Openfire 3.7.1 Javadoc

Class AdminConsole

  extended by org.jivesoftware.admin.AdminConsole

public class AdminConsole
extends Object

A model for admin tab and sidebar info. This class loads in XML definitions of the data and produces an in-memory model.

This class loads its data from the admin-sidebar.xml file which is assumed to be in the main application jar file. In addition, it will load files from META-INF/admin-sidebar.xml if they're found. This allows developers to extend the functionality of the admin console to provide more options. See the main admin-sidebar.xml file for documentation of its format.

Method Summary
static void addModel(String name, org.dom4j.Element element)
          Adds an <adminconsole> Element to the tabs/sidebar model.
static void addModel(String name, InputStream in)
          Adds XML stream to the tabs/sidebar model.
static String getAdminText(String string, String pluginName)
          Returns a text element for the admin console, applying the appropriate locale.
static String getAppName()
          Returns the name of the application.
static org.dom4j.Element getElemnetByID(String id)
          Convenience method to select an element from the model by its ID.
static String getLoginLogoImage()
          Returns the URL of the login image for the admin console.
static String getLogoImage()
          Returns the URL of the main logo image for the admin console.
static org.dom4j.Element getModel()
          Returns the model.
static String getVersionString()
          Returns the version string displayed in the admin console.
static void removeModel(String name)
          Removes an <adminconsole> Element from the tabs/sidebar model.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Method Detail


public static void addModel(String name,
                            InputStream in)
                     throws Exception
Adds XML stream to the tabs/sidebar model.

name - the name.
in - the XML input stream.
Exception - if an error occurs when parsing the XML or adding it to the model.


public static void addModel(String name,
                            org.dom4j.Element element)
                     throws Exception
Adds an <adminconsole> Element to the tabs/sidebar model.

name - the name.
element - the Element
Exception - if an error occurs.


public static void removeModel(String name)
Removes an <adminconsole> Element from the tabs/sidebar model.

name - the name.


public static String getAppName()
Returns the name of the application.

the name of the application.


public static String getLogoImage()
Returns the URL of the main logo image for the admin console.

the logo image.


public static String getLoginLogoImage()
Returns the URL of the login image for the admin console.

the login image.


public static String getVersionString()
Returns the version string displayed in the admin console.

the version string.


public static org.dom4j.Element getModel()
Returns the model. The model should be considered read-only.

the model.


public static org.dom4j.Element getElemnetByID(String id)
Convenience method to select an element from the model by its ID. If an element with a matching ID is not found, null will be returned.

id - the ID.
the element.


public static String getAdminText(String string,
                                  String pluginName)
Returns a text element for the admin console, applying the appropriate locale. Internationalization logic will only be applied if the String is specially encoded in the format "${}". If it is, the String is pulled from the resource bundle. If the pluginName is not null, the plugin's resource bundle will be used to look up the key.

string - the String.
pluginName - the name of the plugin that the i18n String can be found in, or null if the standard Openfire resource bundle should be used.
the string, or if the string is encoded as an i18n key, the value from the appropriate resource bundle.

Openfire 3.7.1 Javadoc

Copyright © 2003-2008 Jive Software.