Openfire 3.4.5 Javadoc

Interface Module

All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
AdHocCommandHandler, AuditManagerImpl, BasicModule, ConnectionManagerImpl, DefaultFileTransferManager, FileTransferProxy, FlashCrossDomainHandler, InternalComponentManager, IQAuthHandler, IQBindHandler, IQDiscoInfoHandler, IQDiscoItemsHandler, IQHandler, IQLastActivityHandler, IQOfflineMessagesHandler, IQPEPHandler, IQPEPOwnerHandler, IQPrivacyHandler, IQPrivateHandler, IQRegisterHandler, IQRosterHandler, IQRouter, IQSessionEstablishmentHandler, IQSharedGroupHandler, IQTimeHandler, IQvCardHandler, IQVersionHandler, MediaProxyService, MessageRouter, MulticastDNSService, MulticastRouter, MultiUserChatServerImpl, OfflineMessageStore, OfflineMessageStrategy, PacketDelivererImpl, PacketRouterImpl, PacketTransporterImpl, PresenceManagerImpl, PresenceRouter, PresenceSubscribeHandler, PresenceUpdateHandler, PrivateStorage, PubSubModule, RosterManager, RoutingTableImpl, SessionManager, STUNService, TransportHandler, UpdateManager, VCardManager

public interface Module

Logical, server-managed entities must implement this interface. A module represents an operational unit and may contain zero or more services and rely on zero or more services that may be hosted by the container.

In order to be hosted in the Jive server container, all modules must:

The Jive container will run all modules through a simple lifecycle:

 constructor -> initialize() -> start() -> stop() -> destroy() -> finalizer
                    |<-----------------------|          ^
                    |                                   |

The Module interface is intended to provide the simplest mechanism for creating, deploying, and managing server modules.

Iain Shigeoka

Method Summary
 void destroy()
          Module should free all resources and prepare for deallocation.
 String getName()
          Returns the name of the module for display in administration interfaces.
 void initialize(XMPPServer server)
          Initialize the module with the container.
 void start()
          Start the module (must return quickly).
 void stop()
          Stop the module.

Method Detail


String getName()
Returns the name of the module for display in administration interfaces.

The name of the module.


void initialize(XMPPServer server)
Initialize the module with the container. Modules may be initialized and never started, so modules should be prepared for a call to destroy() to follow initialize().

server - the server hosting this module.


void start()
Start the module (must return quickly). Any long running operations should spawn a thread and allow the method to return immediately.


void stop()
Stop the module. The module should attempt to free up threads and prepare for either another call to initialize (reconfigure the module) or for destruction.


void destroy()
Module should free all resources and prepare for deallocation.

Openfire 3.4.5 Javadoc

Copyright © 2003-2007 Jive Software.