Openfire 3.7.1 Javadoc

Class JDBCUserProvider

  extended by org.jivesoftware.openfire.user.JDBCUserProvider
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class JDBCUserProvider
extends Object
implements UserProvider

The JDBC user provider allows you to use an external database to define the users. It is best used with the JDBCAuthProvider & JDBCGroupProvider to provide integration between your external system and Openfire. All data is treated as read-only so any set operations will result in an exception.

For the seach facility, the SQL will be constructed from the SQL in the search section below, as well as the usernameField, the nameField and the emailField.

To enable this provider, set the following in the system properties:

Then you need to set your driver, connection string and SQL statements:

In order to use the configured JDBC connection provider do not use a JDBC connection string, set the following property

Huw Richards

Constructor Summary
          Constructs a new JDBC user provider.
Method Summary
 User createUser(String username, String password, String name, String email)
          Creates a new user.
 void deleteUser(String username)
          Delets a user.
 Collection<User> findUsers(Set<String> fields, String query)
          Searches for users based on a set of fields and a query string.
 Collection<User> findUsers(Set<String> fields, String query, int startIndex, int numResults)
          Searches for users based on a set of fields and a query string.
 Set<String> getSearchFields()
          Returns the set of fields that can be used for searching for users.
 int getUserCount()
          Returns the number of users in the system.
 Collection<String> getUsernames()
          Returns an unmodifiable Collection of usernames of all users in the system.
 Collection<User> getUsers()
          Returns an unmodifiable Collections of all users in the system.
 Collection<User> getUsers(int startIndex, int numResults)
          Returns an unmodifiable Collections of users in the system within the specified range.
 boolean isEmailRequired()
          Returns true if this UserProvider requires an email address to be set on User objects.
 boolean isNameRequired()
          Returns true if this UserProvider requires a name to be set on User objects.
 boolean isReadOnly()
          Returns true if this UserProvider is read-only.
 User loadUser(String username)
          Loads the specified user by username.
 void setCreationDate(String username, Date creationDate)
          Sets the date the user was created.
 void setEmail(String username, String email)
          Sets the user's email address.
 void setModificationDate(String username, Date modificationDate)
          Sets the date the user was last modified.
 void setName(String username, String name)
          Sets the user's name.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public JDBCUserProvider()
Constructs a new JDBC user provider.

Method Detail


public User loadUser(String username)
              throws UserNotFoundException
Description copied from interface: UserProvider
Loads the specified user by username.

Specified by:
loadUser in interface UserProvider
username - the username
the User.
UserNotFoundException - if the User could not be loaded.


public User createUser(String username,
                       String password,
                       String name,
                       String email)
                throws UserAlreadyExistsException
Description copied from interface: UserProvider
Creates a new user. This method should throw an UnsupportedOperationException if this operation is not supporte by the backend user store.

Specified by:
createUser in interface UserProvider
username - the username.
password - the plain-text password.
name - the user's name, which can be null, unless isNameRequired is set to true.
email - the user's email address, which can be null, unless isEmailRequired is set to true.
a new User.
UserAlreadyExistsException - if the username is already in use.


public void deleteUser(String username)
Description copied from interface: UserProvider
Delets a user. This method should throw an UnsupportedOperationException if this operation is not supported by the backend user store.

Specified by:
deleteUser in interface UserProvider
username - the username to delete.


public int getUserCount()
Description copied from interface: UserProvider
Returns the number of users in the system.

Specified by:
getUserCount in interface UserProvider
the total number of users.


public Collection<User> getUsers()
Description copied from interface: UserProvider
Returns an unmodifiable Collections of all users in the system. The UserCollection class can be used to assist in the implementation of this method. It takes a String [] of usernames and presents it as a Collection of User objects (obtained with calls to UserManager.getUser(String).

Specified by:
getUsers in interface UserProvider
an unmodifiable Collection of all users.


public Collection<String> getUsernames()
Description copied from interface: UserProvider
Returns an unmodifiable Collection of usernames of all users in the system.

Specified by:
getUsernames in interface UserProvider
an unmodifiable Collection of all usernames in the system.


public Collection<User> getUsers(int startIndex,
                                 int numResults)
Description copied from interface: UserProvider
Returns an unmodifiable Collections of users in the system within the specified range. The UserCollection class can be used to assist in the implementation of this method. It takes a String [] of usernames and presents it as a Collection of User objects (obtained with calls to UserManager.getUser(String).

It is possible that the number of results returned will be less than that specified by numResults if numResults is greater than the number of records left to display.

