown()
        Specified by:
        shutdown in interface org.xmpp.component.Component
      • getServiceDomain

        public String getServiceDomain()
        Description copied from interface: MultiUserChatService
        Returns the fully-qualifed domain name of this chat service. The domain is composed by the service name and the name of the XMPP server where the service is running.
        Specified by:
        getServiceDomain in interface MultiUserChatService
        the chat server domain (service name + host name).
      • getAddress

        public org.xmpp.packet.JID getAddress()
      • serverStarted

        public void serverStarted()
        Description copied from interface: XMPPServerListener
        Notification message indicating that the server has been started. At this point all server modules have been initialized and started. Message sending and receiving is now possible. However, some plugins may still be pending to be loaded.
        Specified by:
        serverStarted in interface XMPPServerListener
      • serverStopping

        public void serverStopping()
        Description copied from interface: XMPPServerListener
        Notification message indication that the server is about to be stopped. At this point all modules are still running so all services are still available.
        Specified by:
        serverStopping in interface XMPPServerListener
      • getChatRoomLock

        public Lock getChatRoomLock​(@Nonnull
                                    String roomName)
        Description copied from interface: MultiUserChatService
        Generates a mutex object that controls cluster-wide access to a MUCRoom instance that represents the room in this service identified by the provided name. The lock, once returned, is not acquired/set.
        Specified by:
        getChatRoomLock in interface MultiUserChatService
        roomName - Name of the room for which to return a lock.
        The lock (which has not been set yet).
      • syncChatRoom

        public void syncChatRoom​(@Nonnull
                                 MUCRoom room)
        Description copied from interface: MultiUserChatService
        Makes available the current state of the provided MUCRoom instance to all nodes in the Openfire cluster (if the local server is part of such a cluster). This method should be used whenever a MUCRoom instance has been changed.
        Specified by:
        syncChatRoom in interface MultiUserChatService
        room - The room for which to persist state changes across the Openfire cluster.
      • getChatRoom

        public MUCRoom getChatRoom​(@Nonnull
                                   String roomName,
                                   org.xmpp.packet.JID userjid)
                            throws NotAllowedException
        Description copied from interface: MultiUserChatService
        Obtains a chatroom by name. A chatroom is created for that name if none exists and the user has permission. The user that asked for the chatroom will be the room's owner if the chatroom was created. Note that when obtaining a room instance using this method, the caller should take responsibility to make sure that any changes to the instance will become visible to other cluster nodes (which is done by invoking MultiUserChatService.syncChatRoom(MUCRoom). Where appropriate, the caller should apply mutex (as returned by MultiUserChatService.getChatRoomLock(String)) to control concurrent access to the returned instance.
        Specified by:
        getChatRoom in interface MultiUserChatService
        roomName - Name of the room to get.
        userjid - The user's normal jid, not the chat nickname jid.
        The chatroom for the given name.
        NotAllowedException - If the caller doesn't have permission to create a new room.
        See Also:
      • getAllRoomNames

        public Set<String> getAllRoomNames()
        Combine names of all rooms in the database (to catch any rooms that aren't currently in memory) with all names of rooms currently in memory (to include rooms that are non-persistent / never saved in the database). Duplicates will be removed by virtue of using a Set.
        Specified by:
        getAllRoomNames in interface MultiUserChatService
        Names of all rooms that are known to this service.
      • getActiveAndInactiveRooms

        public List<MUCRoom> getActiveAndInactiveRooms()
        Returns all rooms serviced by this service. This includes rooms designated as non-active, which are loaded from the database if necessary. This method can also be used solely for that 'side' effect of ensuring that all rooms are loaded.
        All rooms serviced by this service.
      • hasChatRoom

        public boolean hasChatRoom​(String roomName)
        Description copied from interface: MultiUserChatService
        Returns true if the server includes a chatroom with the requested name.
        Specified by:
        hasChatRoom in interface MultiUserChatService
        roomName - the name of the chatroom to check.
        true if the server includes a chatroom with the requested name.
      • getName

        public String getName()
        Specified by:
        getName in interface org.xmpp.component.Component
      • getOccupants

