Openfire 3.7.1 Javadoc

Class LocaleUtils

  extended by org.jivesoftware.util.LocaleUtils

public class LocaleUtils
extends Object

A set of methods for retrieving and converting locale specific strings and numbers.

Jive Software

Method Summary
static String getLocalizedNumber(double number)
          Returns an internationalized String representation of the number using the default locale.
static String getLocalizedNumber(double number, Locale locale)
          Returns an internationalized String representation of the number using the specified locale.
static String getLocalizedNumber(long number)
          Returns an internationalized String representation of the number using the default locale.
static String getLocalizedNumber(long number, Locale locale)
          Returns an internationalized String representation of the number using the specified locale.
static String getLocalizedString(String key)
          Returns an internationalized string loaded from a resource bundle.
static String getLocalizedString(String key, List arguments)
          Returns an internationalized string loaded from a resource bundle using the locale specified by JiveGlobals.getLocale() substituting the passed in arguments.
static String getLocalizedString(String key, Locale locale)
          Returns an internationalized string loaded from a resource bundle using the passed in Locale.
static String getLocalizedString(String key, Locale locale, List arguments, ResourceBundle bundle)
          Returns an internationalized string loaded from a resource bundle using the passed in Locale substituting the passed in arguments.
static String getLocalizedString(String key, String pluginName)
          Returns an internationalized string loaded from a resource bundle from the passed in plugin.
static String getLocalizedString(String key, String pluginName, List arguments)
          Returns an internationalized string loaded from a resource bundle from the passed in plugin.
static String getLocalizedString(String key, String pluginName, List arguments, Locale locale, boolean fallback)
          Returns an internationalized string loaded from a resource bundle from the passed in plugin, using the passed in Locale.
static ResourceBundle getPluginResourceBundle(String pluginName)
          Retrieve the ResourceBundle that is used with this plugin.
static ResourceBundle getResourceBundle(String baseName, Locale locale)
          Returns the specified resource bundle, which is a properties file that aids in localization of skins.
static String[][] getTimeZoneList()
          Returns a list of all available time zone's as a String [][].
static String getTimeZoneName(String zoneID, Locale locale)
          Returns the display name for a time zone.
static Locale localeCodeToLocale(String localeCode)
          Converts a locale string like "en", "en_US" or "en_US_win" to a Java locale object.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Method Detail


public static Locale localeCodeToLocale(String localeCode)
Converts a locale string like "en", "en_US" or "en_US_win" to a Java locale object. If the conversion fails, null is returned.

localeCode - the locale code for a Java locale. See the Locale class for more details.
The Java Locale that matches the locale code, or null.


public static String[][] getTimeZoneList()
Returns a list of all available time zone's as a String [][]. The first entry in each list item is the timeZoneID, and the second is the display name.

The list of time zones attempts to be inclusive of all of the worlds zones while being as concise as possible. For "en" language locales the name is a friendly english name. For non-"en" language locales the standard JDK name is used for the given Locale. The GMT+/- time is also included for readability.

a list of time zones, as a tuple of the zime zone ID, and its display name.


public static String getTimeZoneName(String zoneID,
                                     Locale locale)
Returns the display name for a time zone. The display name is the name specified by the Java TimeZone class for non-"en" locales or a friendly english name for "en", with the addition of the GMT offset for human readability.

zoneID - the time zone to get the name for.
locale - the locale to use.
the display name for the time zone.


public static ResourceBundle getResourceBundle(String baseName,
                                               Locale locale)
Returns the specified resource bundle, which is a properties file that aids in localization of skins. This method is handy since it uses the class loader that other Jive classes are loaded from (hence, it can load bundles that are stored in jive.jar).

baseName - the name of the resource bundle to load.
locale - the desired Locale.
the specified resource bundle, if it exists.


public static String getLocalizedString(String key)
Returns an internationalized string loaded from a resource bundle. The locale used will be the locale specified by JiveGlobals.getLocale().

