 * Copyright 2003-2007 Jive Software.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package org.jivesoftware.smack.packet;

import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;

import javax.xml.namespace.QName;

import org.jivesoftware.smack.util.Objects;
import org.jivesoftware.smack.util.XmlStringBuilder;

 * The base IQ (Info/Query) packet. IQ packets are used to get and set information
 * on the server, including authentication, roster operations, and creating
 * accounts. Each IQ stanza has a specific type that indicates what type of action
 * is being taken: "get", "set", "result", or "error".<p>
 * IQ packets can contain a single child element that exists in a specific XML
 * namespace. The combination of the element name and namespace determines what
 * type of IQ stanza it is. Some example IQ subpacket snippets:<ul>
 *  <li>&lt;query xmlns="jabber:iq:auth"&gt; -- an authentication IQ.
 *  <li>&lt;query xmlns="jabber:iq:private"&gt; -- a private storage IQ.
 *  <li>&lt;pubsub xmlns=""&gt; -- a pubsub IQ.
 * </ul>
 * @author Matt Tucker
public abstract class IQ extends Stanza implements IqView {

    // Don't name this field 'ELEMENT'. When it comes to IQ, ELEMENT is the child element!
    public static final String IQ_ELEMENT = "iq";
    public static final String QUERY_ELEMENT = "query";

    private final QName childElementQName;
    private final String childElementName;
    private final String childElementNamespace;

    private Type type = Type.get;

    protected IQ(IQ iq) {
        type = iq.getType();
        this.childElementName = iq.childElementName;
        this.childElementNamespace = iq.childElementNamespace;
        this.childElementQName = iq.childElementQName;

    // TODO: Deprecate when stanza builder is ready.
    protected IQ(String childElementName, String childElementNamespace) {
        this(IqData.EMPTY, childElementName, childElementNamespace);

    protected IQ(AbstractIqBuilder<?> iqBuilder, String childElementName, String childElementNamespace) {

        type = iqBuilder.type;

        this.childElementName = childElementName;
        this.childElementNamespace = childElementNamespace;
        if (childElementName == null) {
            childElementQName = null;
        } else {
            childElementQName = new QName(childElementNamespace, childElementName);

    public Type getType() {
        return type;

     * Sets the type of the IQ packet.
     * <p>
     * Since the type of an IQ must present, an IllegalArgmentException will be thrown when type is
     * <code>null</code>.
     * </p>
     * @param type the type of the IQ packet.
    // TODO: Mark this as deprecated once StanzaBuilder is ready and all call sites are gone.
    public void setType(Type type) {
        this.type = Objects.requireNonNull(type, "type must not be null");

     * Return true if this IQ is a request IQ, i.e. an IQ of type {@link Type#get} or {@link Type#set}.
     * @return true if IQ type is 'get' or 'set', false otherwise.
     * @since 4.1
    public boolean isRequestIQ() {
        switch (type) {
        case get:
        case set:
            return true;
            return false;

     * Return true if this IQ is a request, i.e. an IQ of type {@link Type#result} or {@link Type#error}.
     * @return true if IQ type is 'result' or 'error', false otherwise.
     * @since 4.4
    public boolean isResponseIQ() {
        return !isRequestIQ();

    public final QName getChildElementQName() {
        return childElementQName;

    public final String getChildElementName() {
        return childElementName;

    public final String getChildElementNamespace() {
        return childElementNamespace;

    public final String getElementName() {
        return IQ_ELEMENT;

    public final String toString() {
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
            sb.append("IQ Stanza (");
            sb.append(getChildElementName()).append(' ').append(getChildElementNamespace());
            sb.append(") [");
            return sb.toString();

    public final XmlStringBuilder toXML(XmlEnvironment enclosingXmlEnvironment) {
        XmlStringBuilder buf = new XmlStringBuilder(this, enclosingXmlEnvironment);
        if (type == null) {
            buf.attribute("type", "get");
        else {
            buf.attribute("type", type.toString());
        return buf;

     * Returns the sub-element XML section of the IQ packet, or the empty String if there
     * isn't one.
     * @return the child element section of the IQ XML.
    // TODO: This method should not be part of the public API as it is mostly used for testing purposes, with the one
    // exception of AdHocCommand.getRaw().
    public final XmlStringBuilder getChildElementXML() {
        XmlStringBuilder xml = new XmlStringBuilder();
        return xml;

     * Append the sub-element XML section of the IQ stanza.
     * @param xml the XmlStringBuilder to append to.
    private void appendInnerXml(XmlStringBuilder xml) {
        if (type == Type.error) {
            // Add the error sub-packet, if there is one.
        if (childElementName == null) {

        // Add the query section if there is one.
        IQChildElementXmlStringBuilder iqChildElement = getIQChildElementBuilder(
                        new IQChildElementXmlStringBuilder(getChildElementName(), getChildElementNamespace(), null, xml.getXmlEnvironment()));
        // TOOD: Document the cases where iqChildElement is null but childElementName not. And if there are none, change
        // the logic.
        if (iqChildElement == null) {


        List<ExtensionElement> extensionsXml = getExtensions();
        if (iqChildElement.isEmptyElement) {
            if (extensionsXml.isEmpty()) {