        public Collection<MUCRole> getOccupants​(org.xmpp.packet.JID user)
        Description copied from interface: MultiUserChatService
        Returns the list of MUCRole in all rooms for the specified user's session. Note that a method by this name was introduced in Openfire 4.9.0, but will be refactored as part of the 4.10.0 release of Openfire, as the type of the returned class will be modified in that release.
        Specified by:
        getOccupants in interface MultiUserChatService
        user - the full JID that identifies the session of the user.
        the list of occupants in all rooms for the specified user's session.
      • getIdleUserTaskInterval

        public Duration getIdleUserTaskInterval()
        Description copied from interface: MultiUserChatService
        Returns the period of fixed-delay executions of tasks that operate on idle users.
        Specified by:
        getIdleUserTaskInterval in interface MultiUserChatService
        The fixed-delay interval in which idle checks need to be performed.
      • setIdleUserKickThreshold

        public void setIdleUserKickThreshold​(@Nullable
                                             Duration duration)
        Description copied from interface: MultiUserChatService
        Sets the duration that a user must be idle before he/she gets kicked from all the rooms. By idle we mean that the user didn't send any message to any group chat room. Set to null to disable the feature.
        Specified by:
        setIdleUserKickThreshold in interface MultiUserChatService
        duration - the amount of time to wait before considering a user idle.
      • getIdleUserKickThreshold

        public Duration getIdleUserKickThreshold()
        Description copied from interface: MultiUserChatService
        Returns the duration that a user must be idle before he/she gets kicked from all the rooms. By idle we mean that the user didn't send any message to any group chat room. Returns null if the feature is disabled.
        Specified by:
        getIdleUserKickThreshold in interface MultiUserChatService
        the amount of time to wait before considering a user idle.
      • setIdleUserPingThreshold

        public void setIdleUserPingThreshold​(@Nullable
                                             Duration duration)
        Description copied from interface: MultiUserChatService
        Sets the duration that a user must be idle before he/she gets pinged by the room, to determine if the user is a 'ghost user'. By idle we mean that the user didn't send any message to any group chat room. Set to null to disable the feature.
        Specified by:
        setIdleUserPingThreshold in interface MultiUserChatService
        duration - the amount of time to wait before considering a user idle.
      • getIdleUserPingThreshold

        public Duration getIdleUserPingThreshold()
        Description copied from interface: MultiUserChatService
        Returns the duration that a user must be idle before he/she gets pinged by the rooms that they're an occupant of (to determine if they're a 'ghost user'). By idle we mean that the user didn't send any message to any group chat room. Returns null if the feature is disabled.
        Specified by:
        getIdleUserPingThreshold in interface MultiUserChatService
        the amount of time to wait before considering a user idle.
      • getUsersAllowedToCreate

        public Collection<org.xmpp.packet.JID> getUsersAllowedToCreate()
        Description copied from interface: MultiUserChatService
        Returns the collection of JIDs that are allowed to create MUC rooms. When isAllRegisteredUsersAllowedToCreate, this method will not return a JID of every user in the system.
        Specified by:
        getUsersAllowedToCreate in interface MultiUserChatService
        a list of user/group JIDs.
      • getSysadmins

        public Collection<org.xmpp.packet.JID> getSysadmins()
        Description copied from interface: MultiUserChatService
        Returns the collection of JIDs that are system administrators of the MUC service. A sysadmin has the same permissions as a room owner.
        Specified by:
        getSysadmins in interface MultiUserChatService
        a list of user/group JIDs.
      • isSysadmin

        public boolean isSysadmin​(org.xmpp.packet.JID bareJID)
        Description copied from interface: MultiUserChatService
        Validates the given JID as a MUC service administrator.
        Specified by:
        isSysadmin in interface MultiUserChatService
        bareJID - the bare JID of the user
        true if the given JID is a MUC service administrator
      • addSysadmins

        public void addSysadmins​(Collection<org.xmpp.packet.JID> userJIDs)
        Description copied from interface: MultiUserChatService
        Adds multiple system administrators for the MUC service. A sysadmin has the same permissions as a room owner.
        Specified by:
        addSysadmins in interface MultiUserChatService
        userJIDs - the JIDs of the new users/groups to add as a system administrator.
      • addSysadmin