Specified by:
getUsers in interface UserProvider
startIndex - the beginning index to start the results at.
numResults - the total number of results to return.
an unmodifiable Collection of users within the specified range.


public void setName(String username,
                    String name)
             throws UserNotFoundException
Description copied from interface: UserProvider
Sets the user's name. This method should throw an UnsupportedOperationException if this operation is not supported by the backend user store.

Specified by:
setName in interface UserProvider
username - the username.
name - the name.
UserNotFoundException - if the user could not be found.


public void setEmail(String username,
                     String email)
              throws UserNotFoundException
Description copied from interface: UserProvider
Sets the user's email address. This method should throw an UnsupportedOperationException if this operation is not supported by the backend user store.

Specified by:
setEmail in interface UserProvider
username - the username.
email - the email address.
UserNotFoundException - if the user could not be found.


public void setCreationDate(String username,
                            Date creationDate)
                     throws UserNotFoundException
Description copied from interface: UserProvider
Sets the date the user was created. This method should throw an UnsupportedOperationException if this operation is not supported by the backend user store.

Specified by:
setCreationDate in interface UserProvider
username - the username.
creationDate - the date the user was created.
UserNotFoundException - if the user could not be found.


public void setModificationDate(String username,
                                Date modificationDate)
                         throws UserNotFoundException
Description copied from interface: UserProvider
Sets the date the user was last modified. This method should throw an UnsupportedOperationException if this operation is not supported by the backend user store.

Specified by:
setModificationDate in interface UserProvider
username - the username.
modificationDate - the date the user was last modified.
UserNotFoundException - if the user could not be found.


public Set<String> getSearchFields()
                            throws UnsupportedOperationException
Description copied from interface: UserProvider
Returns the set of fields that can be used for searching for users. Each field returned must support wild-card and keyword searching. For example, an implementation might send back the set {"Username", "Name", "Email"}. Any of those three fields can then be used in a search with the UserProvider.findUsers(Set,String) method.

This method should throw an UnsupportedOperationException if this operation is not supported by the backend user store.

Specified by:
getSearchFields in interface UserProvider
the valid search fields.
UnsupportedOperationException - if the provider does not support the operation (this is an optional operation).


public Collection<User> findUsers(Set<String> fields,
                                  String query)
                           throws UnsupportedOperationException
Description copied from interface: UserProvider
Searches for users based on a set of fields and a query string. The fields must be taken from the values returned by UserProvider.getSearchFields(). The query can include wildcards. For example, a search on the field "Name" with a query of "Ma*" might return user's with the name "Matt", "Martha" and "Madeline".

This method should throw an UnsupportedOperationException if this operation is not supported by the backend user store.

Specified by:
findUsers in interface UserProvider
fields - the fields to search on.
query - the query string.
a Collection of users that match the search.
UnsupportedOperationException - if the provider does not support the operation (this is an optional operation).


public Collection<User> findUsers(Set<String> fields,
                                  String query,
                                  int startIndex,
                                  int numResults)
                           throws UnsupportedOperationException
Description copied from interface: UserProvider
Searches for users based on a set of fields and a query string. The fields must be taken from the values returned by UserProvider.getSearchFields(). The query can include wildcards. For example, a search on the field "Name" with a query of "Ma*" might return user's with the name "Matt", "Martha" and "Madeline".

The startIndex and numResults parameters are used to page through search results. For example, if the startIndex is 0 and numResults is 10, the first 10 search results will be returned. Note that numResults is a request for the number of results to return and that the actual number of results returned may be fewer.

This method should throw an UnsupportedOperationException if this operation is not supported by the backend user store.

Specified by:
findUsers in interface UserProvider
fields - the fields to search on.
query - the query string.
startIndex - the starting index in the search result to return.
numResults - the number of users to return in the search result.
a Collection of users that match the search.
UnsupportedOperationException - if the provider does not support the operation (this is an optional operation).


public boolean isReadOnly()
Description copied from interface: UserProvider
Returns true if this UserProvider is read-only. When read-only, users can not be created, deleted, or modified.

Specified by:
isReadOnly in interface UserProvider
true if the user provider is read-only.


public boolean isNameRequired()
Description copied from interface: UserProvider
Returns true if this UserProvider requires a name to be set on User objects.

Specified by:
isNameRequired in interface UserProvider
true if an name is required with this provider.


public boolean isEmailRequired()
Description copied from interface: UserProvider
Returns true if this UserProvider requires an email address to be set on User objects.

Specified by:
isEmailRequired in interface UserProvider
true if an email address is required with this provider.

Openfire 3.7.1 Javadoc

Copyright © 2003-2008 Jive Software.