Openfire 3.5.2 Javadoc

Interface PubSubService

All Known Implementing Classes:
PEPService, PubSubModule

public interface PubSubService

A PubSubService is responsible for keeping the hosted nodes by the service, the default configuration to use for newly created nodes and specify the policy to use regarding node management.

Implementations of PubSubService are expected to collaborate with a PubSubEngine that will take care of handling packets sent to the service.

The separation between PubSubService and PubSubEngine allows to reuse the handling of packets and at the same time be able to create different pubsub services with different configurations. Examples of different pubsub services are: JEP-60: Publish-Subscribe and JEP-163: Personal Eventing Protocol.

Matt Tucker

Method Summary
 void addNode(Node node)
          Adds an already persistent node to the service.
 void broadcast(Node node, Message message, Collection<JID> jids)
          Broadcasts the specified Message containing an event notification to a list of subscribers to the specified node.
 boolean canCreateNode(JID creator)
          Returns true if the pubsub service allows the specified user to create nodes.
 JID getAddress()
          Returns the XMPP address of the service.
 Map<String,Map<String,String>> getBarePresences()
          Returns a registry of the presence's show value of users that subscribed to a node of the pubsub service and for which the node only delivers notifications for online users or node subscriptions deliver events based on the user presence show value.
 DefaultNodeConfiguration getDefaultNodeConfiguration(boolean leafType)
          Returns the default node configuration for the specified node type or null if the specified node type is not supported by the service.
 int getItemsTaskTimeout()
          Returns the timeout value for the published items maintenance task.
 Queue<PublishedItem> getItemsToAdd()
          Gets the queue that holds the items that need to be added to the database.
 Queue<PublishedItem> getItemsToDelete()
          Gets the queue that holds the items that need to be deleted from the database.
 AdHocCommandManager getManager()
          Returns the ad-hoc commands manager used for this service.
 Node getNode(String nodeID)
          Returns the Node that matches the specified node ID or null if none was found.
 Collection<Node> getNodes()
          Retuns the collection of nodes hosted by the pubsub service.
 PublishedItemTask getPublishedItemTask()
          Returns the published item task used for this service.
 CollectionNode getRootCollectionNode()
          Returns the CollectionNode that acts as the root node of the entire node hierarchy.
 String getServiceID()
          Returns a String that uniquely identifies this pubsub service.
 Collection<String> getShowPresences(JID subscriber)
          Returns the show values of the last know presence of all connected resources of the specified subscriber.
 Timer getTimer()
          Returns the timer used for the maintenance process of this service.
 boolean isCollectionNodesSupported()
          Returns true if the pubsub service supports collection nodes.
 boolean isInstantNodeSupported()
          Returns true if the pubsub service allows users to create nodes without specifying the node ID.
 boolean isMultipleSubscriptionsEnabled()
          Returns true if a user may have more than one subscription with the node.
 boolean isServiceAdmin(JID user)
          Returns true if the specified user is a sysadmin of the pubsub service or has admin privileges.
 void presenceSubscriptionNotRequired(Node node, JID user)
          Requests the pubsub service to unsubscribe from the presence of the user.
 void presenceSubscriptionRequired(Node node, JID user)
          Requests the pubsub service to subscribe to the presence of the user.
 void queueItemToAdd(PublishedItem newItem)
          Adds the item to the queue of items to add to the database.
 void queueItemToRemove(PublishedItem removedItem)
          Adds the item to the queue of items to remove from the database.
 void removeNode(String nodeID)
          Removes the specified node from the service.
 void send(Packet packet)
          Sends the specified packet.
 void sendNotification(Node node, Message message, JID jid)
          Sends the specified Message containing an event notification to a specific subscriber of the specified node.
 void setItemsTaskTimeout(int timeout)
          Sets the timeout value for the published items maintenance task.
 void setPublishedItemTask(PublishedItemTask task)
          Sets the published item task used for this service.

Method Detail


JID getAddress()
Returns the XMPP address of the service.

the XMPP address of the service.


String getServiceID()
Returns a String that uniquely identifies this pubsub service. This information is being used when storing node information in the database so it's possible to have nodes with the same ID but under different pubsub services.

a String that uniquely identifies this pubsub service.


Map<String,Map<String,String>> getBarePresences()
Returns a registry of the presence's show value of users that subscribed to a node of the pubsub service and for which the node only delivers notifications for online users or node subscriptions deliver events based on the user presence show value. Offline users will not have an entry in the map. Note: Key-> bare JID and Value-> Map whose key is full JID of connected resource and value is show value of the last received presence.

a registry of the presence's show value of users that subscribed to a node of the pubsub service.


boolean canCreateNode(JID creator)
Returns true if the pubsub service allows the specified user to create nodes.

creator - the JID of the entity trying to create a new node.
true if the pubsub service allows the specified user to create nodes.


boolean isServiceAdmin(JID user)
Returns true if the specified user is a sysadmin of the pubsub service or has admin privileges.

user - the user to check if he has admin privileges.
true if the specified user is a sysadmin of the pubsub service or has admin privileges.


boolean isInstantNodeSupported()
Returns true if the pubsub service allows users to create nodes without specifying the node ID. The service will create a random node ID and assigne it to the node.

true if the pubsub service allows users to create nodes without specifying the node ID.


boolean isCollectionNodesSupported()
Returns true if the pubsub service supports collection nodes. When collection nodes is supported it is possible to create hierarchy of nodes where a CollectionNode may only hold children nodes of type CollectionNode or LeafNode. On the other hand, LeafNode can only hold PublishedItem.

true if the pubsub service supports collection nodes.


