Openfire 3.4.3 Javadoc

Class LdapManager

  extended by org.jivesoftware.openfire.ldap.LdapManager

public class LdapManager
extends Object

Centralized administration of LDAP connections. The getInstance() method should be used to get an instace. The following properties configure this manager:

Matt Tucker

Constructor Summary
LdapManager(Map<String,String> properties)
          Constructs a new LdapManager instance.
Method Summary
 boolean checkAuthentication(String userDN, String password)
          Returns true if the user is able to successfully authenticate against the LDAP server.
 String findUserDN(String username)
          Finds a user's dn using their username.
 String findUserDN(String username, String baseDN)
          Finds a user's dn using their username in the specified baseDN.
 String getAdminDN()
          Returns the starting admin DN that searches for admins will performed with.
 String getAdminPassword()
          Returns the starting admin DN that searches for admins will performed with.
 String getAlternateBaseDN()
          Returns the alternate starting DN that searches for users will performed with.
 String getBaseDN()
          Returns the starting DN that searches for users will performed with.
 LdapContext getContext()
          Returns a DirContext for the LDAP server that can be used to perform lookups and searches using the default base DN.
 LdapContext getContext(String baseDN)
          Returns a DirContext for the LDAP server that can be used to perform lookups and searches using the specified base DN.
 String getEmailField()
          Returns the LDAP field name that the user's email address is stored in.
 String getGroupDescriptionField()
          Return the field used to describe a group.
 String getGroupMemberField()
          Return the field used to list members within a group.
 String getGroupNameField()
          Returns the field name used for groups.
 String getGroupSearchFilter()
          Returns the filter used for searching the directory for groups, which includes the default filter plus any custom-defined search filter.
 Collection<String> getHosts()
          Returns the LDAP servers hosts; e.g.
static LdapManager getInstance()
          Provides singleton access to an instance of the LdapManager class.
 String getNameField()
          Returns the LDAP field name that the user's name is stored in.
 int getPort()
          Returns the LDAP server port number.
 String getSearchFilter()
          Returns the filter used for searching the directory for users, which includes the default filter (username field search) plus any custom-defined search filter.
 String getUsernameField()
          Returns the LDAP field name that the username lookup will be performed on.
 String getUsernameSuffix()
          Returns the suffix appended to the username when LDAP lookups are performed.
 String getUsersBaseDN(String username)
          Returns the BaseDN for the given username.
 boolean isConnectionPoolEnabled()
          Returns whether an LDAP connection pool should be used or not.
 boolean isDebugEnabled()
          Returns true if LDAP connection debugging is turned on.
 boolean isFollowReferralsEnabled()
          Returns true if LDAP referrals will automatically be followed when found.
 boolean isPosixMode()
          Return true if the LDAP server is operating in Posix mode.
 boolean isSslEnabled()
          Returns true if LDAP connection is via SSL or not.
 boolean isSubTreeSearch()
          Returns true if the entire tree under the base DN will be searched (recursive search) when doing LDAP queries (finding users, groups, etc).
 void setAdminDN(String adminDN)
          Sets the starting admin DN that searches for admins will performed with.
 void setAdminPassword(String adminPassword)
          Sets the admin password for the LDAP server we're connecting to.
 void setAlternateBaseDN(String alternateBaseDN)
          Sets the alternate starting DN that searches for users will performed with.
 void setBaseDN(String baseDN)
          Sets the starting DN that searches for users will performed with.
 void setConnectionPoolEnabled(boolean connectionPoolEnabled)
          Sets whether an LDAP connection pool should be used or not.
 void setDebugEnabled(boolean debugEnabled)
          Sets whether LDAP connection debugging is turned on.
 void setEmailField(String emailField)
          Sets the LDAP field name that the user's email address is stored in.
 void setFollowReferralsEnabled(boolean followReferrals)
          Sets whether LDAP referrals should be automatically followed.
 void setGroupDescriptionField(String groupDescriptionField)
          Sets the field used to describe a group.
 void setGroupMemberField(String groupMemberField)
          Sets the field used to list members within a group.
 void setGroupNameField(String groupNameField)
          Sets the field name used for groups.
 void setGroupSearchFilter(String groupSearchFilter)
          Sets the search filter appended to the default filter when searching for groups.
 void setHosts(Collection<String> hosts)
          Sets the list of LDAP servers host; e.g., localhost or, etc.
 void setNameField(String nameField)
          Sets the LDAP field name that the user's name is stored in.
 void setPort(int port)
          Sets the LDAP server port number.
 void setPosixMode(boolean posixMode)
          Sets whether the LDAP server is operating in Posix mode.
 void setSearchFilter(String searchFilter)
          Sets the search filter appended to the default filter when searching for users.
 void setSslEnabled(boolean sslEnabled)
          Sets whether the connection to the LDAP server should be made via ssl or not.
 void setSubTreeSearch(boolean subTreeSearch)
          Sets whether the entire tree under the base DN will be searched (recursive search) when doing LDAP queries (finding users, groups, etc).
 void setUsernameField(String usernameField)
          Sets the LDAP field name that the username lookup will be performed on.
 void setUsernameSuffix(String usernameSuffix)
          Set the suffix appended to the username whenever LDAP lookups are performed.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public LdapManager(Map<String,String> properties)
Constructs a new LdapManager instance. Typically, getInstance() should be called instead of this method. LdapManager instances should only be created directly for testing purposes.