key - the key to use for retrieving the string from the appropriate resource bundle.
the localized string.


public static String getLocalizedString(String key,
                                        Locale locale)
Returns an internationalized string loaded from a resource bundle using the passed in Locale.

key - the key to use for retrieving the string from the appropriate resource bundle.
locale - the locale to use for retrieving the appropriate locale-specific string.
the localized string.


public static String getLocalizedString(String key,
                                        List arguments)
Returns an internationalized string loaded from a resource bundle using the locale specified by JiveGlobals.getLocale() substituting the passed in arguments. Substitution is handled using the MessageFormat class.

key - the key to use for retrieving the string from the appropriate resource bundle.
arguments - a list of objects to use which are formatted, then inserted into the pattern at the appropriate places.
the localized string.


public static String getLocalizedString(String key,
                                        String pluginName)
Returns an internationalized string loaded from a resource bundle from the passed in plugin. If the plugin name is null, the key will be looked up using the standard resource bundle.

key - the key to use for retrieving the string from the appropriate resource bundle.
pluginName - the name of the plugin to load the require resource bundle from.
the localized string.


public static String getLocalizedString(String key,
                                        String pluginName,
                                        List arguments)
Returns an internationalized string loaded from a resource bundle from the passed in plugin. If the plugin name is null, the key will be looked up using the standard resource bundle.

key - the key to use for retrieving the string from the appropriate resource bundle.
pluginName - the name of the plugin to load the require resource bundle from.
arguments - a list of objects to use which are formatted, then inserted into the pattern at the appropriate places.
the localized string.


public static String getLocalizedString(String key,
                                        String pluginName,
                                        List arguments,
                                        Locale locale,
                                        boolean fallback)
Returns an internationalized string loaded from a resource bundle from the passed in plugin, using the passed in Locale. If the plugin name is null, the key will be looked up using the standard resource bundle. If the locale is null, the Jive Global locale will be used.

key - the key to use for retrieving the string from the appropriate resource bundle.
pluginName - the name of the plugin to load the require resource bundle from.
arguments - a list of objects to use which are formatted, then inserted into the pattern at the appropriate places.
locale - the locale to use for retrieving the appropriate locale-specific string.
fallback - if true, the global locale used by Openfire will be used if the requested locale is not available)
the localized string.


public static ResourceBundle getPluginResourceBundle(String pluginName)
                                              throws Exception
Retrieve the ResourceBundle that is used with this plugin.

pluginName - the name of the plugin.
the ResourceBundle used with this plugin.
Exception - thrown if an exception occurs.


public static String getLocalizedString(String key,
                                        Locale locale,
                                        List arguments,
                                        ResourceBundle bundle)
Returns an internationalized string loaded from a resource bundle using the passed in Locale substituting the passed in arguments. Substitution is handled using the MessageFormat class.

key - the key to use for retrieving the string from the appropriate resource bundle.
locale - the locale to use for retrieving the appropriate locale-specific string.
arguments - a list of objects to use which are formatted, then inserted into the pattern at the appropriate places.
bundle - The resource bundle from which to return the localized string.
the localized string.


public static String getLocalizedNumber(long number)
Returns an internationalized String representation of the number using the default locale.

number - the number to format.
an internationalized String representation of the number.


public static String getLocalizedNumber(long number,
                                        Locale locale)
Returns an internationalized String representation of the number using the specified locale.

number - the number to format.
locale - the locale to use for formatting.
an internationalized String representation of the number.


public static String getLocalizedNumber(double number)
Returns an internationalized String representation of the number using the default locale.

number - the number to format.
an internationalized String representation of the number.


public static String getLocalizedNumber(double number,
                                        Locale locale)
Returns an internationalized String representation of the number using the specified locale.

number - the number to format.
locale - the locale to use for formatting.
an internationalized String representation of the number.

Openfire 3.7.1 Javadoc

Copyright © 2003-2008 Jive Software.