        public void addSysadmin​(org.xmpp.packet.JID userJID)
        Description copied from interface: MultiUserChatService
        Adds a new system administrator of the MUC service. A sysadmin has the same permissions as a room owner.
        Specified by:
        addSysadmin in interface MultiUserChatService
        userJID - the bare JID of the new user/group to add as a system administrator.
      • removeSysadmin

        public void removeSysadmin​(org.xmpp.packet.JID userJID)
        Description copied from interface: MultiUserChatService
        Removes a system administrator of the MUC service.
        Specified by:
        removeSysadmin in interface MultiUserChatService
        userJID - the bare JID of the user/group to remove from the list.
      • isAllowToDiscoverMembersOnlyRooms

        public boolean isAllowToDiscoverMembersOnlyRooms()
        Returns the flag that indicates if the service should provide information about non-public members-only rooms when handling service discovery requests.
        true if the service should provide information about non-public members-only rooms.
      • setAllowToDiscoverMembersOnlyRooms

        public void setAllowToDiscoverMembersOnlyRooms​(boolean allowToDiscoverMembersOnlyRooms)
        Sets the flag that indicates if the service should provide information about non-public members-only rooms when handling service discovery requests.
        allowToDiscoverMembersOnlyRooms - if the service should provide information about non-public members-only rooms.
      • isAllowToDiscoverLockedRooms

        public boolean isAllowToDiscoverLockedRooms()
        Returns the flag that indicates if the service should provide information about locked rooms when handling service discovery requests.
        true if the service should provide information about locked rooms.
      • setAllowToDiscoverLockedRooms

        public void setAllowToDiscoverLockedRooms​(boolean allowToDiscoverLockedRooms)
        Sets the flag that indicates if the service should provide information about locked rooms when handling service discovery requests. Note: Setting this flag in false is not compliant with the spec. A user may try to join a locked room thinking that the room doesn't exist because the user didn't discover it before.
        allowToDiscoverLockedRooms - if the service should provide information about locked rooms.
      • isRoomCreationRestricted

        public boolean isRoomCreationRestricted()
        Description copied from interface: MultiUserChatService
        Returns false if anyone can create rooms or true if only the returned JIDs in getUsersAllowedToCreate are allowed to create rooms.
        Specified by:
        isRoomCreationRestricted in interface MultiUserChatService
        true if only some JIDs are allowed to create rooms.
      • setRoomCreationRestricted

        public void setRoomCreationRestricted​(boolean roomCreationRestricted)
        Description copied from interface: MultiUserChatService
        Sets if anyone can create rooms. When set to true, users are allowed to create rooms only when isAllRegisteredUsersAllowedToCreate or getUsersAllowedToCreate (or both) allow them to.
        Specified by:
        setRoomCreationRestricted in interface MultiUserChatService
        roomCreationRestricted - whether anyone can create rooms or not.
      • isAllRegisteredUsersAllowedToCreate

        public boolean isAllRegisteredUsersAllowedToCreate()
        Description copied from interface: MultiUserChatService
        Sets if all registered users of Openfire are allowed to create rooms. When true, anonymous users and users from other domains (through federation) are initially prohibited from creating rooms, but can still be allowed by registering their JIDs in addUserAllowedToCreate.
        Specified by:
        isAllRegisteredUsersAllowedToCreate in interface MultiUserChatService
        true if all registered users are allowed to create rooms.
      • setAllRegisteredUsersAllowedToCreate

        public void setAllRegisteredUsersAllowedToCreate​(boolean allow)
        Description copied from interface: MultiUserChatService
        Sets if all registered users of Openfire are allowed to create rooms.
        Specified by:
        setAllRegisteredUsersAllowedToCreate in interface MultiUserChatService
        allow - whether all registered users can create rooms.
      • addUsersAllowedToCreate