properties - the Map that contains properties used by the LDAP manager, such as LDAP host and base DN.
Method Detail


public static LdapManager getInstance()
Provides singleton access to an instance of the LdapManager class.

an LdapManager instance.


public LdapContext getContext()
                       throws NamingException
Returns a DirContext for the LDAP server that can be used to perform lookups and searches using the default base DN. The alternate DN will be used in case there is a NamingException using base DN. The context uses the admin login that is defined by adminDN and adminPassword.

a connection to the LDAP server.
NamingException - if there is an error making the LDAP connection.


public LdapContext getContext(String baseDN)
                       throws NamingException
Returns a DirContext for the LDAP server that can be used to perform lookups and searches using the specified base DN. The context uses the admin login that is defined by adminDN and adminPassword.

baseDN - the base DN to use for the context.
a connection to the LDAP server.
NamingException - if there is an error making the LDAP connection.


public boolean checkAuthentication(String userDN,
                                   String password)
Returns true if the user is able to successfully authenticate against the LDAP server. The "simple" authentication protocol is used.

userDN - the user's dn to authenticate (relative to baseDN).
password - the user's password.
true if the user successfully authenticates.


public String findUserDN(String username)
                  throws Exception
Finds a user's dn using their username. Normally, this search will be performed using the field "uid", but this can be changed by setting the usernameField property.

Searches are performed over all subtrees relative to the baseDN. If the search fails in the baseDN then another search will be performed in the alternateBaseDN. For example, if the baseDN is "o=jivesoftware, o=com" and we do a search for "mtucker", then we might find a userDN of "uid=mtucker,ou=People". This kind of searching is a good thing since it doesn't make the assumption that all user records are stored in a flat structure. However, it does add the requirement that "uid" field (or the other field specified) must be unique over the entire subtree from the baseDN. For example, it's entirely possible to create two dn's in your LDAP directory with the same uid: "uid=mtucker,ou=People" and "uid=mtucker,ou=Administrators". In such a case, it's not possible to uniquely identify a user, so this method will throw an error.

The dn that's returned is relative to the default baseDN.

username - the username to lookup the dn for.
the dn associated with username.
Exception - if the search for the dn fails.


public String findUserDN(String username,
                         String baseDN)
                  throws Exception
Finds a user's dn using their username in the specified baseDN. Normally, this search will be performed using the field "uid", but this can be changed by setting the usernameField property.

Searches are performed over all sub-trees relative to the baseDN unless sub-tree searching has been disabled. For example, if the baseDN is "o=jivesoftware, o=com" and we do a search for "mtucker", then we might find a userDN of "uid=mtucker,ou=People". This kind of searching is a good thing since it doesn't make the assumption that all user records are stored in a flat structure. However, it does add the requirement that "uid" field (or the other field specified) must be unique over the entire subtree from the baseDN. For example, it's entirely possible to create two dn's in your LDAP directory with the same uid: "uid=mtucker,ou=People" and "uid=mtucker,ou=Administrators". In such a case, it's not possible to uniquely identify a user, so this method will throw an error.

