Openfire 3.5.0.rc2 Javadoc

Interface MUCEventListener

public interface MUCEventListener

Interface to listen for MUC events. Use the MultiUserChatServer.addListener(MUCEventListener) method to register for events.

Gaston Dombiak

Method Summary
 void messageReceived(JID roomJID, JID user, String nickname, Message message)
          Event triggered when a room occupant sent a message to a room.
 void nicknameChanged(JID roomJID, JID user, String oldNickname, String newNickname)
          Event triggered when an occupant changed his nickname in a room.
 void occupantJoined(JID roomJID, JID user, String nickname)
          Event triggered when a new occupant joins a room.
 void occupantLeft(JID roomJID, JID user)
          Event triggered when an occupant left a room.
 void roomCreated(JID roomJID)
          Event triggered when a new room was created.
 void roomDestroyed(JID roomJID)
          Event triggered when a room was destroyed.

Method Detail


void roomCreated(JID roomJID)
Event triggered when a new room was created.

roomJID - JID of the room that was created.


void roomDestroyed(JID roomJID)
Event triggered when a room was destroyed.

roomJID - JID of the room that was destroyed.


void occupantJoined(JID roomJID,
                    JID user,
                    String nickname)
Event triggered when a new occupant joins a room.

roomJID - the JID of the room where the occupant has joined.
user - the JID of the user joining the room.
nickname - nickname of the user in the room.


void occupantLeft(JID roomJID,
                  JID user)
Event triggered when an occupant left a room.

roomJID - the JID of the room where the occupant has left.
user - the JID of the user leaving the room.


void nicknameChanged(JID roomJID,
                     JID user,
                     String oldNickname,
                     String newNickname)
Event triggered when an occupant changed his nickname in a room.

roomJID - the JID of the room where the user changed his nickname.
user - the JID of the user that changed his nickname.
oldNickname - old nickname of the user in the room.
newNickname - new nickname of the user in the room.


void messageReceived(JID roomJID,
                     JID user,
                     String nickname,
                     Message message)
Event triggered when a room occupant sent a message to a room.

roomJID - the JID of the room that received the message.
user - the JID of the user that sent the message.
nickname - nickname used by the user when sending the message.
message - the message sent by the room occupant.

Openfire 3.5.0.rc2 Javadoc

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