Openfire 3.6.4 Javadoc

Class LocalSession

  extended by org.jivesoftware.openfire.session.LocalSession
All Implemented Interfaces:
ChannelHandler, RoutableChannelHandler, Session
Direct Known Subclasses:
LocalClientSession, LocalComponentSession, LocalConnectionMultiplexerSession, LocalIncomingServerSession, LocalOutgoingServerSession

public abstract class LocalSession
extends Object
implements Session

The session represents a connection between the server and a client (c2s) or another server (s2s) as well as a connection with a component. Authentication and user accounts are associated with c2s connections while s2s has an optional authentication association but no single user user.

Obtain object managers from the session in order to access server resources.

Gaston Dombiak

Field Summary
protected static String CHARSET
          The utf-8 charset for decoding and encoding Jabber packet streams.
protected  Connection conn
          The connection that this session represents.
protected  SessionManager sessionManager
protected  int status
          The current session status.
Fields inherited from interface org.jivesoftware.openfire.session.Session
Constructor Summary
LocalSession(String serverName, Connection connection, StreamID streamID)
          Creates a session with an underlying connection and permission protection.
Method Summary
 void close()
          Close this session including associated socket connection.
protected static int[] decodeVersion(String version)
 void deliverRawText(String text)
          Delivers raw text to this connection.
 JID getAddress()
          Obtain the address of the user.
abstract  String getAvailableStreamFeatures()
          Returns a text with the available stream features.
 Connection getConnection()
          Returns the connection associated with this Session.
 Date getCreationDate()
          Obtain the date the session was created.
 String getHostAddress()
          Returns the IP address string in textual presentation.
 String getHostName()
          Gets the host name for this IP address.
 Date getLastActiveDate()
          Obtain the time the session last had activity.
 long getNumClientPackets()
          Obtain the number of packets sent from the client to the server.
 long getNumServerPackets()
          Obtain the number of packets sent from the server to the client.
 String getServerName()
          Obtain the name of the server this session belongs to.
 Object getSessionData(String key)
          Retrieves session data.
 int getStatus()
          Obtain the current status of this session.
 StreamID getStreamID()
          Obtain the stream ID associated with this sesison.
 void incrementClientPacketCount()
          Increments the number of packets sent from the client to the server.
 void incrementServerPacketCount()
          Increments the number of packets sent from the server to the client.
 boolean isClosed()
          Returns true if the connection/session is closed.
 boolean isSecure()
          Returns true if this connection is secure.
 boolean isUsingSelfSignedCertificate()
          Returns true if the other peer of this session presented a self-signed certificate.
 void process(Packet packet)
          Process an XMPP packet.
 void removeSessionData(String key)
          Removes session data.
 void setAddress(JID address)
          Sets the new address of this session.
 void setSessionData(String key, Object value)
          Saves given session data.
 void setStatus(int status)
          Set the new status of this session.
 String toString()
 boolean validate()
          Verifies that the connection is still live.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected static String CHARSET
The utf-8 charset for decoding and encoding Jabber packet streams.


protected int status
The current session status.


protected Connection conn
The connection that this session represents.


protected SessionManager sessionManager
Constructor Detail


public LocalSession(String serverName,
                    Connection connection,
                    StreamID streamID)
Creates a session with an underlying connection and permission protection.

serverName - domain of the XMPP server where the new session belongs.
connection - The connection we are proxying.
streamID - unique identifier for this session.
Method Detail


public JID getAddress()
Obtain the address of the user. The address is used by services like the core server packet router to determine if a packet should be sent to the handler. Handlers that are working on behalf of the server should use the generic server hostname address (e.g.

Specified by:
getAddress in interface RoutableChannelHandler
Specified by:
getAddress in interface Session
the address of the packet handler.


public void setAddress(JID address)
Sets the new address of this session. The address is used by services like the core server packet router to determine if a packet should be sent to the handler. Handlers that are working on behalf of the server should use the generic server hostname address (e.g.

address - the new address of this session.


public Connection getConnection()
Returns the connection associated with this Session.

The connection for this session


public int getStatus()
Obtain the current status of this session.

Specified by:
getStatus in interface Session
The status code for this session


public void setStatus(int status)
Set the new status of this session. Setting a status may trigger certain events to occur (setting a closed status will close this session).

status - The new status code for this session


public StreamID getStreamID()
Obtain the stream ID associated with this sesison. Stream ID's are generated by the server and should be unique and random.

Specified by:
getStreamID in interface Session
This session's assigned stream ID


public String getServerName()
Obtain the name of the server this session belongs to.