The DN that's returned is relative to the baseDN.

username - the username to lookup the dn for.
baseDN - the base DN to use for this search.
the dn associated with username.
Exception - if the search for the dn fails.
See Also:
to search using the default baseDN and alternateBaseDN.


public Collection<String> getHosts()
Returns the LDAP servers hosts; e.g. localhost or, etc. This value is stored as the Jive Property

the LDAP server host name.


public void setHosts(Collection<String> hosts)
Sets the list of LDAP servers host; e.g., localhost or, etc. This value is store as the Jive Property using a comma as a delimiter for each host.

Note that all LDAP servers have to share the same configuration.

hosts - the LDAP servers host names.


public int getPort()
Returns the LDAP server port number. The default is 389. This value is stored as the Jive Property ldap.port.

the LDAP server port number.


public void setPort(int port)
Sets the LDAP server port number. The default is 389. This value is stored as the Jive property ldap.port.

port - the LDAP server port number.


public boolean isDebugEnabled()
Returns true if LDAP connection debugging is turned on. When on, trace information about BER buffers sent and received by the LDAP provider is written to System.out. Debugging is turned off by default.

true if LDAP debugging is turned on.


public void setDebugEnabled(boolean debugEnabled)
Sets whether LDAP connection debugging is turned on. When on, trace information about BER buffers sent and received by the LDAP provider is written to System.out. Debugging is turned off by default.

debugEnabled - true if debugging should be turned on.


public boolean isSslEnabled()
Returns true if LDAP connection is via SSL or not. SSL is turned off by default.

true if SSL connections are enabled or not.


public void setSslEnabled(boolean sslEnabled)
Sets whether the connection to the LDAP server should be made via ssl or not.

sslEnabled - true if ssl should be enabled, false otherwise.


public String getUsernameField()
Returns the LDAP field name that the username lookup will be performed on. By default this is "uid".

the LDAP field that the username lookup will be performed on.


public String getUsernameSuffix()
Returns the suffix appended to the username when LDAP lookups are performed. By default this is "".


public void setUsernameField(String usernameField)
Sets the LDAP field name that the username lookup will be performed on. By default this is "uid".

usernameField - the LDAP field that the username lookup will be performed on.


public void setUsernameSuffix(String usernameSuffix)
Set the suffix appended to the username whenever LDAP lookups are performed.

usernameSuffix - the String to append to usernames for lookups


public String getNameField()
Returns the LDAP field name that the user's name is stored in. By default this is "cn". Another common value is "displayName".

the LDAP field that that corresponds to the user's name.


public void setNameField(String nameField)
Sets the LDAP field name that the user's name is stored in. By default this is "cn". Another common value is "displayName".

nameField - the LDAP field that that corresponds to the user's name.


public String getEmailField()
Returns the LDAP field name that the user's email address is stored in. By default this is "mail".

the LDAP field that that corresponds to the user's email address.


public void setEmailField(String emailField)
Sets the LDAP field name that the user's email address is stored in. By default this is "mail".

emailField - the LDAP field that that corresponds to the user's email address.


public String getBaseDN()
Returns the starting DN that searches for users will performed with. Searches will performed on the entire sub-tree under the base DN.

the starting DN used for performing searches.


public void setBaseDN(String baseDN)
Sets the starting DN that searches for users will performed with. Searches will performed on the entire sub-tree under the base DN.

baseDN - the starting DN used for performing searches.


public String getAlternateBaseDN()
Returns the alternate starting DN that searches for users will performed with. Searches will performed on the entire sub-tree under the alternate base DN after they are performed on the main base DN.

the alternate starting DN used for performing searches. If no alternate DN is set, this method will return null.


public void setAlternateBaseDN(String alternateBaseDN)
Sets the alternate starting DN that searches for users will performed with. Searches will performed on the entire sub-tree under the alternate base DN after they are performed on the main base dn.

alternateBaseDN - the alternate starting DN used for performing searches.


public String getUsersBaseDN(String username)
Returns the BaseDN for the given username.

username - username to return its base DN.
the BaseDN for the given username. If no baseDN is found, this method will return null.


