Openfire 3.7.1 Javadoc

Class SequenceManager

  extended by org.jivesoftware.database.SequenceManager

public class SequenceManager
extends Object

Manages sequences of unique ID's that get stored in the database. Database support for sequences varies widely; some don't use them at all. Instead, we handle unique ID generation with a combination VM/database solution.

A special table in the database doles out blocks of unique ID's to each virtual machine that interacts with Jive. This has the following consequences:

Each sequence type that this class manages has a different block size value. Objects that aren't created often have a block size of 1, while frequently created objects such as entries and comments have larger block sizes.

Matt Tucker, Bruce Ritchie

Constructor Summary
SequenceManager(int seqType, int size)
          Creates a new DbSequenceManager.
Method Summary
static long nextID(int type)
          Returns the next ID of the specified type.
static long nextID(Object o)
          Returns the next id for an object that has defined the annotation JiveID.
 long nextUniqueID()
          Returns the next available unique ID.
static void setBlockSize(int type, int blockSize)
          Used to set the blocksize of a given SequenceManager.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public SequenceManager(int seqType,
                       int size)
Creates a new DbSequenceManager.

seqType - the type of sequence.
size - the number of id's to "checkout" at a time.
Method Detail


public static long nextID(int type)
Returns the next ID of the specified type.

type - the type of unique ID.
the next unique ID of the specified type.


public static long nextID(Object o)
Returns the next id for an object that has defined the annotation JiveID. The JiveID annotation value is the synonymous for the type integer.

The annotation JiveID should contain the id type for the object (the same number you would use to call nextID(int type)). Example class definition: \@JiveID(10) public class MyClass { }

o - object that has annotation JiveID.
the next unique ID.
IllegalArgumentException - If the object passed in does not defined JiveID


public static void setBlockSize(int type,
                                int blockSize)
Used to set the blocksize of a given SequenceManager. If no SequenceManager has been registered for the type, the type is verified as valid and then a new sequence manager is created.

type - the type of unique id.
blockSize - how many blocks of ids we should.


public long nextUniqueID()
Returns the next available unique ID. Essentially this provides for the functionality of an auto-increment database field.

Openfire 3.7.1 Javadoc

Copyright © 2003-2008 Jive Software.