Openfire 3.6.2 Javadoc

Interface XMPPServerListener

public interface XMPPServerListener

Interface that let observers be notified when the server has been started or is about to be stopped. Use XMPPServer.addServerListener(XMPPServerListener) to add new listeners.

Gaston Dombiak

Method Summary
 void serverStarted()
          Notification message indicating that the server has been started.
 void serverStopping()
          Notification message indication that the server is about to be stopped.

Method Detail


void serverStarted()
Notification message indicating that the server has been started. At this point all server modules have been initialized and started. Message sending and receiving is now possible. However, some plugins may still be pending to be loaded.


void serverStopping()
Notification message indication that the server is about to be stopped. At this point all modules are still running so all services are still available.

Openfire 3.6.2 Javadoc

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