Openfire 3.7.0 Javadoc

Interface ExternalComponentManagerListener

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface ExternalComponentManagerListener

Listener that will be alerted when an external component is disabled/enabled, the port is changed or configuration about an external component is modified.

All listeners of the event will be alerted. Moreover, listeners have the chance to deny a change from happening. If a single listener denied the operation then it will not be allowed.

Gaston Dombiak

Method Summary
 void componentAllowed(String subdomain, ExternalComponentConfiguration configuration)
          Notification indicating that a new component was allowed to connect using a given configuration.
 void componentBlocked(String subdomain)
          Notification indicating that a component was blocked to connect to the server.
 void componentConfigurationDeleted(String subdomain)
          Notification indicating that the configuration of a component, that was either blocked or allowed to connect, is being deleted.
 void componentSecretUpdated(String subdomain, String newSecret)
          Notification indicating that the configuration of a component, that was either blocked or allowed to connect, is being deleted.
 void defaultSecretChanged(String newSecret)
          Notification indicating that the default secret is being modified.
 void permissionPolicyChanged(ExternalComponentManager.PermissionPolicy newPolicy)
          Notification indicating that the permission policy is being modified.
 void portChanged(int newPort)
          Notification indicating that the port used by external components is being modified.
 void serviceEnabled(boolean enabled)
          Notification indicating whether the service is being enabled or disabled.

Method Detail


void serviceEnabled(boolean enabled)
                    throws ModificationNotAllowedException
Notification indicating whether the service is being enabled or disabled. The listener may throw an exception to not allow the change from taking place.

enabled - true if the service is being enabled.
ModificationNotAllowedException - if the operation was denied.


void portChanged(int newPort)
                 throws ModificationNotAllowedException
Notification indicating that the port used by external components is being modified. The listener may throw an exception to not allow the change from taking place.

newPort - new default secret being set.
ModificationNotAllowedException - if the operation was denied.


void defaultSecretChanged(String newSecret)
                          throws ModificationNotAllowedException
Notification indicating that the default secret is being modified. The listener may throw an exception to not allow the change from taking place.

newSecret - new default secret being set.
ModificationNotAllowedException - if the operation was denied.


void permissionPolicyChanged(ExternalComponentManager.PermissionPolicy newPolicy)
                             throws ModificationNotAllowedException
Notification indicating that the permission policy is being modified. See ExternalComponentManager.PermissionPolicy for more information. The listener may throw an exception to not allow the change from taking place.

newPolicy - new permission policy being set.
ModificationNotAllowedException - if the operation was denied.


void componentAllowed(String subdomain,
                      ExternalComponentConfiguration configuration)
                      throws ModificationNotAllowedException
Notification indicating that a new component was allowed to connect using a given configuration. The listener may throw an exception to not allow the change from taking place.

subdomain - subdomain of the added component.
configuration - configuration for the external component.
ModificationNotAllowedException - if the operation was denied.


void componentBlocked(String subdomain)
                      throws ModificationNotAllowedException
Notification indicating that a component was blocked to connect to the server. The listener may throw an exception to not allow the change from taking place.

subdomain - subdomain of the blocked component.
ModificationNotAllowedException - if the operation was denied.


void componentSecretUpdated(String subdomain,
                            String newSecret)
                            throws ModificationNotAllowedException
Notification indicating that the configuration of a component, that was either blocked or allowed to connect, is being deleted. The listener may throw an exception to not allow the change from taking place.

subdomain - subdomain of the component.
newSecret - new secret being set for the component.
ModificationNotAllowedException - if the operation was denied.


void componentConfigurationDeleted(String subdomain)
                                   throws ModificationNotAllowedException
Notification indicating that the configuration of a component, that was either blocked or allowed to connect, is being deleted. The listener may throw an exception to not allow the change from taking place.

subdomain - subdomain of the component.
ModificationNotAllowedException - if the operation was denied.

Openfire 3.7.0 Javadoc

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