Openfire 3.7.1 Javadoc

Interface VCardProvider

All Known Implementing Classes:
ClearspaceVCardProvider, DefaultVCardProvider, LdapVCardProvider

public interface VCardProvider

Provider interface for users vcards.

Gaston Dombiak

Method Summary
 org.dom4j.Element createVCard(String username, org.dom4j.Element vCardElement)
          Creates and saves the new user vcard.
 void deleteVCard(String username)
          Delets a user vcard.
 boolean isReadOnly()
          Returns true if this VCardProvider is read-only.
 org.dom4j.Element loadVCard(String username)
          Loads the specified user vcard by username.
 org.dom4j.Element updateVCard(String username, org.dom4j.Element vCardElement)
          Updates the user vcard in the backend store.

Method Detail


org.dom4j.Element loadVCard(String username)
Loads the specified user vcard by username. Returns null if no vCard was found for the specified username.

username - the username
the vCard as an DOM element or null if none was found.


org.dom4j.Element createVCard(String username,
                              org.dom4j.Element vCardElement)
                              throws AlreadyExistsException
Creates and saves the new user vcard. This method should throw an UnsupportedOperationException if this operation is not supported by the backend vcard store. The method is expected to return the vCard after it has had a chance to make any modifications to it that it needed to. In many cases, this may be a simple return of the passed in vCard. This change was made in 3.4.4.

username - the username.
vCardElement - the vCard to save.
vCard as it is after the provider has a chance to adjust it.
AlreadyExistsException - if the user already has a vCard.
UnsupportedOperationException - if the provider does not support the operation.


org.dom4j.Element updateVCard(String username,
                              org.dom4j.Element vCardElement)
                              throws NotFoundException
Updates the user vcard in the backend store. This method should throw an UnsupportedOperationException if this operation is not supported by the backend vcard store. The method is expected to return the vCard after it has had a chance to make any modifications to it that it needed to. In many cases, this may be a simple return of the passed in vCard. This change was made in 3.4.4.

username - the username.
vCardElement - the vCard to save.
vCard as it is after the provider has a chance to adjust it.
NotFoundException - if the vCard to update does not exist.
UnsupportedOperationException - if the provider does not support the operation.


void deleteVCard(String username)
Delets a user vcard. This method should throw an UnsupportedOperationException if this operation is not supported by the backend vcard store.

username - the username to delete.
UnsupportedOperationException - if the provider does not support the operation.


boolean isReadOnly()
Returns true if this VCardProvider is read-only. When read-only, vcards can not be created, deleted, or modified.

true if the vcard provider is read-only.

Openfire 3.7.1 Javadoc

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