        public void addUsersAllowedToCreate​(Collection<org.xmpp.packet.JID> userJIDs)
        Description copied from interface: MultiUserChatService
        Adds new users/groups to the list of JIDs that are allowed to create MUC rooms.
        Specified by:
        addUsersAllowedToCreate in interface MultiUserChatService
        userJIDs - collection of JIDs for users/groups to add to list.
      • addUserAllowedToCreate

        public void addUserAllowedToCreate​(org.xmpp.packet.JID userJID)
        Description copied from interface: MultiUserChatService
        Adds a new user/group to the list of JIDs that are allowed to create MUC rooms.
        Specified by:
        addUserAllowedToCreate in interface MultiUserChatService
        userJID - the JID of the new user/group to add to list.
      • removeUsersAllowedToCreate

        public void removeUsersAllowedToCreate​(Collection<org.xmpp.packet.JID> userJIDs)
        Description copied from interface: MultiUserChatService
        Removes users/groups from list of JIDs that are allowed to create MUC rooms.
        Specified by:
        removeUsersAllowedToCreate in interface MultiUserChatService
        userJIDs - collection of JIDs of users/groups to remove from the list.
      • removeUserAllowedToCreate

        public void removeUserAllowedToCreate​(org.xmpp.packet.JID userJID)
        Description copied from interface: MultiUserChatService
        Removes a user/group from list of JIDs that are allowed to create MUC rooms.
        Specified by:
        removeUserAllowedToCreate in interface MultiUserChatService
        userJID - the JID of the user/group to remove from the list.
      • initialize

        public void initialize​(XMPPServer server)
      • initializeSettings

        public void initializeSettings()
      • setLogMaxConversationBatchSize

        public void setLogMaxConversationBatchSize​(int size)
        Sets the maximum number of messages to save to the database on each run of the archiving process. Even though the saving of queued conversations takes place in another thread it is not recommended specifying a big number.
        Specified by:
        setLogMaxConversationBatchSize in interface MultiUserChatService
        size - the maximum number of messages to save to the database on each run of the archiving process.
      • getLogMaxConversationBatchSize

        public int getLogMaxConversationBatchSize()
        Returns the maximum number of messages to save to the database on each run of the archiving process.
        Specified by:
        getLogMaxConversationBatchSize in interface MultiUserChatService
        the maximum number of messages to save to the database on each run of the archiving process.
      • setLogMaxBatchInterval

        public void setLogMaxBatchInterval​(Duration interval)
        Sets the maximum time allowed to elapse between writing archive batches to the database.
        Specified by:
        setLogMaxBatchInterval in interface MultiUserChatService
        interval - the maximum time allowed to elapse between writing archive batches to the database.
      • getLogMaxBatchInterval

        public Duration getLogMaxBatchInterval()
        Returns the maximum time allowed to elapse between writing archive entries to the database.
        Specified by:
        getLogMaxBatchInterval in interface MultiUserChatService
        the maximum time allowed to elapse between writing archive entries to the database.
      • setLogBatchGracePeriod

        public void setLogBatchGracePeriod​(Duration interval)
        Sets the maximum time to wait for a next incoming entry before writing the batch to the database.
        Specified by:
        setLogBatchGracePeriod in interface MultiUserChatService
        interval - the maximum time to wait for a next incoming entry before writing the batch to the database.
      • getLogBatchGracePeriod

        public Duration getLogBatchGracePeriod()
        Returns the maximum time to wait for a next incoming entry before writing the batch to the database.
        Specified by:
        getLogBatchGracePeriod in interface MultiUserChatService
        the maximum time to wait for a next incoming entry before writing the batch to the database.
      • getArchiver

        public Archiver<org.jivesoftware.openfire.muc.spi.ConversationLogEntry> getArchiver()
        Accessor uses the "double-check idiom" for proper lazy instantiation.
        Specified by:
        getArchiver in interface MultiUserChatService
        An Archiver instance, never null.
      • start

        public void start()
        Specified by:
        start in interface org.xmpp.component.Component
      • enableService

