Openfire 3.5.0 Javadoc
Class SocketReader

  extended by
All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:

public abstract class SocketReader
extends Object
implements Runnable

A SocketReader creates the appropriate Session based on the defined namespace in the stream element and will then keep reading and routing the received packets.

Gaston Dombiak

Field Summary
protected  SocketConnection connection
          Reference to the physical connection.
protected  boolean open
protected  String serverName
          Server name for which we are attending clients.
protected  LocalSession session
          Session associated with the socket reader.
Constructor Summary
SocketReader(PacketRouter router, RoutingTable routingTable, String serverName, Socket socket, SocketConnection connection, boolean useBlockingMode)
          Creates a dedicated reader for a socket.
Method Summary
protected  void createSession()
          Uses the XPP to grab the opening stream tag and create an active session object.
protected  void process(org.dom4j.Element doc)
protected  void processIQ(IQ packet)
          Process the received IQ packet.
protected  void processMessage(Message packet)
          Process the received Message packet.
protected  void processPresence(Presence packet)
          Process the received Presence packet.
 void run()
          A dedicated thread loop for reading the stream and sending incoming packets to the appropriate router.
protected  void shutdown()
          Notification message indicating that the SocketReader is shutting down.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected LocalSession session
Session associated with the socket reader.


protected SocketConnection connection
Reference to the physical connection.


protected String serverName
Server name for which we are attending clients.


protected boolean open
Constructor Detail


public SocketReader(PacketRouter router,
                    RoutingTable routingTable,
                    String serverName,
                    Socket socket,
                    SocketConnection connection,
                    boolean useBlockingMode)
Creates a dedicated reader for a socket.

router - the router for sending packets that were read.
routingTable - the table that keeps routes to registered services.
serverName - the name of the server this socket is working for.
socket - the socket to read from.
connection - the connection being read.
useBlockingMode - true means that the server will use a thread per connection.
Method Detail


public void run()
A dedicated thread loop for reading the stream and sending incoming packets to the appropriate router.

Specified by:
run in interface Runnable


protected void process(org.dom4j.Element doc)
                throws Exception


protected void processIQ(IQ packet)
                  throws UnauthorizedException
Process the received IQ packet. Registered PacketInterceptor will be invoked before and after the packet was routed.

Subclasses may redefine this method for different reasons such as modifying the sender of the packet to avoid spoofing, rejecting the packet or even process the packet in another thread.

packet - the received packet.
UnauthorizedException - if the connection required security but was not secured.


protected void processPresence(Presence packet)
                        throws UnauthorizedException
Process the received Presence packet. Registered PacketInterceptor will be invoked before and after the packet was routed.

Subclasses may redefine this method for different reasons such as modifying the sender of the packet to avoid spoofing, rejecting the packet or even process the packet in another thread.

packet - the received packet.
UnauthorizedException - if the connection required security but was not secured.


protected void processMessage(Message packet)
                       throws UnauthorizedException
Process the received Message packet. Registered PacketInterceptor will be invoked before and after the packet was routed.

Subclasses may redefine this method for different reasons such as modifying the sender of the packet to avoid spoofing, rejecting the packet or even process the packet in another thread.

packet - the received packet.
UnauthorizedException - if the connection required security but was not secured.


protected void createSession()
                      throws UnauthorizedException,
Uses the XPP to grab the opening stream tag and create an active session object. The session to create will depend on the sent namespace. In all cases, the method obtains the opening stream tag, checks for errors, and either creates a session or returns an error and kills the connection. If the connection remains open, the XPP will be set to be ready for the first packet. A call to next() should result in an START_TAG state with the first packet in the stream.

UnauthorizedException - if the connection required security but was not secured.
org.xmlpull.v1.XmlPullParserException - if there was an XML error while creating the session.
IOException - if an IO error occured while creating the session.


protected void shutdown()
Notification message indicating that the SocketReader is shutting down. The thread will stop reading and processing new requests. Subclasses may want to redefine this message for releasing any resource they might need.

Openfire 3.5.0 Javadoc

Copyright © 2003-2007 Jive Software.