     * This method must be overwritten by IQ subclasses to create their child content. It is important you don't use the builder
     * <b>to add the final end tag</b>. This will be done automatically by {@link IQChildElementXmlStringBuilder}
     * after eventual existing {@link ExtensionElement}s have been added.
     * <p>
     * For example to create an IQ with a extra attribute and an additional child element
     * </p>
     * <pre>
     * {@code
     * <iq to='' id='123'>
     *   <bar xmlns='example:bar' extraAttribute='blaz'>
     *      <extraElement>elementText</extraElement>
     *   </bar>
     * </iq>
     * }
     * </pre>
     * the body of the {@code getIQChildElementBuilder} looks like
     * <pre>
     * {@code
     * // The builder 'xml' will already have the child element and the 'xmlns' attribute added
     * // So the current builder state is "<bar xmlns='example:bar'"
     * xml.attribute("extraAttribute", "blaz");
     * xml.rightAngleBracket();
     * xml.element("extraElement", "elementText");
     * // Do not close the 'bar' attribute by calling xml.closeElement('bar')
     * }
     * </pre>
     * If your IQ only contains attributes and no child elements, i.e. it can be represented as empty element, then you
     * can mark it as such.
     * <pre>
     * xml.attribute(&quot;myAttribute&quot;, &quot;myAttributeValue&quot;);
     * xml.setEmptyElement();
     * </pre>
     * If your IQ does not contain any attributes or child elements (besides {@link ExtensionElement}s), consider sub-classing
     * {@link SimpleIQ} instead.
     * @param xml a pre-created builder which already has the child element and the 'xmlns' attribute set.
     * @return the build to create the IQ child content.
    protected abstract IQChildElementXmlStringBuilder getIQChildElementBuilder(IQChildElementXmlStringBuilder xml);

     * Convenience method to create a new empty {@link Type#result IQ.Type.result}
     * IQ based on a {@link Type#get IQ.Type.get} or {@link Type#set IQ.Type.set}
     * IQ. The new stanza will be initialized with:<ul>
     *      <li>The sender set to the recipient of the originating IQ.
     *      <li>The recipient set to the sender of the originating IQ.
     *      <li>The type set to {@link Type#result IQ.Type.result}.
     *      <li>The id set to the id of the originating IQ.
     *      <li>No child element of the IQ element.
     * </ul>
     * @param request the {@link Type#get IQ.Type.get} or {@link Type#set IQ.Type.set} IQ packet.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the IQ stanza does not have a type of
     *      {@link Type#get IQ.Type.get} or {@link Type#set IQ.Type.set}.
     * @return a new {@link Type#result IQ.Type.result} IQ based on the originating IQ.
    public static IQ createResultIQ(final IQ request) {
        return new EmptyResultIQ(request);

     * Convenience method to create a new {@link Type#error IQ.Type.error} IQ
     * based on a {@link Type#get IQ.Type.get} or {@link Type#set IQ.Type.set}
     * IQ. The new stanza will be initialized with:<ul>
     *      <li>The sender set to the recipient of the originating IQ.
     *      <li>The recipient set to the sender of the originating IQ.
     *      <li>The type set to {@link Type#error IQ.Type.error}.
     *      <li>The id set to the id of the originating IQ.
     *      <li>The child element contained in the associated originating IQ.
     *      <li>The provided {@link StanzaError XMPPError}.
     * </ul>
     * @param request the {@link Type#get IQ.Type.get} or {@link Type#set IQ.Type.set} IQ packet.
     * @param error the error to associate with the created IQ packet.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the IQ stanza does not have a type of
     *      {@link Type#get IQ.Type.get} or {@link Type#set IQ.Type.set}.
     * @return a new {@link Type#error IQ.Type.error} IQ based on the originating IQ.
    public static ErrorIQ createErrorResponse(final IQ request, final StanzaError error) {
        if (!request.isRequestIQ()) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                    "IQ must be of type 'set' or 'get'. Original IQ: " + request.toXML());
        final ErrorIQ result = new ErrorIQ(error);

        return result;

     * Deprecated.
     * @param request the request.
     * @param error the error.
     * @return an error IQ.
     * @deprecated use {@link #createErrorResponse(IQ, StanzaError)} instead.
    // TODO: Remove in Smack 4.5.
    public static ErrorIQ createErrorResponse(final IQ request, final StanzaError.Builder error) {
        return createErrorResponse(request,;

    public static ErrorIQ createErrorResponse(final IQ request, final StanzaError.Condition condition) {
        return createErrorResponse(request, StanzaError.getBuilder(condition).build());

     * A enum to represent the type of the IQ stanza.
    public enum Type {

         * The IQ stanza requests information, inquires about what data is needed in order to complete further operations, etc.

         * The IQ stanza provides data that is needed for an operation to be completed, sets new values, replaces existing values, etc.

         * The IQ stanza is a response to a successful get or set request.

         * The IQ stanza reports an error that has occurred regarding processing or delivery of a get or set request.

         * Converts a String into the corresponding types. Valid String values
         * that can be converted to types are: "get", "set", "result", and "error".
         * @param string the String value to covert.
         * @return the corresponding Type.
         * @throws IllegalArgumentException when not able to parse the string parameter
         * @throws NullPointerException if the string is null
        public static Type fromString(String string) {
            return Type.valueOf(string.toLowerCase(Locale.US));

    public enum ResponseType {




        final Type type;

        ResponseType(Type type) {
            this.type = type;

        Type getType() {
            return type;

    public static class IQChildElementXmlStringBuilder extends XmlStringBuilder {
        private final String element;

        private boolean isEmptyElement;

        public IQChildElementXmlStringBuilder(ExtensionElement extensionElement,
                        XmlEnvironment enclosingXmlEnvironment) {
            this(extensionElement.getElementName(), extensionElement.getNamespace(), extensionElement.getLanguage(),

        private IQChildElementXmlStringBuilder(String elementName, String xmlNs, String xmlLang,
                        XmlEnvironment enclosingXmlEnvironment) {
            super(elementName, xmlNs, xmlLang, enclosingXmlEnvironment);
            this.element = elementName;

        public void setEmptyElement() {
            isEmptyElement = true;