Openfire 3.4.0 Javadoc

Package org.jivesoftware.openfire.muc.cluster

Class Summary
BroascastMessageRequest Task that broadcasts a message to local room occupants.
BroascastPresenceRequest Task that broadcasts the presence of a room occupant to the occupants of the room being hosted by the cluster node.
ChangeNickname Task that changes the nickname of an existing room occupant in the cluster node.
DestroyRoomRequest Task that destroys the local room in the cluster node.
GetNewMemberRoomsRequest Task requested by each cluster node when a new node joins the cluster.
GetNumberConnectedUsers Task to be executed in each cluster node to obtain the total number of users using the multi user chat service.
MUCRoomTask Task related to a room to be executed in a cluster node.
OccupantAddedEvent Task that will remove a room occupant from the list of occupants in the room.
OccupantLeftEvent Task that removes a room occupant from the list of occupants in the room.
RoomAvailableEvent Task that adds a new local room to the cluster node.
RoomInfo Representation of a room configuration and its occupants.
RoomRemovedEvent Task that will remove a local room from the cluster node.
RoomUpdatedEvent Task that updates the configuration of a local room.
SeniorMemberRoomsRequest Task to be requested by a node that joins a cluster and be executed in the senior cluster member to get the rooms with occupants.
UpdateHistoryStrategy Cluster task that will update the history strategy used by the MultiUserChatServer service.
UpdateOccupant Task that updates all information regarding a room occupant.
UpdateOccupantRequest Task that requests the cluster node hosting a room occupant to change his role and/or affiliation.
UpdatePresence Task that updates the presence of an occupant in a room.

Openfire 3.4.0 Javadoc

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