Specified by:
getServerName in interface Session
the server name.


public Date getCreationDate()
Obtain the date the session was created.

Specified by:
getCreationDate in interface Session
the session's creation date.


public Date getLastActiveDate()
Obtain the time the session last had activity.

Specified by:
getLastActiveDate in interface Session
The last time the session received activity.


public void incrementClientPacketCount()
Increments the number of packets sent from the client to the server.


public void incrementServerPacketCount()
Increments the number of packets sent from the server to the client.


public long getNumClientPackets()
Obtain the number of packets sent from the client to the server.

Specified by:
getNumClientPackets in interface Session
The number of packets sent from the client to the server.


public long getNumServerPackets()
Obtain the number of packets sent from the server to the client.

Specified by:
getNumServerPackets in interface Session
The number of packets sent from the server to the client.


public void setSessionData(String key,
                           Object value)
Saves given session data. Data are saved to temporary storage only and are accessible during this session life only and only from this session instance.

key - a String value of stored data key ID.
value - a Object value of data stored in session.
See Also:


public Object getSessionData(String key)
Retrieves session data. This method gives access to temporary session data only. You can retrieve earlier saved data giving key ID to receive needed value. Please see setSessionData(String, Object) description for more details.

key - a String value of stored data ID.
a Object value of data for given key.
See Also:
setSessionData(String, Object)


public void removeSessionData(String key)
Removes session data. Please see setSessionData(String, Object) description for more details.

key - a String value of stored data ID.
See Also:
setSessionData(String, Object)


public void process(Packet packet)
Description copied from interface: ChannelHandler
Process an XMPP packet.

Specified by:
process in interface ChannelHandler
Specified by:
process in interface Session
packet - a packet to process.


public void deliverRawText(String text)
Description copied from interface: Session
Delivers raw text to this connection. This is a very low level way for sending XML stanzas to the client. This method should not be used unless you have very good reasons for not using Session.process(Packet).

This method avoids having to get the writer of this connection and mess directly with the writer. Therefore, this method ensures a correct delivery of the stanza even if other threads were sending data concurrently.

Specified by:
deliverRawText in interface Session
text - the XML stanzas represented kept in a String.


public abstract String getAvailableStreamFeatures()
Returns a text with the available stream features. Each subclass may return different values depending whether the session has been authenticated or not.

a text with the available stream features or null to add nothing.


public void close()
Description copied from interface: Session
Close this session including associated socket connection. The order of events for closing the session is:

Specified by:
close in interface Session


public boolean validate()
Description copied from interface: Session
Verifies that the connection is still live. Typically this is done by sending a whitespace character between packets. // TODO No one is sending this message now. Delete it?

Specified by:
validate in interface Session
true if the socket remains valid, false otherwise.


public boolean isSecure()
Description copied from interface: Session
Returns true if this connection is secure.

Specified by:
isSecure in interface Session
true if the connection is secure (e.g. SSL/TLS)


public boolean isClosed()
Description copied from interface: Session
Returns true if the connection/session is closed.

Specified by:
isClosed in interface Session
true if the connection is closed.


public String getHostAddress()
                      throws UnknownHostException
Description copied from interface: Session
Returns the IP address string in textual presentation.

Specified by:
getHostAddress in interface Session
the raw IP address in a string format.
UnknownHostException - if IP address of host could not be determined.


public String getHostName()
                   throws UnknownHostException
Description copied from interface: Session
Gets the host name for this IP address.

If this InetAddress was created with a host name, this host name will be remembered and returned; otherwise, a reverse name lookup will be performed and the result will be returned based on the system configured name lookup service. If a lookup of the name service is required, call getCanonicalHostName.

If there is a security manager, its checkConnect method is first called with the hostname and -1 as its arguments to see if the operation is allowed. If the operation is not allowed, it will return the textual representation of the IP address.

Specified by:
getHostName in interface Session
the host name for this IP address, or if the operation is not allowed by the security check, the textual representation of the IP address.
UnknownHostException - if IP address of host could not be determined.
See Also:
InetAddress.getCanonicalHostName(), SecurityManager.checkConnect(java.lang.String, int)


public String toString()
toString in class Object


protected static int[] decodeVersion(String version)


public boolean isUsingSelfSignedCertificate()
Returns true if the other peer of this session presented a self-signed certificate. When using self-signed certificate for server-2-server sessions then SASL EXTERNAL will not be used and instead server-dialback will be preferred for vcerifying the identify of the remote server.

true if the other peer of this session presented a self-signed certificate.

Openfire 3.6.4 Javadoc

Copyright © 2003-2008 Jive Software.