Openfire 3.7.1 Javadoc

Class AdminConsolePlugin

  extended by org.jivesoftware.openfire.container.AdminConsolePlugin
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class AdminConsolePlugin
extends Object
implements Plugin

The admin console plugin. It starts a Jetty instance on the configured port and loads the admin console web application.

Matt Tucker

Field Summary
static String secret
          Random secret used by JVM to allow SSO.
Constructor Summary
          Create a Jetty module.
Method Summary
 void destroyPlugin()
          Destroys the plugin.
 int getAdminSecurePort()
          Returns the SSL port on which the admin console is current operating.
 int getAdminUnsecurePort()
          Returns the non-SSL port on which the admin console is currently operating.
 String getBindInterface()
          Returns null if the admin console will be available in all network interfaces of this machine or a String representing the only interface where the admin console will be available.
 org.eclipse.jetty.server.handler.ContextHandlerCollection getContexts()
          Returns the collection of Jetty contexts used in the admin console.
 void initializePlugin(PluginManager manager, File pluginDir)
          Initializes the plugin.
 boolean isRestartNeeded()
          Returns true if the Jetty server needs to be restarted.
 void restart()
 void shutdown()
          Shuts down the Jetty server.
 void startup()
          Starts the Jetty instance.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final String secret
Random secret used by JVM to allow SSO. Only other cluster nodes can use this secret as a way to integrate the admin consoles of each cluster node.

Constructor Detail


public AdminConsolePlugin()
Create a Jetty module.

Method Detail


public void startup()
Starts the Jetty instance.


public void shutdown()
Shuts down the Jetty server.


public void initializePlugin(PluginManager manager,
                             File pluginDir)
Description copied from interface: Plugin
Initializes the plugin.

Specified by:
initializePlugin in interface Plugin
manager - the plugin manager.
pluginDir - the directory where the plugin is located.


public void destroyPlugin()
Description copied from interface: Plugin
Destroys the plugin.

Implementations of this method must release all resources held by the plugin such as file handles, database or network connections, and references to core Openfire classes. In other words, a garbage collection executed after this method is called must be able to clean up all plugin classes.

Specified by:
destroyPlugin in interface Plugin


public boolean isRestartNeeded()
Returns true if the Jetty server needs to be restarted. This is usually required when certificates are added, deleted or modified or when server ports were modified.

true if the Jetty server needs to be restarted.


public String getBindInterface()
Returns null if the admin console will be available in all network interfaces of this machine or a String representing the only interface where the admin console will be available.

String representing the only interface where the admin console will be available or null if it will be available in all interfaces.


public int getAdminUnsecurePort()
Returns the non-SSL port on which the admin console is currently operating.

the non-SSL port on which the admin console is currently operating.


public int getAdminSecurePort()
Returns the SSL port on which the admin console is current operating.

the SSL port on which the admin console is current operating.


public org.eclipse.jetty.server.handler.ContextHandlerCollection getContexts()
Returns the collection of Jetty contexts used in the admin console. A root context "/" is where the admin console lives. Additional contexts can be added dynamically for other web applications that should be run as part of the admin console server process. The following pseudo code demonstrates how to do this:
   ContextHandlerCollection contexts = ((AdminConsolePlugin)pluginManager.getPlugin("admin")).getContexts();
   context = new WebAppContext(SOME_DIRECTORY, "/CONTEXT_NAME");
   context.setWelcomeFiles(new String[]{"index.jsp"});

the Jetty handlers.


public void restart()

Openfire 3.7.1 Javadoc

Copyright © 2003-2008 Jive Software.