
Package org.jivesoftware.smack

Core classes of the Smack API.


Interface Summary
ConnectionEstablishedListener Interface that allows for implementing classes to listen for connection established events.
ConnectionListener Interface that allows for implementing classes to listen for connection closing events.
PacketListener Provides a mechanism to listen for packets that pass a specified filter.
RosterListener A listener that is fired any time a roster is changed or the presence of a user in the roster is changed.

Class Summary
AccountManager Allows creation and management of accounts on an XMPP server.
Chat A chat is a series of messages sent between two users.
GroupChat A GroupChat is a conversation that takes place among many users in a virtual room.
PacketCollector Provides a mechanism to collect packets into a result queue that pass a specified filter.
Roster Represents a user's roster, which is the collection of users a person receives presence updates for.
RosterEntry Each user in your roster is represented by a roster entry, which contains the user's JID and a name or nickname you assign.
RosterGroup A group of roster entries.
SmackConfiguration Represents the configuration of Smack.
SSLXMPPConnection Creates an SSL connection to a XMPP server.
XMPPConnection Creates a connection to a XMPP server.

Exception Summary
XMPPException A generic exception that is thrown when an error occurs performing an XMPP operation.

Package org.jivesoftware.smack Description

Core classes of the Smack API.


Copyright © 2003 Jive Software.