Openfire 3.6.1 Javadoc

Package org.jivesoftware.openfire.mediaproxy

Interface Summary
DatagramListener Listener for datagram packets received.
ProxyCandidate Basic interface to access a Candidate provided by a Session
SessionListener Listener for media proxy session events.

Class Summary
DynamicAddressChannel Listen packets from defined dataSocket and send packets to the defined host.
MediaProxy A Media Proxy relays UDP traffic between two IPs to provide connectivity between two parties that are behind NAT devices.
MediaProxyService A proxy service for UDP traffic such as RTP.
MediaProxySession A media proxy session enables two clients to exchange UDP traffic.
RelaySession A Session Class will control "receive and relay" proccess.

Openfire 3.6.1 Javadoc

Copyright © 2003-2008 Jive Software.