Package org.jivesoftware.smack.util
Utility classes.
Interface Summary Interface Description CallbackRecipient<V,E> CollectionUtil.Predicate<T> Consumer<T> DefaultCharSequence EqualsUtil.EqualsComperator<T> EventManger.Callback<E extends java.lang.Exception> ExceptionCallback<E> Function<R,T> HashCode.Calculator Predicate<T> ReaderListener Interface that allows for implementing classes to listen for string reading events.SslContextFactory SuccessCallback<T> Supplier<T> WriterListener Interface that allows for implementing classes to listen for string writing events. -
Class Summary Class Description ArrayBlockingQueueWithShutdown<E> Like ArrayBlockingQueue but with additionalArrayBlockingQueueWithShutdown.shutdown()
methods.ArrayBlockingQueueWithShutdown.TryTakeResult<E> Async Async.ThrowingRunnable LikeRunnable
, but allows therunOrThrow()
method to throw an exception.BooleansUtils ByteUtils CleaningWeakReferenceMap<K,V> Extends aHashMap
values, so that weak references which have been cleared are periodically removed from the map.CloseableUtil CollectionUtil DNSUtil Utility class to perform DNS lookups for XMPP services.EqualsUtil EqualsUtil.Builder EventManger<K,R,E extends java.lang.Exception> The event manager class is used to perform actions and wait for an event, which is usually caused by the action (or maybe never occurs).ExceptionUtil ExtendedAppendable FileUtils HashCode HashCode.Builder HashCode.Cache InternetAddress An internet address, can be given as IP or as DNS name.InternetAddress.DomainName InternetAddress.DomainNameLabel InternetAddress.InvalidDomainName InternetAddress.Ipv4 InternetAddress.Ipv6 LazyStringBuilder MAC MD5 MultiMap<K,V> A lightweight implementation of a MultiMap, that is a Map that is able to hold multiple values for every key.NumberUtil Objects ObservableReader An ObservableReader is a wrapper on a Reader that notifies to its listeners when reading character streams.ObservableWriter An ObservableWriter is a wrapper on a Writer that notifies to its listeners when writing to character streams.OutputStreamUtil PacketParserUtils Utility class that helps to parse packets.PacketUtil Pair<F,S> ParserUtils RandomUtil SecurityUtil SHA1 StringUtils A collection of utility methods for String objects.SystemUtil TLSUtils TLSUtils.AcceptAllTrustManager AX509TrustManager
that doesn't validate X.509 certificates.ToStringUtil ToStringUtil.Builder UTF8 XmlStringBuilder XmlUtil XmppElementUtil -
Enum Summary Enum Description ArrayBlockingQueueWithShutdown.TryPutResult ArrayBlockingQueueWithShutdown.TryTakeResultCode