        public void enableService​(boolean enabled,
                                  boolean persistent)
        Description copied from interface: MultiUserChatService
        Enables or disables the MUC service. When disabled the MUC service will disappear from the disco#items list. Moreover, service discovery features will be disabled.
        Specified by:
        enableService in interface MultiUserChatService
        enabled - true if the service is enabled.
        persistent - true if the new setting will persist across restarts.
      • getNumberChatRooms

        public int getNumberChatRooms()
        Returns the number of existing rooms in the server (i.e. persistent or not, in memory or not).
        Specified by:
        getNumberChatRooms in interface MultiUserChatService
        the number of existing rooms in the server.
      • getNumberConnectedUsers

        public int getNumberConnectedUsers()
        Returns the total number of occupants in all rooms.
        Specified by:
        getNumberConnectedUsers in interface MultiUserChatService
        the total number of occupants.
      • getNumberRoomOccupants

        public int getNumberRoomOccupants()
        Returns the total number of users that have joined in all rooms in the server.
        Specified by:
        getNumberRoomOccupants in interface MultiUserChatService
        the number of existing rooms in the server.
      • getIncomingMessageCount

        public long getIncomingMessageCount​(boolean resetAfter)
        Returns the total number of incoming messages since last reset.
        Specified by:
        getIncomingMessageCount in interface MultiUserChatService
        resetAfter - True if you want the counter to be reset after results returned.
        the number of incoming messages through the service.
      • getOutgoingMessageCount

        public long getOutgoingMessageCount​(boolean resetAfter)
        Returns the total number of outgoing messages since last reset.
        Specified by:
        getOutgoingMessageCount in interface MultiUserChatService
        resetAfter - True if you want the counter to be reset after results returned.
        the number of outgoing messages through the service.
      • logConversation

        public void logConversation​(MUCRoom room,
                                    org.xmpp.packet.Message message,
                                    org.xmpp.packet.JID sender)
        Description copied from interface: MultiUserChatService
        Logs that a given message was sent to a room as part of a conversation. Every message sent to the room that is allowed to be broadcasted and that was sent either from the room itself or from an occupant will be logged.

        Note: For performane reasons, the logged message won't be immediately saved. Instead we keep the logged messages in memory until the logging process saves them to the database. It's possible to configure the logging process to run every X milliseconds and also the number of messages to log on each execution.

        Specified by:
        logConversation in interface MultiUserChatService
        room - the room that received the message.
        message - the message to log as part of the conversation in the room.
        sender - the real XMPPAddress of the sender (e.g.
        See Also:
      • messageBroadcastedTo

        public void messageBroadcastedTo​(int numOccupants)
        Description copied from interface: MultiUserChatService
        Notification message indicating the server that an incoming message was broadcasted to a given number of occupants.
        Specified by:
        messageBroadcastedTo in interface MultiUserChatService
        numOccupants - number of occupants that received the message.
      • getItems

        public Iterator<DiscoServerItem> getItems()
        Description copied from interface: ServerItemsProvider
        Returns an Iterator (of DiscoServerItem) with the items associated with the server or null if none.
        Specified by:
        getItems in interface ServerItemsProvider
        an Iterator (of DiscoServerItem) with the items associated with the server or null if none.
      • getIdentities

        public Iterator<org.dom4j.Element> getIdentities​(String name,
                                                         String node,
                                                         org.xmpp.packet.JID senderJID)
        Description copied from interface: DiscoInfoProvider
        Returns an Iterator (of Element) with the target entity's identities. Each Element must include the categoty, type and name attributes of the entity.
        Specified by:
        getIdentities in interface DiscoInfoProvider
        name - the recipient JID's name.
        node - the requested disco node.
        senderJID - the XMPPAddress of user that sent the disco info request.
        an Iterator (of Element) with the target entity's identities.
      • getFeatures

        public Iterator<String> getFeatures​(String name,
                                            String node,
                                            org.xmpp.packet.JID senderJID)
        Description copied from interface: DiscoInfoProvider
        Returns an Iterator (of String) with the supported features. The features to include are the features offered and supported protocols by the target entity identified by the requested name and node.
        Specified by:
        getFeatures in interface DiscoInfoProvider
        name - the recipient JID's name.
        node - the requested disco node.
        senderJID - the XMPPAddress of user that sent the disco info request.
        an Iterator (of String) with the supported features.
      • getExtendedInfos

