
Package org.jivesoftware.smack.packet

XML packets that are part of the XMPP protocol.


Interface Summary
PacketExtension Interface to represent packet extensions.

Class Summary
Authentication Authentication packet, which can be used to login to a XMPP server as well as discover login information from the server.
Bind IQ packet used by Smack to bind a resource and to obtain the jid assigned by the server.
DefaultPacketExtension Default implementation of the PacketExtension interface.
IQ The base IQ (Info/Query) packet.
IQ.Type A class to represent the type of the IQ packet.
Message Represents XMPP message packets.
Message.Body Represents a message body, its language and the content of the message.
Message.Subject Represents a message subject, its language and the content of the subject.
Packet Base class for XMPP packets.
Presence Represents XMPP presence packets.
Privacy A Privacy IQ Packet, is used by the PrivacyListManager and PrivacyProvider to allow and block communications from other users.
PrivacyItem A privacy item acts a rule that when matched defines if a packet should be blocked or not.
PrivacyItem.PrivacyRule Privacy Rule represents the kind of action to apply.
Registration Represents registration packets.
RosterPacket Represents XMPP roster packets.
RosterPacket.Item A roster item, which consists of a JID, their name, the type of subscription, and the groups the roster item belongs to.
RosterPacket.ItemStatus The subscription status of a roster item.
Session IQ packet that will be sent to the server to establish a session.
StreamError Represents a stream error packet.
XMPPError Represents a XMPP error sub-packet.
XMPPError.Condition A class to represent predefined error conditions.

Enum Summary
Message.Type Represents the type of a message.
Presence.Mode An enum to represent the presence mode.
Presence.Type A enum to represent the presecence type.
PrivacyItem.Type Type defines if the rule is based on JIDs, roster groups or presence subscription types.
XMPPError.Type A class to represent the type of the Error.

Package org.jivesoftware.smack.packet Description

XML packets that are part of the XMPP protocol.


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