Package org.jivesoftware.smack.filter
and StanzaListener
instances to filter for stanzas with particular attributes.-
Interface Summary Interface Description StanzaFilter Defines a way to filter stanzas for particular attributes. -
Class Summary Class Description AbstractExactJidTypeFilter AbstractFromToMatchesFilter AbstractJidTypeFilter AbstractListFilter AbstractPossibleJidTypeFilter AndFilter Implements the logical AND operation over two or more stanza filters.EmptyToMatcher ExtensionElementFilter<E extends ExtensionElement> FlexibleStanzaTypeFilter<S extends Stanza> Filters for stanzas of a particular type and allows a custom method to further filter the packets.FromMatchesFilter Filter for packets where the "from" field exactly matches a specified JID.FromTypeFilter IQReplyFilter Filters for packets which are a valid reply to an IQ request.IQResultReplyFilter IQTypeFilter A filter for IQ stanza types.MessageTypeFilter Filters for packets of a specific type of Message (e.g.MessageWithBodiesFilter Filters message stanzas which have at least one body.MessageWithSubjectFilter Filters message stanzas which have at least one body.MessageWithThreadFilter Filters message stanzas which have at least one body.NotFilter Implements the logical NOT operation on a stanza filter.OrFilter Implements the logical OR operation over two or more stanza filters.PossibleFromTypeFilter PossibleToTypeFilter PresenceTypeFilter A filter for Presence types.StanzaExtensionFilter Filters for stanzas with a particular type of stanza extension.StanzaIdFilter Filters for Stanzas with a particular stanza ID.StanzaTypeFilter Filters for Stanzas of a particular type.ThreadFilter Filters for message packets with a particular thread value.ToMatchesFilter ToTypeFilter -
Enum Summary Enum Description AbstractJidTypeFilter.JidType