Openfire 3.4.5 Javadoc

Package org.jivesoftware.openfire.session

Interface Summary
ClientSession Represents a session between the server and a client.
ComponentSession Represents a session between the server and an external component.
ComponentSession.ExternalComponent The ExternalComponent acts as a proxy of the remote connected component.
ConnectionMultiplexerSession Represents a session between the server and a connection manager.
IncomingServerSession Server-to-server communication is done using two TCP connections between the servers.
OutgoingServerSession Server-to-server communication is done using two TCP connections between the servers.
RemoteSessionLocator Locator of sessions that are being hosted by other cluster nodes.
Session The session represents a connection between the server and a client (c2s) or another server (s2s) as well as a connection with a component.

Class Summary
GetSessionsCountTask Task that will be executed in cluster nodes to get the number of sessions hosted by the cluster node.
LocalClientSession Represents a session between the server and a client.
LocalComponentSession Represents a session between the server and a component.
LocalComponentSession.LocalExternalComponent The ExternalComponent acts as a proxy of the remote connected component.
LocalConnectionMultiplexerSession Represents a session between the server and a connection manager.
LocalIncomingServerSession Server-to-server communication is done using two TCP connections between the servers.
LocalOutgoingServerSession Server-to-server communication is done using two TCP connections between the servers.
LocalSession The session represents a connection between the server and a client (c2s) or another server (s2s) as well as a connection with a component.

Openfire 3.4.5 Javadoc

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