        public Set<org.xmpp.forms.DataForm> getExtendedInfos​(String name,
                                                             String node,
                                                             org.xmpp.packet.JID senderJID)
        Description copied from interface: DiscoInfoProvider
        Returns a collection of XDataForm with the extended information about the entity or an empty collection if none. Each bit of information about the entity must be included as a value of a field of the form.
        Specified by:
        getExtendedInfos in interface DiscoInfoProvider
        name - the recipient JID's name.
        node - the requested disco node.
        senderJID - the XMPPAddress of user that sent the disco info request.
        A collection of XDataForms with the extended information about the entity or an empty collection if none.
      • addExtraFeature

        public void addExtraFeature​(String feature)
        Adds an extra Disco feature to the list of features returned for the conference service.
        Specified by:
        addExtraFeature in interface MultiUserChatService
        feature - Feature to add.
      • removeExtraFeature

        public void removeExtraFeature​(String feature)
        Removes an extra Disco feature from the list of features returned for the conference service.
        Specified by:
        removeExtraFeature in interface MultiUserChatService
        feature - Feature to remove.
      • addExtraIdentity

        public void addExtraIdentity​(String category,
                                     String name,
                                     String type)
        Adds an extra Disco identity to the list of identities returned for the conference service.
        Specified by:
        addExtraIdentity in interface MultiUserChatService
        category - Category for identity. e.g. conference
        name - Descriptive name for identity. e.g. Public Chatrooms
        type - Type for identity. e.g. text
      • removeExtraIdentity

        public void removeExtraIdentity​(String name)
        Removes an extra Disco identity from the list of identities returned for the conference service.
        Specified by:
        removeExtraIdentity in interface MultiUserChatService
        name - Name of identity to remove.
      • hasInfo

        public boolean hasInfo​(String name,
                               String node,
                               org.xmpp.packet.JID senderJID)
        Description copied from interface: DiscoInfoProvider
        Returns true if we can provide information related to the requested name and node. For example, if the requested name refers to a non-existent MUC room then the answer will be false. In case that the sender of the disco request is not authorized to discover this information an UnauthorizedException will be thrown.
        Specified by:
        hasInfo in interface DiscoInfoProvider
        name - the recipient JID's name.
        node - the requested disco node.
        senderJID - the XMPPAddress of user that sent the disco info request.
        true if we can provide information related to the requested name and node.
      • getItems

        public Iterator<DiscoItem> getItems​(String name,
                                            String node,
                                            org.xmpp.packet.JID senderJID)
        Description copied from interface: DiscoItemsProvider
        Returns an Iterator (of DiscoItem) with the target entity's items or null if none. Each DiscoItem must include a JID attribute and may include the name and node attributes of the entity. In case that the sender of the disco request is not authorized to discover items an UnauthorizedException will be thrown.
        Specified by:
        getItems in interface DiscoItemsProvider
        name - the recipient JID's name.
        node - the requested disco node.
        senderJID - the XMPPAddress of user that sent the disco items request.
        an Iterator (of DiscoItem) with the target entity's items or null if none.
      • canDiscoverRoom

        public boolean canDiscoverRoom​(MUCRoom room,
                                       org.xmpp.packet.JID entity)
        Description copied from interface: MultiUserChatService
        Checks if the a particular entity is allowed to discover the room's existence.
        Specified by:
        canDiscoverRoom in interface MultiUserChatService
        room - The room to be discovered (cannot be null).
        entity - The JID of the entity (cannot be null).
        true if the entity can discover the room, otherwise false.
      • setHidden

        public void setHidden​(boolean isHidden)
      • isHidden

        public boolean isHidden()
        Description copied from interface: MultiUserChatService
        Returns true if the MUC service is a hidden, externally managed, service. This is typically set to true when the implementation is not the default one, and is not to be managed by the standard Openfire interface. If this is set to true, the service will not show up in the service list in the admin console.
        Specified by:
        isHidden in interface MultiUserChatService
        true if the MUC service is hidden and externally managed.
      • joinedCluster

        public void joinedCluster()
        Description copied from interface: ClusterEventListener
        Notification event indicating that this JVM is now part of a cluster. At this point the XMPPServer.getNodeID() holds the new nodeID value.