public String getAdminDN()
Returns the starting admin DN that searches for admins will performed with. Searches will performed on the entire sub-tree under the admin DN.

the starting DN used for performing searches.


public void setAdminDN(String adminDN)
Sets the starting admin DN that searches for admins will performed with. Searches will performed on the entire sub-tree under the admins DN.

adminDN - the starting DN used for performing admin searches.


public String getAdminPassword()
Returns the starting admin DN that searches for admins will performed with. Searches will performed on the entire sub-tree under the admin DN.

the starting DN used for performing searches.


public void setAdminPassword(String adminPassword)
Sets the admin password for the LDAP server we're connecting to.

adminPassword - the admin password for the LDAP server we're connecting to.


public void setConnectionPoolEnabled(boolean connectionPoolEnabled)
Sets whether an LDAP connection pool should be used or not.

connectionPoolEnabled - true if an LDAP connection pool should be used.


public boolean isConnectionPoolEnabled()
Returns whether an LDAP connection pool should be used or not.

true if an LDAP connection pool should be used.


public String getSearchFilter()
Returns the filter used for searching the directory for users, which includes the default filter (username field search) plus any custom-defined search filter.

the search filter.


public void setSearchFilter(String searchFilter)
Sets the search filter appended to the default filter when searching for users.

searchFilter - the search filter appended to the default filter when searching for users.


public boolean isSubTreeSearch()
Returns true if the entire tree under the base DN will be searched (recursive search) when doing LDAP queries (finding users, groups, etc). When false, only a single level under the base DN will be searched. The default is true which is the best option for most LDAP setups. In only a few cases will the directory be setup in such a way that it's better to do single level searching.

true if the entire tree under the base DN will be searched.


public void setSubTreeSearch(boolean subTreeSearch)
Sets whether the entire tree under the base DN will be searched (recursive search) when doing LDAP queries (finding users, groups, etc). When false, only a single level under the base DN will be searched. The default is true which is the best option for most LDAP setups. In only a few cases will the directory be setup in such a way that it's better to do single level searching.

subTreeSearch - true if the entire tree under the base DN will be searched.


public boolean isFollowReferralsEnabled()
Returns true if LDAP referrals will automatically be followed when found.

true if LDAP referrals are automatically followed.


public void setFollowReferralsEnabled(boolean followReferrals)
Sets whether LDAP referrals should be automatically followed.

followReferrals - true if LDAP referrals should be automatically followed.


public String getGroupNameField()
Returns the field name used for groups. Value of groupNameField defaults to "cn".

the field used for groups.


public void setGroupNameField(String groupNameField)
Sets the field name used for groups.

groupNameField - the field used for groups.


public String getGroupMemberField()
Return the field used to list members within a group. Value of groupMemberField defaults to "member".

the field used to list members within a group.


public void setGroupMemberField(String groupMemberField)
Sets the field used to list members within a group. Value of groupMemberField defaults to "member".

groupMemberField - the field used to list members within a group.


public String getGroupDescriptionField()
Return the field used to describe a group. Value of groupDescriptionField defaults to "description".

the field used to describe a group.


public void setGroupDescriptionField(String groupDescriptionField)
Sets the field used to describe a group. Value of groupDescriptionField defaults to "description".

groupDescriptionField - the field used to describe a group.


public boolean isPosixMode()
Return true if the LDAP server is operating in Posix mode. By default false is returned. When in Posix mode, users are stored within a group by their username alone. When not enabled, users are stored in a group using their entire DN.

true if posix mode is being used by the LDAP server.


public void setPosixMode(boolean posixMode)
Sets whether the LDAP server is operating in Posix mode. When in Posix mode, users are stored within a group by their username alone. When not enabled, users are stored in a group using their entire DN.

posixMode - true if posix mode is being used by the LDAP server.


public String getGroupSearchFilter()
Returns the filter used for searching the directory for groups, which includes the default filter plus any custom-defined search filter.

the search filter when searching for groups.


public void setGroupSearchFilter(String groupSearchFilter)
Sets the search filter appended to the default filter when searching for groups.

groupSearchFilter - the search filter appended to the default filter when searching for groups.

Openfire 3.4.3 Javadoc

Copyright © 2003-2007 Jive Software.