Openfire 3.6.4 Javadoc

Package org.jivesoftware.openfire.http

Interface Summary
SessionListener Listens for HTTP binding session events.

Class Summary
FlashCrossDomainServlet Serves up the flash cross domain xml file which allows other domains to access http-binding using flash.
HttpBindServlet Servlet which handles requests to the HTTP binding service.
HttpConnection Represents one HTTP connection with a client using the HTTP Binding service.
HttpSession A session represents a serious of interactions with an XMPP client sending packets using the HTTP Binding protocol specified in XEP-0124.
HttpSession.HttpVirtualConnection A virtual server connection relates to a http session which its self can relate to many http connections.
HttpSessionManager Manages sessions for all users connecting to Openfire using the HTTP binding protocal, XEP-0124.
ResourceServlet Combines and serves resources, such as javascript or css files.

Enum Summary
BoshBindingError An enum defining all errors which can happen during a BOSH session.

Exception Summary
HttpConnectionClosedException This exception is thrown when an action attempted on the connection to the client but the connection has been closed.

Openfire 3.6.4 Javadoc

Copyright © 2003-2008 Jive Software.