Openfire 3.3.3 Javadoc

Interface CertificateEventListener

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface CertificateEventListener

Interface to listen for certificate events. Use the CertificateManager.addListener(CertificateEventListener) method to register for events.

Gaston Dombiak

Method Summary
 void certificateCreated(KeyStore keyStore, String alias, X509Certificate cert)
          Event triggered when a new certificate is created.
 void certificateDeleted(KeyStore keyStore, String alias)
          Event triggered when a certificate is being deleted from the keystore.
 void certificateSigned(KeyStore keyStore, String alias, List<X509Certificate> certificates)
          Event triggered when a certificate has been signed by a Certificate Authority.

Method Detail


void certificateCreated(KeyStore keyStore,
                        String alias,
                        X509Certificate cert)
Event triggered when a new certificate is created.

keyStore - key store where the certificate has been added.
alias - the alias of the certificate in the keystore.
cert - the new certificate created.


void certificateDeleted(KeyStore keyStore,
                        String alias)
Event triggered when a certificate is being deleted from the keystore.

keyStore - key store where the certificate is being deleted.
alias - the alias of the certificate in the keystore.


void certificateSigned(KeyStore keyStore,
                       String alias,
                       List<X509Certificate> certificates)
Event triggered when a certificate has been signed by a Certificate Authority.

keyStore - key store where the certificate is stored.
alias - the alias of the certificate in the keystore.
certificates - chain of certificates. First certificate in the list is the certificate being signed and last certificate in the list is the root certificate.

Openfire 3.3.3 Javadoc

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