Openfire 3.5.1 Javadoc

Package org.jivesoftware.openfire.pubsub

Implementation of Publish-Subscribe (JEP-0060).


Interface Summary
PubSubService A PubSubService is responsible for keeping the hosted nodes by the service, the default configuration to use for newly created nodes and specify the policy to use regarding node management.

Class Summary
CollectionNode A type of node that contains nodes and/or other collections but no published items.
DefaultNodeConfiguration A DefaultNodeConfiguration keeps the default configuration values for leaf or collection nodes of a particular publish-subscribe service.
LeafNode A type of node that contains published items only.
Node A virtual location to which information can be published and from which event notifications and/or payloads can be received (in other pubsub systems, this may be labelled a "topic").
NodeAffiliate A NodeAffiliate keeps information about the affiliation of an entity with a node.
NodeSubscription A subscription to a node.
PendingSubscriptionsCommand Ad-hoc command that sends pending subscriptions to node owners.
PublishedItem A published item to a node.
PublishedItemTask A timed maintenance task that updates the database by adding and/or removing PublishedItems in regular intervals.
PubSubEngine A PubSubEngine is responsible for handling packets sent to a pub-sub service.
PubSubModule Module that implements JEP-60: Publish-Subscribe.
PubSubPersistenceManager A manager responsible for ensuring node persistence.

Enum Summary
CollectionNode.LeafNodeAssociationPolicy Policy that defines who may associate leaf nodes with a collection.
Node.ItemReplyPolicy Policy that defines whether owners or publisher should receive replies to items.
NodeAffiliate.Affiliation Affiliation with a node defines user permissions.
NodeSubscription.State Subscriptions to a node may exist in several states.

Exception Summary
NotAcceptableException Exception used for representing that the specified node configuration is not acceptable.

Package org.jivesoftware.openfire.pubsub Description

Implementation of Publish-Subscribe (JEP-0060).

Openfire 3.5.1 Javadoc

Copyright © 2003-2007 Jive Software.