002 *
003 * Copyright the original author or authors
004 *
005 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
006 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
007 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
008 *
009 *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
010 *
011 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
012 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
013 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
014 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
015 * limitations under the License.
016 */
017package org.jivesoftware.smack.provider;
019import java.io.InputStream;
020import java.util.Collection;
021import java.util.Collections;
022import java.util.LinkedList;
023import java.util.List;
024import java.util.logging.Level;
025import java.util.logging.Logger;
027import org.jivesoftware.smack.packet.IQ;
028import org.jivesoftware.smack.packet.ExtensionElement;
029import org.xmlpull.v1.XmlPullParserFactory;
030import org.xmlpull.v1.XmlPullParser;
033 * Loads the {@link IQProvider} and {@link ExtensionElementProvider} information from a standard provider file in preparation 
034 * for loading into the {@link ProviderManager}.
035 * 
036 * @author Robin Collier
037 *
038 */
039public class ProviderFileLoader implements ProviderLoader {
040    private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(ProviderFileLoader.class.getName());
042    private final Collection<IQProviderInfo> iqProviders = new LinkedList<IQProviderInfo>();
043    private final Collection<ExtensionProviderInfo> extProviders  = new LinkedList<ExtensionProviderInfo>();
044    private final Collection<StreamFeatureProviderInfo> sfProviders = new LinkedList<StreamFeatureProviderInfo>();
046    private List<Exception> exceptions = new LinkedList<Exception>();
048    public ProviderFileLoader(InputStream providerStream) {
049        this(providerStream, ProviderFileLoader.class.getClassLoader());
050    }
052    @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
053    public ProviderFileLoader(InputStream providerStream, ClassLoader classLoader) {
054        // Load processing providers.
055        try {
056            XmlPullParser parser = XmlPullParserFactory.newInstance().newPullParser();
057            parser.setFeature(XmlPullParser.FEATURE_PROCESS_NAMESPACES, true);
058            parser.setInput(providerStream, "UTF-8");
059            int eventType = parser.getEventType();
060            do {
061                if (eventType == XmlPullParser.START_TAG) {
062                    final String typeName = parser.getName();
064                    try {
065                        if (!"smackProviders".equals(typeName)) {
066                            parser.next();
067                            parser.next();
068                            String elementName = parser.nextText();
069                            parser.next();
070                            parser.next();
071                            String namespace = parser.nextText();
072                            parser.next();
073                            parser.next();
074                            String className = parser.nextText();
076                            try {
077                                final Class<?> provider = classLoader.loadClass(className);
078                                switch (typeName) {
079                                case "iqProvider":
080                                    // Attempt to load the provider class and then create
081                                    // a new instance if it's an IQProvider. Otherwise, if it's
082                                    // an IQ class, add the class object itself, then we'll use
083                                    // reflection later to create instances of the class.
084                                    // Add the provider to the map.
085                                    if (IQProvider.class.isAssignableFrom(provider)) {
086                                        iqProviders.add(new IQProviderInfo(elementName, namespace, (IQProvider<IQ>) provider.newInstance()));
087                                    }
088                                    else {
089                                        exceptions.add(new IllegalArgumentException(className + " is not a IQProvider"));
090                                    }
091                                    break;
092                                case "extensionProvider":
093                                    // Attempt to load the provider class and then create
094                                    // a new instance if it's an ExtensionProvider. Otherwise, if it's
095                                    // a PacketExtension, add the class object itself and
096                                    // then we'll use reflection later to create instances
097                                    // of the class.
098                                    if (ExtensionElementProvider.class.isAssignableFrom(provider)) {
099                                        extProviders.add(new ExtensionProviderInfo(elementName, namespace, (ExtensionElementProvider<ExtensionElement>) provider.newInstance()));
100                                    }
101                                    else {
102                                        exceptions.add(new IllegalArgumentException(className
103                                                        + " is not a PacketExtensionProvider"));
104                                    }
105                                    break;
106                                case "streamFeatureProvider":
107                                    sfProviders.add(new StreamFeatureProviderInfo(elementName,
108                                                    namespace,
109                                                    (ExtensionElementProvider<ExtensionElement>) provider.newInstance()));
110                                    break;
111                                default:
112                                    LOGGER.warning("Unknown provider type: " + typeName);
113                                }
114                            }
115                            catch (ClassNotFoundException cnfe) {
116                                LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "Could not find provider class", cnfe);
117                                exceptions.add(cnfe);
118                            }
119                            catch (InstantiationException ie) {
120                                LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "Could not instanciate " + className, ie);
121                                exceptions.add(ie);
122                            }
123                        }
124                    }
125                    catch (IllegalArgumentException illExc) {
126                        LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "Invalid provider type found [" + typeName + "] when expecting iqProvider or extensionProvider", illExc);
127                        exceptions.add(illExc);
128                    }
129                }
130                eventType = parser.next();
131            }
132            while (eventType != XmlPullParser.END_DOCUMENT);
133        }
134        catch (Exception e){
135            LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "Unknown error occurred while parsing provider file", e);
136            exceptions.add(e);
137        }
138        finally {
139            try {
140                providerStream.close();
141            }
142            catch (Exception e) {
143                // Ignore.
144            }
145        }
146    }
148    @Override
149    public Collection<IQProviderInfo> getIQProviderInfo() {
150        return iqProviders;
151    }
153    @Override
154    public Collection<ExtensionProviderInfo> getExtensionProviderInfo() {
155        return extProviders;
156    }
158    @Override
159    public Collection<StreamFeatureProviderInfo> getStreamFeatureProviderInfo() {
160        return sfProviders;
161    }
163    public List<Exception> getLoadingExceptions() {
164        return Collections.unmodifiableList(exceptions);
165    }