Openfire 3.4.4 Javadoc

Class LdapVCardProvider

  extended by org.jivesoftware.openfire.ldap.LdapVCardProvider
All Implemented Interfaces:
VCardProvider, PropertyEventListener

public class LdapVCardProvider
extends Object
implements VCardProvider, PropertyEventListener

Read-only LDAP provider for vCards.Configuration consists of adding a provider:


and an xml vcard-mapping to openfire.xml.

The vcard attributes can be configured by adding an attrs="attr1,attr2" attribute to the vcard elements.

Arbitrary text can be used for the element values as well as MessageFormat style placeholders for the ldap attributes. For example, if you wanted to map the LDAP attribute displayName to the vcard element FN, the xml nippet would be:

<FN attrs="displayName">{0}</FN>

The vCard XML must be escaped in CDATA and must also be well formed. It is the exact XML this provider will send to a client after after stripping attr attributes and populating the placeholders with the data retrieved from LDAP. This system should be flexible enough to handle any client's vCard format. An example mapping follows.

                <vCard xmlns='vcard-temp'>
                        <FN attrs="displayName">{0}</FN>
                        <NICKNAME attrs="uid">{0}</NICKNAME>
                        <BDAY attrs="dob">{0}</BDAY>
                                <EXTADR>Ste 500</EXTADR>
                                <STREET>317 SW Alder St</STREET>
                                <NUMBER attrs="telephoneNumber">{0}</NUMBER>
                                <USERID attrs="mail">{0}</USERID>
                        <TITLE attrs="title">{0}</TITLE>
                        <ROLE attrs="">{0}</ROLE>
                                <ORGNAME attrs="o">{0}</ORGNAME>
                                <ORGUNIT attrs="">{0}</ORGUNIT>
                        <URL attrs="labeledURI">{0}</URL>
                        <DESC attrs="uidNumber,homeDirectory,loginShell">
                                uid: {0} home: {1} shell: {2}

An easy way to get the vcard format your client needs, assuming you've been using the database store, is to do a SELECT value FROM jivevcard WHERE username='some_user' in your favorite sql querier and paste the result into the vcard-mapping (don't forget the CDATA).


Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 org.dom4j.Element createVCard(String username, org.dom4j.Element vCardElement)
          Handles when a user creates a new vcard.
 void deleteVCard(String username)
          Handles when a user deletes their vcard.
 boolean isReadOnly()
          Returns true if this VCardProvider is read-only.
 org.dom4j.Element loadVCard(String username)
          Loads the avatar from LDAP, based off the vcard template.
 void propertyDeleted(String property, Map params)
          A property was deleted.
 void propertySet(String property, Map params)
          A property was set.
 org.dom4j.Element updateVCard(String username, org.dom4j.Element vCardElement)
          Handles when a user updates their vcard.
 void xmlPropertyDeleted(String property, Map params)
          An XML property was deleted.
 void xmlPropertySet(String property, Map params)
          An XML property was set.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public LdapVCardProvider()
Method Detail


public org.dom4j.Element loadVCard(String username)
Loads the avatar from LDAP, based off the vcard template. If enabled, will replace a blank PHOTO element with one from a DB stored vcard.

Specified by:
loadVCard in interface VCardProvider
username - User we are loading the vcard for.
The loaded vcard element, or null if none found.


public org.dom4j.Element createVCard(String username,
                                     org.dom4j.Element vCardElement)
                              throws UnsupportedOperationException,
Handles when a user creates a new vcard.

Specified by:
createVCard in interface VCardProvider
username - User that created a new vcard.
vCardElement - vCard element containing the new vcard.
vCard as it is after the provider has a chance to adjust it.
UnsupportedOperationException - If an invalid field is changed or we are in readonly mode.
AlreadyExistsException - if the user already has a vCard.


public org.dom4j.Element updateVCard(String username,
                                     org.dom4j.Element vCardElement)
                              throws UnsupportedOperationException
Handles when a user updates their vcard.

Specified by:
updateVCard in interface VCardProvider
username - User that updated their vcard.
vCardElement - vCard element containing the new vcard.
vCard as it is after the provider has a chance to adjust it.
UnsupportedOperationException - If an invalid field is changed or we are in readonly mode.


public void deleteVCard(String username)
                 throws UnsupportedOperationException
Handles when a user deletes their vcard.

Specified by:
deleteVCard in interface VCardProvider
username - User that deketed their vcard.
UnsupportedOperationException - If an invalid field is changed or we are in readonly mode.


public boolean isReadOnly()
Description copied from interface: VCardProvider
Returns true if this VCardProvider is read-only. When read-only, vcards can not be created, deleted, or modified.

Specified by:
isReadOnly in interface VCardProvider
true if the vcard provider is read-only.


public void propertySet(String property,
                        Map params)
Description copied from interface: PropertyEventListener
A property was set. The parameter map params will contain the the value of the property under the key value.

Specified by:
propertySet in interface PropertyEventListener
property - the name of the property.
params - event parameters.


public void propertyDeleted(String property,
                            Map params)
Description copied from interface: PropertyEventListener
A property was deleted.

Specified by:
propertyDeleted in interface PropertyEventListener
property - the name of the property deleted.
params - event parameters.


public void xmlPropertySet(String property,
                           Map params)
Description copied from interface: PropertyEventListener
An XML property was set. The parameter map params will contain the the value of the property under the key value.

Specified by:
xmlPropertySet in interface PropertyEventListener
property - the name of the property.
params - event parameters.


public void xmlPropertyDeleted(String property,
                               Map params)
Description copied from interface: PropertyEventListener
An XML property was deleted.

Specified by:
xmlPropertyDeleted in interface PropertyEventListener
property - the name of the property.
params - event parameters.

Openfire 3.4.4 Javadoc

Copyright © 2003-2007 Jive Software.