Openfire 3.3.3 Javadoc

Package org.xmpp.packet

Class Summary
IQ IQ (Info/Query) packet.
JID An XMPP address (JID).
Message Message packet.
Packet An XMPP packet (also referred to as a stanza).
PacketError A packet error.
PacketExtension A packet extension represents a child element of a Packet for a given qualified name.
Presence Presence packet.
Roster Roster packet.
Roster.Item Item in a roster, which represents an individual contact.
StreamError A stream error.

Enum Summary
IQ.Type Type-safe enumeration to represent the type of the IQ packet.
Message.Type Type-safe enumeration for the type of a message.
PacketError.Condition Type-safe enumeration for the error condition.
PacketError.Type Error type.
Presence.Show Represents the presence "show" value.
Presence.Type Represents the type of a presence packet.
Roster.Ask Type-safe enumeration for the roster ask type.
Roster.Subscription Type-safe enumeration for the roster subscription type.
StreamError.Condition Type-safe enumeration for the error condition.

Openfire 3.3.3 Javadoc

Copyright © 2003-2007 Jive Software.