Openfire 3.9.0 Javadoc

Class IQRegisterHandler

  extended by org.jivesoftware.openfire.container.BasicModule
      extended by org.jivesoftware.openfire.handler.IQHandler
          extended by org.jivesoftware.openfire.handler.IQRegisterHandler
All Implemented Interfaces:
ChannelHandler, Module, ServerFeaturesProvider

public class IQRegisterHandler
extends IQHandler
implements ServerFeaturesProvider

Implements the TYPE_IQ jabber:iq:register protocol (plain only). Clients use this protocol to register a user account with the server. A 'get' query runs a register probe to obtain the fields needed for registration. Return the registration form. A 'set' query attempts to create a new user account with information given in the registration form.


This handler assumes that the request is addressed to the server. An appropriate TYPE_IQ tag matcher should be placed in front of this one to route TYPE_IQ requests not addressed to the server to another channel (probably for direct delivery to the recipient).


The current behavior is designed to emulate jabberd1.4. However this behavior differs significantly from JEP-0078 (non-SASL registration). In particular, authentication (IQ-Auth) must return an error when a user request is made to an account that doesn't exist to trigger auto-registration (JEP-0078 explicitly recommends against this practice to prevent hackers from probing for legitimate accounts).

Iain Shigeoka

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class org.jivesoftware.openfire.handler.IQHandler
deliverer, sessionManager
Constructor Summary
          Basic constructor does nothing.
Method Summary
 boolean canChangePassword()
 Iterator<String> getFeatures()
          Returns an Iterator (of String) with the supported features by the server.
 IQHandlerInfo getInfo()
          Returns the handler information to help generically handle IQ packets.
 org.xmpp.packet.IQ handleIQ(org.xmpp.packet.IQ packet)
          Handles the received IQ packet.
 void initialize(XMPPServer server)
          Initializes the basic module.
 boolean isInbandRegEnabled()
 void setCanChangePassword(boolean allowed)
 void setInbandRegEnabled(boolean allowed)
Methods inherited from class org.jivesoftware.openfire.handler.IQHandler
Methods inherited from class org.jivesoftware.openfire.container.BasicModule
destroy, getName, start, stop
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public IQRegisterHandler()

Basic constructor does nothing.

Method Detail


public void initialize(XMPPServer server)
Description copied from class: BasicModule

Initializes the basic module.

Inheriting classes that choose to override this method MUST call this initialize() method before accessing BasicModule resources.

Specified by:
initialize in interface Module
initialize in class IQHandler
server - the server hosting this module.


public org.xmpp.packet.IQ handleIQ(org.xmpp.packet.IQ packet)
                            throws PacketException,
Description copied from class: IQHandler
Handles the received IQ packet.

Specified by:
handleIQ in class IQHandler
packet - the IQ packet to handle.
the response to send back.
UnauthorizedException - if the user that sent the packet is not authorized to request the given operation.


public boolean isInbandRegEnabled()


public void setInbandRegEnabled(boolean allowed)


public boolean canChangePassword()


public void setCanChangePassword(boolean allowed)


public IQHandlerInfo getInfo()
Description copied from class: IQHandler
Returns the handler information to help generically handle IQ packets. IQHandlers that aren't local server iq handlers (e.g. chatbots, transports, etc) return null.

Specified by:
getInfo in class IQHandler
The IQHandlerInfo for this handler


public Iterator<String> getFeatures()
Description copied from interface: ServerFeaturesProvider
Returns an Iterator (of String) with the supported features by the server. The features to include are the features offered and supported protocols by the SERVER. The idea is that different modules may provide their features that will ultimately be part of the features offered by the server.

Specified by:
getFeatures in interface ServerFeaturesProvider
an Iterator (of String) with the supported features by the server.

Openfire 3.9.0 Javadoc

Copyright © 2003-2008 Jive Software.