Openfire 3.5.1 Javadoc

Package org.jivesoftware.openfire.muc

Implementation of Multi-User Chat (JEP-0045).


Interface Summary
MUCEventListener Interface to listen for MUC events.
MUCRole Defines the permissions and actions that a MUCUser may use in a particular room.
MUCRoom A chat room on the chat server manages its users, and enforces it's own security rules.
MUCUser The chat user is a separate user abstraction for interacting with the chat server.
MultiUserChatServer Manages groupchat conversations, chatrooms, and users.

Class Summary
HistoryRequest Represents the amount of history requested by an occupant while joining a room.
HistoryStrategy Multi-User Chat rooms may cache history of the conversations in the room in order to play them back to newly arriving members.
MUCRoomHistory Represent the data model for one MUCRoom history.

Enum Summary
HistoryStrategy.Type Strategy type.

Exception Summary
ConflictException Exception used for representing a conflict error in a MUCRoom.
ForbiddenException Exception used for representing that the requested operation is forbidden for the user in the MUCRoom.
NotAcceptableException Exception used for representing that the nickname used by the user is not acceptable.
NotAllowedException Exception used for representing that the user is not allowed to perform the requested operation in the MUCRoom.
RegistrationRequiredException Exception used for representing that the user needs to register with the room in order to perform the requested operation.
RoomLockedException Exception used for representing that the user can't join a room since it's been locked.
ServiceUnavailableException Exception used for representing that the MultiUserChat service is not available at the moment.

Package org.jivesoftware.openfire.muc Description

Implementation of Multi-User Chat (JEP-0045).

Openfire 3.5.1 Javadoc

Copyright © 2003-2007 Jive Software.