CollectionNode getRootCollectionNode()
Returns the CollectionNode that acts as the root node of the entire node hierarchy. The returned node does not have a node identifier. If collection nodes is not supported then return null.

the CollectionNode that acts as the root node of the entire node hierarchy or null if collection nodes is not supported.


Node getNode(String nodeID)
Returns the Node that matches the specified node ID or null if none was found.

nodeID - the ID that uniquely identifies the node in the pubsub service.
the Node that matches the specified node ID or null if none was found.


Collection<Node> getNodes()
Retuns the collection of nodes hosted by the pubsub service. The collection does not support modifications.

the collection of nodes hosted by the pubsub service.


void addNode(Node node)
Adds an already persistent node to the service.

node - the persistent node to add to the service.


void removeNode(String nodeID)
Removes the specified node from the service. Most probaly the node was deleted from the database as well.

A future version may support unloading of inactive nodes even though they may still exist in the database.

nodeID - the ID that uniquely identifies the node in the pubsub service.


void broadcast(Node node,
               Message message,
               Collection<JID> jids)
Broadcasts the specified Message containing an event notification to a list of subscribers to the specified node. Each message being sent has to have a unique ID value so that the service can properly track any notification-related errors that may occur.

node - the node that triggered the event notification.
message - the message containing the event notification.
jids - the list of entities to get the event notification.


void send(Packet packet)
Sends the specified packet.

packet - the packet to send.


void sendNotification(Node node,
                      Message message,
                      JID jid)
Sends the specified Message containing an event notification to a specific subscriber of the specified node. The message being sent has to have a unique ID value so that the service can properly track any notification-related errors that may occur.

node - the node that triggered the event notification.
message - the message containing the event notification.
jid - the entity to get the event notification.


DefaultNodeConfiguration getDefaultNodeConfiguration(boolean leafType)
Returns the default node configuration for the specified node type or null if the specified node type is not supported by the service.

leafType - true when requesting default configuration of leaf nodes
the default node configuration for the specified node type or null if the specified node type is not supported by the service.


Collection<String> getShowPresences(JID subscriber)
Returns the show values of the last know presence of all connected resources of the specified subscriber. When the subscriber JID is a bare JID then the answered collection will have many entries one for each connected resource. Moreover, if the user is offline then an empty collectin is returned. Available show status is represented by a online value. The rest of the possible show values as defined in RFC 3921.

subscriber - the JID of the subscriber. This is not the JID of the affiliate.
an empty collection when offline. Otherwise, a collection with the show value of each connected resource.


void presenceSubscriptionRequired(Node node,
                                  JID user)
Requests the pubsub service to subscribe to the presence of the user. If the service has already subscribed to the user's presence then do nothing.

node - the node that originated the subscription request.
user - the JID of the affiliate to subscribe to his presence.


void presenceSubscriptionNotRequired(Node node,
                                     JID user)
Requests the pubsub service to unsubscribe from the presence of the user. If the service was not subscribed to the user's presence or any node still requires to be subscribed to the user presence then do nothing.

node - the node that originated the unsubscription request.
user - the JID of the affiliate to unsubscribe from his presence.


boolean isMultipleSubscriptionsEnabled()
Returns true if a user may have more than one subscription with the node. When multiple subscriptions is enabled each subscription request, event notification and unsubscription request should include a subid attribute.

true if a user may have more than one subscription with the node.


void queueItemToAdd(PublishedItem newItem)
Adds the item to the queue of items to add to the database. The queue is going to be processed by another thread.

newItem - the item to add to the database.


Queue<PublishedItem> getItemsToAdd()
Gets the queue that holds the items that need to be added to the database.

the queue that holds the items that need to be added to the database.


Queue<PublishedItem> getItemsToDelete()
Gets the queue that holds the items that need to be deleted from the database.

the queue that holds the items that need to be deleted from the database.


AdHocCommandManager getManager()
Returns the ad-hoc commands manager used for this service.

the ad-hoc commands manager used for this service.


PublishedItemTask getPublishedItemTask()
Returns the published item task used for this service.

the published item task used for this service.


void setPublishedItemTask(PublishedItemTask task)
Sets the published item task used for this service.

task - the PublishedItemTask to set for this service.


void queueItemToRemove(PublishedItem removedItem)
Adds the item to the queue of items to remove from the database. The queue is going to be processed by another thread.

removedItem - the item to remove from the database.


Timer getTimer()
Returns the timer used for the maintenance process of this service.

the timer used for the maintenance process of this service.


int getItemsTaskTimeout()
Returns the timeout value for the published items maintenance task.

the timeout value for the published items maintenance task.


void setItemsTaskTimeout(int timeout)
Sets the timeout value for the published items maintenance task.

timeout - the timeout value for the published items maintenance task.

Openfire 3.5.2 Javadoc

Copyright © 2003-2007 Jive Software.