Openfire 3.5.0.rc2 Javadoc

Class HttpSession.HttpVirtualConnection

  extended by
      extended by org.jivesoftware.openfire.http.HttpSession.HttpVirtualConnection
All Implemented Interfaces:
Enclosing class:

public static class HttpSession.HttpVirtualConnection
extends VirtualConnection

A virtual server connection relates to a http session which its self can relate to many http connections.

Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface org.jivesoftware.openfire.Connection
Connection.ClientAuth, Connection.CompressionPolicy, Connection.TLSPolicy
Field Summary
Fields inherited from class
Constructor Summary
HttpSession.HttpVirtualConnection(InetAddress address)
Method Summary
 void closeVirtualConnection()
          Closes the virtual connection.
 void deliver(Packet packet)
          Delivers the packet to this connection without checking the recipient.
 void deliverRawText(String text)
          Delivers raw text to this connection.
 byte[] getAddress()
          Returns the raw IP address of this InetAddress object.
 String getHostAddress()
          Returns the IP address string in textual presentation.
 String getHostName()
          Gets the host name for this IP address.
 void systemShutdown()
          Notification message indicating that the server is being shutdown.
Methods inherited from class
addCompression, close, getCompressionPolicy, getLanguage, getMajorXMPPVersion, getMinorXMPPVersion, getPacketDeliverer, getSSLSession, getTlsPolicy, init, isClosed, isCompressed, isFlashClient, isSecure, registerCloseListener, removeCloseListener, setCompressionPolicy, setFlashClient, setLanaguage, setTlsPolicy, setXMPPVersion, startCompression, startTLS, validate
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public HttpSession.HttpVirtualConnection(InetAddress address)
Method Detail


public void closeVirtualConnection()
Description copied from class: VirtualConnection
Closes the virtual connection. Subsclasses should indicate what closing a virtual connection means. At this point the session has a CLOSED state.

Specified by:
closeVirtualConnection in class VirtualConnection


public byte[] getAddress()
                  throws UnknownHostException
Description copied from interface: Connection
Returns the raw IP address of this InetAddress object. The result is in network byte order: the highest order byte of the address is in getAddress()[0].

the raw IP address of this object.
UnknownHostException - if IP address of host could not be determined.


public String getHostAddress()
                      throws UnknownHostException
Description copied from interface: Connection
Returns the IP address string in textual presentation.

the raw IP address in a string format.
UnknownHostException - if IP address of host could not be determined.


public String getHostName()
                   throws UnknownHostException
Description copied from interface: Connection
Gets the host name for this IP address.

If this InetAddress was created with a host name, this host name will be remembered and returned; otherwise, a reverse name lookup will be performed and the result will be returned based on the system configured name lookup service. If a lookup of the name service is required, call getCanonicalHostName.

If there is a security manager, its checkConnect method is first called with the hostname and -1 as its arguments to see if the operation is allowed. If the operation is not allowed, it will return the textual representation of the IP address.

the host name for this IP address, or if the operation is not allowed by the security check, the textual representation of the IP address.
UnknownHostException - if IP address of host could not be determined.
See Also:
InetAddress.getCanonicalHostName(), SecurityManager.checkConnect(java.lang.String, int)


public void systemShutdown()
Description copied from interface: Connection
Notification message indicating that the server is being shutdown. Implementors should send a stream error whose condition is system-shutdown before closing the connection.


public void deliver(Packet packet)
             throws UnauthorizedException
Description copied from interface: Connection
Delivers the packet to this connection without checking the recipient. The method essentially calls socket.send(packet.getWriteBuffer()).

packet - the packet to deliver.
UnauthorizedException - if a permission error was detected.


public void deliverRawText(String text)
Description copied from interface: Connection
Delivers raw text to this connection. This is a very low level way for sending XML stanzas to the client. This method should not be used unless you have very good reasons for not using Connection.deliver(org.xmpp.packet.Packet).

This method avoids having to get the writer of this connection and mess directly with the writer. Therefore, this method ensures a correct delivery of the stanza even if other threads were sending data concurrently.

text - the XML stanzas represented kept in a String.

Openfire 3.5.0.rc2 Javadoc

Copyright © 2003-2007 Jive Software.