Openfire 3.9.0 Javadoc

Package org.jivesoftware.openfire.nio

Class Summary
ByteBufferWriter Wrapper on a MINA ByteBuffer that extends the Writer class.
ClientConnectionHandler ConnectionHandler that knows which subclass of StanzaHandler should be created and how to build and configure a NIOConnection.
ComponentConnectionHandler ConnectionHandler that knows which subclass of StanzaHandler should be created and how to build and configure a NIOConnection.
ConnectionHandler A ConnectionHandler is responsible for creating new sessions, destroying sessions and delivering received XML stanzas to the proper StanzaHandler.
MultiplexerConnectionHandler ConnectionHandler that knows which subclass of StanzaHandler should be created and how to build and configure a NIOConnection.
NIOConnection Implementation of Connection inteface specific for NIO connections when using the MINA framework.
XMPPCodecFactory Factory that specifies the encode and decoder to use for parsing XMPP stanzas.
XMPPDecoder Decoder class that parses ByteBuffers and generates XML stanzas.
XMPPEncoder Encoder that does nothing.

Exception Summary
XMLNotWellFormedException An Exception indicating that evaluated content is not valid XML.

Openfire 3.9.0 Javadoc

Copyright © 2003-2008 Jive Software.