        When joining the cluster as the senior cluster member the ClusterEventListener.markedAsSeniorClusterMember() event will be sent right after this event.

        At this point the CacheFactory holds clustered caches. That means that modifications to the caches will be reflected in the cluster. The clustered caches were just obtained from the cluster and no local cached data was automatically moved.

        It is generally advisable that implementations of this method:
        • enrich clustered cache data, by (re)adding data from this JVM/cluster node to relevant caches
        • invoke applicable event listeners, to reflect changes in availability of data on other cluster nodes.
        Specified by:
        joinedCluster in interface ClusterEventListener
      • joinedCluster

        public void joinedCluster​(byte[] nodeID)
        Description copied from interface: ClusterEventListener
        Notification event indicating that another JVM is now part of a cluster.

        At this point the CacheFactory of the new node holds clustered caches. That means that modifications to the caches of this JVM will be reflected in the cluster and in particular in the new node.

        Specified by:
        joinedCluster in interface ClusterEventListener
        nodeID - ID of the node that joined the cluster.
      • leftCluster

        public void leftCluster()
        Description copied from interface: ClusterEventListener
        Notification event indicating that this JVM is no longer part of the cluster. This could happen when disabling clustering support, removing the enterprise plugin that provides clustering support or connection to cluster got lost.

        Moreover, if we were in a "split brain" scenario (ie. separated cluster islands) and the island were this JVM belonged was marked as "old" then all nodes of that island will get the left cluster event and joined cluster events. That means that caches will be reset and thus will need to be repopulated again with fresh data from this JVM. This also includes the case where this JVM was the senior cluster member and when the islands met again then this JVM stopped being the senior member.

        At this point the CacheFactory holds local caches. That means that modifications to the caches will only affect this JVM. It is generally advisable that implementations of this method:

        • restore relevant caches content, by repopulating the caches with data from this JVM/cluster node
        • invoke applicable event listeners, to reflect changes in availability of data on other cluster nodes.
        Specified by:
        leftCluster in interface ClusterEventListener
      • leftCluster

        public void leftCluster​(byte[] nodeID)
        Description copied from interface: ClusterEventListener
        Notification event indicating that another JVM is no longer part of the cluster. This could happen when disabling clustering support, removing the enterprise plugin that provides clustering support or connection to cluster got lost.

        Moreover, if we were in a "split brain" scenario (ie. separated cluster islands) and the island were the other JVM belonged was marked as "old" then all nodes of that island will get the left cluster event and joined cluster events. That means that caches will be reset and thus will need to be repopulated again with fresh data from this JVM. This also includes the case where the other JVM was the senior cluster member and when the islands met again then the other JVM stopped being the senior member.

        At this point the CacheFactory of the leaving node holds local caches. That means that modifications to the caches of this JVM will not affect the leaving node but other cluster members. It is generally advisable that implementations of this method invoke applicable event listeners, to reflect changes in availability of data (related to the node that left). Often, this action is orchestrated by only one of the remaining cluster nodes: the senior member.

        Specified by:
        leftCluster in interface ClusterEventListener
        nodeID - ID of the node that is left the cluster.
      • markedAsSeniorClusterMember

        public void markedAsSeniorClusterMember()
        Description copied from interface: ClusterEventListener
        Notification event indicating that this JVM is now the senior cluster member. This could either happen when initially joining the cluster or when the senior cluster member node left the cluster and this JVM was marked as the new senior cluster member.

        Moreover, in the case of a "split brain" scenario (ie. separated cluster islands) each island will have its own senior cluster member. However, when the islands meet again there could only be one senior cluster member so one of the senior cluster members will stop playing that role. When that happens the JVM no longer playing that role will receive the ClusterEventListener.leftCluster() and ClusterEventListener.joinedCluster() events.

        Specified by:
        markedAsSeniorClusterMember in interface ClusterEventListener